Report Presentation 2014 International Centre of Family Studies

Centro Internazionale Studi Famiglia presentazione firenzeToscano Forum of Family Associations, Centro Internazionale Studenti Giorgio La Pira ed Ufficio Migrantes di Firenze invitano venerdì 16 January to the presentation of the Report 2014 the International Centre for Family Studies to be held at 9,30 at the Centre La Pira.

The meeting, entitled "The families facing the challenges of migration", means at the same time lay the foundation for the development of a service network of active listening to migrant families in the city.

"While we wanted arms and arrived people, is even more true that we wanted workers and families have arrived "is the expression from where Francesco Belletti, CISF Director.

L’evento, realized within the project "Integra" (The. 383/2000), aims to lay the foundation to better evaluate the possibility of offering a service in the Florentine community of active listening to migrant families. A perspective of network collaboration which involves institutions and associations, to plan, starting from the logic no longer individual but familiar with which we approach the need of the migrant: a hypothesis that, having to do with what Pope Francis has called on Lampedusa "the flesh of Christ", challenges the entire city community.

The objective of the morning, over the presentation of the Report, will be to make a stronger link to and consulted the meshes of an informal network, respectful of the initiatives that each member association plays but who wants to be characterized by the full sharing of the values ​​of solidarity and fraternity in support of the needs and the needs of migrant families. A network that enriches and enhances the resources and individual peculiarities of the participating entities in the spirit of mutual understanding and subsidiarity internal.

“This is an initiative promoted jointly by the Office for the Pastoral Care of Migrants of the diocese of Florence and the Tuscan Forum of Family Associations - commented Gianni Fini, Forum President Tuscan – the common purpose to promote the meeting and with migrant families and an easier orientation with respect to the needs and requirements. We want to encourage the development of an informal network and open to other bodies and organizations of Christian inspiration and scope ecclesial, an obviously desirable and replicable in other territories diocesan”.

"The human person is somehow defined by the city in which it is rooted: as the plant from its field. The city with its measures, its temple, its houses, its streets, its squares, its workshops, its schools, falls in some way in the definition of man! Man uprooted from the land that feeds and perfects: you have?"The logic of this historic expression, delivered more than half a century ago by the "holy mayor" Giorgio La Pira to representatives of European Municipalities, oriented between a vision and an opening administrative loving reception, seem to move the program guidelines for the promoters.

Sites and will host references and updates.

Nicola Nuti

By the number 47 - Year II 14/01/2015