Home » Posts tagged with »firenze,en,inaugurated,it,Big crowd all,it,Opening to the public of the twentieth century museum in Piazza Santa Maria Novella in Florence,it,After the cutting of the ribbon by the mayor Dario Nardella,it,visitors have poured into the,it,exhibition environments to admire the collection of approximately,it,works ordered in a chronological sense,it,thematic and interdisciplinary,it,on a path,it,A training course of,it,celebrity,en,end,so,included,en,maisie,en,Piera,es,ROME,la,stories,en,wedding,en,Big Wedding Genere,en,Justin Zackham Cast,en,Christine Ebersole Don and Ellie have been divorced for some time,it,body of,la,The procession is preparing to leave the cathedral to parade among the main Stadel Stadel Centro Storico, heading towards Piazza Santa,it,of the historic center heading,it (Page 122)

Italia Metafisica di George Tatge: 66 opere esposte fino al 22 marzo

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Italy Metaphysics of George Tate: 66 works on display until 22 March

"Italy Metaphysics" by George Tate: an exhibition of signs, symbols and sacred geometries, inspired by Italy built, marked and altered by human intervention, display until 22 March to Villa Bardini. An initiative of the Foundation Bardini Peyron Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, under the auspices of the City of Florence and the collaboration of the Regional Council of Tuscany […]

Irlanda in Festa: musica, danze e sapori d’Irlanda il 17 marzo all’Obihall

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Ireland Festival: music, dances and the flavors of Ireland 17 March to Obihall

Beers and green drapery, traditional music and dance, dishes and market. The tricolor red-white-orange back on the flagpole waving dell'Obihall of Florence for the twentieth edition of the Festival in Ireland, among the longest-lived Italian festivals dedicated to the culture and flavors of the Emerald Isle. Into the Night, and the night can not […]

Mozione in Consiglio Comunale per il Cimitero degli Animali

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Motion in the City Council for the Cemetery of the Animals

The City Council at its meeting in lunerdì last unanimously approved the motion presented by the directors PD Leonardo Bieber, Fabio Giorgetti, Alessio Rossi and Cosimo Guccione, for the realization of a cemetery of companion animals in Florence. The Chairman of the Planning Commission Leonardo Bieber, first signatory of the motion, showed that this decision "is an act […]

Firenze: mille nuovi posti di lavoro. Ingegneri, specialisti web e tecnici i profili più richiesti

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Florence: thousand new jobs. Engineers, web specialists and technicians profiles Popular

A thousand new jobs by 17 large companies operating on the Florence area in the next five years is the result of research conducted by the City and the Chamber of Commerce of Florence and Confindustria, presented at the Palazzo Vecchio in the Committee of large enterprises City subway, coordinated by Fabrizio Landi, economic adviser […]

I film in sala dal 5 marzo

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In room movies 5 March

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 5 March. Black or White Genere: Drama Director: Mike Binder Cast: Kevin Costner, Anthony Mackie, Octavia Spencer, Jennifer Ehle, Gillian Jacobs, Other Holland, Bill Burr, Kenneth Kynt Bryan, Koaho gift, Starlette Miariaunii, Joe Chrest Quando, in […]

Unicoop chiama i fiorentini ad essere i nuovi Mecenati del Battistero

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Unicoop called the Florentines to be the new patrons of the Baptistery

With less than a month away were over 5.000 people who have made donations for the restoration of one of the landmarks of Florence in the world. More than half of the members and customers has helped with one higher 10 euro (cash or card points shareholder […]

Polo Museale Fiorentino: 78 opere per l’EXPO 2015

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Museums of Florence: 78 works for the EXPO 2015

On the 1st of May in Milan will open al'Expo 2015, but since 12 March you can admire some works of art from the museums of the Polo Fiorentino in various venues - Milan, Monza, Verona – that will help make exceptional event. In several occasions, eight museums of the Polo Fiorentino was requested in loan […]

Torna in San Lorenzo il crocifisso del Pollaiolo

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Back in San Lorenzo crucifix Pollaiuolo

Since last 25 February can be admired again Crucified by Antonio del Pollaiuolo returned in its final location, inside the Basilica of San Lorenzo. The masterpiece, restored by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, è stato esposto alla mostra Antonio e Piero del Pollaiolo “Nell’argento e nell’oro, in painting and bronze ", hosted, in Milan, dal Museo […]

Al Teatro di Cestello per tutto marzo “Brigata Firenze”

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Al Teatro basket throughout March "Brigade Florence"

Throughout the month of March at the Theatre of the basket will stage "Brigade Florence", a show produced by Upper Room Youth and the same basket. The show, directed by Iacopo Biagioni, will be staged at 20,45 every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 16,45 March. The decision to put […]

I film in sala dal 26 febbraio

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In room movies 26 February

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 26 February. Motel Gender: Dramatic, Thriller Directed by: David Grovic Cast: John Cusack, Rebecca Da Costa, Robert De Niro, Crispin Glover, Dominic Purcell, Sticky Fingaz, Martin Klebba, David Shumbris, Chazz Menendez, Ian Mclaughlin Motel is a thriller […]