The fontana del Porcellino Fortune House

Loggia del PorcellinoIn Florence, one of the most visited is certainly the Loggia del Porcellino, even if the real name is the Loggia del Mercato Nuovo, lodge which is located on the axis road tourist Cathedral - Palazzo Vecchio – Ponte Vecchio.

This lodge was built in the mid-'500.

It was originally intended for the sale of silk and precious objects and later the famous straw hats, while today they sell mostly leather and souvenirs.

In the niches in the corners had to be statues of famous Florentines, but only three were built in the nineteenth century: Bernardo Cennini, Michele di Lando, Giovanni Villani.

loggia porcellino 3The best-known landmark is the Fontana del Porcellino, a bronze boar seventeenth-century artist Pietro Tacca the original of which is now in the Pitti Palace, in turn copy of a Hellenistic sculpture in the Uffizi.

The popular legend says that touching the nose brings luck, as also leave a coin in the mouth after having rubbed the pig nose: if the coin falls past the grate where the water will bring good luck, otherwise no.

Frank Mariani

By the number 22 – The Year of 11/06/2014