At the Bargello William Kentridge and his Paper Music

KentridgeInaugurates the seventh edition of the Florentine festival of contemporary music and visual arts the South African artist William Kentridge with his show, in the courtyard of the Bargello, on 11 September at 21.

Paper Music presents a cine-concert with an installation and ten short films, where di 4 unpublished, the result of a decade of research of William Kentridge, con Philip Miller, South African composer host of the Art Biennale 2013 and longtime collaborator of Kentridge, joining together music, teatro, dance, sculpture and drawing and investigates the relationships between the various artistic disciplines.

The autore, to the tune of Miller, will perform in a performance, in the courtyard of the Bargello Museum with a surprising scenography created for the occasion where there are picture and sound, as explained by the same Kentridge: "As a particular sound or music can make you see something in a different way and as a movie or an image or a frame from a film makes you feel the music in a different way".

The event is part of a rich program of Florence Contemporary Sounds that since September 11 continues until the day 21 with well-known names in the music, as well as classics of the twentieth century, four world premieres and first three national.

In addition to, in the exclusive London Sinfonietta, MDI Ensemble, Quartet Prometheus, all FLAME, Edison Studio, Microensemble and Real Time.

The title of this seventh edition is inspired by an essay by Andrei Tarkovsky's "Sculpting in Time", reflections on time and the perception of reality, that are offered to the public through a programming pleasant despite the character of experimentation.

For a full schedule and info:

Cecilia Latches

By the number 30 – The Year of 10/09/2014

VII Edition - "Sculpting in Time"
11 – 21 September 2014, Museo Nazionale del Bargello

Thursday 11 September at 21
Un ciné-concert di Philip Miller e William Kentridge William Kentridge, video/performer Philip Miller, music/performer Joanna Dudley, voice | Ann Masina, voice | Vincenzo Pasquariello, plan

Saturday 13 September at 21
Real time
Claudio BARONI Perpetual Motum [Italian first]
Lorenzo ROMANO Night Highway
Stefano SCODANIBBIO by Mas Lugares Quell'augellin (da Monteverdi)
Stefano GERVASONI Ricercar cromaticho post the Creed (the Frescobaldi) Francesco Filidei Consonanze extravagant (the Trabaci) | Chaconne (da Merula)
Salvatore SCIARRINO Quartet # 7
Kaija Saariaho Nymphea

Sunday 14 September at 21
Gwyn PRITCHARD Evolution
Toshio Hosokawa Hour Flowers
Thomas ADÈS Court Studies
Andrea CAVALLARI Whim of Silence II
Jonathan HARVEY The Riot

Wednesday 17 September at 21
Giulia LORUSSO Prelude / Interlude - Unity Movement [Before Absolute]
Jean BARRAQUÉ Sonata for solo violin [Italian first]
Kaija SAARIAHO Calices [Italian first]
Florian BERGMAN Exit
Francesco Filidei Ropes empty
Maurizio Azzan In Limine [Before Absolute]

Thursday, 18 September at 21
Robert Wiene, Das Cabinet des Dr.. Caligari (1920)
Mauro CARDI composition and live electronics
Luigi Ceccarelli composition and live electronics
Fabio Cifariello CIARDI composition and live electronics
Alessandro Cipriani composition and live electronics

Friday 19 September at 21
Stefano BULFON Time is a river without banks
Ivan IV Southern Studies FEDELE da Aptenodytes | II Platea non Weddell | I Tierra del Fuego
Stefano SCODANIBBIO Only connect
Salvatore SCIARRINO Four Nocturnes I live flying | II Not too Slow | III Not too Slow | IV Light live
John ZORN Carny

Saturday 20 September at 21
MDI Ensemble
Gerard Grisey Vortex Temporum
Pierluigi BILLONE Δίκη Wall [Before Absolute]

Sunday 21 September at 21
FLAME | Florence Art Music Ensemble
Conservatory of Florence
Commissions Festival in First night - video and live electronics
Francesco Filidei Texture
Michelle AGNES Double Room
Lorenzo TROIANI Underground. In shadow
Luisa Valeria CARPIGNANO Ardor
Stylianos DIMOU new job
Andrea CAVALLARI Number 14, Grey (#2)