Home » Posts tagged with »firenze,en,inaugurated,it,Big crowd all,it,Opening to the public of the twentieth century museum in Piazza Santa Maria Novella in Florence,it,After the cutting of the ribbon by the mayor Dario Nardella,it,visitors have poured into the,it,exhibition environments to admire the collection of approximately,it,works ordered in a chronological sense,it,thematic and interdisciplinary,it,on a path,it,A training course of,it,celebrity,en,end,so,included,en,maisie,en,Piera,es,ROME,la,stories,en,wedding,en,Big Wedding Genere,en,Justin Zackham Cast,en,Christine Ebersole Don and Ellie have been divorced for some time,it,body of,la,The procession is preparing to leave the cathedral to parade among the main Stadel Stadel Centro Storico, heading towards Piazza Santa,it,of the historic center heading,it (Page 123)

Iscrizioni a scuola: a Firenze piacciono i licei

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Enrollment in school: Florence like high schools

8.378 school enrollment of First Instance, 8.005 high school: 20% Professional equal to 1.626 inscriptions, 26,7% technicians with 2.139 students, nearly 53% high schools equal to 4.240 students. "These are the first data relating to the entries in the metropolitan city - says the managing director at the School Giampiero Mongatti - on the basis of the information collected […]

Meditazioni quaresimali in diretta on line del Card. Betori in Cattedrale

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Lenten meditations live on line of Card. Betori in Cathedral

From today 25 February, and 5 weeks (4, 11, 18 and 25 March), Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, held in the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore a cycle of Lenten meditations in preparation for Easter. The meetings, always starting at 21, propose a reading of the accounts of the Passion of the Lord […]

Museo dell’Opera del Duomo: lanciata a  New York “Art Be With You”

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Cathedral Museum: lanciata a New York “Art Be With You”

The 29 October 2015 will open in Florence on new and spectacular Cathedral Museum, which preserves the largest collection in the world of sculpture sacred medieval and Renaissance Florentine. 750 works including masterpieces of the greatest artists of the time: Donatello, Michelangelo, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Luca della Robbia, Arnolfo di Cambio, Andrea Pisano, Antonio Pollaiuolo, Andrea del […]

USA: prima mostra di sculture di Donatello dell’Opera del Duomo Firenze

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USA: first exhibition of sculptures by Donatello dell'Opera del Duomo in Florence

The monumental sculptures by Donatello, as well as major works by Filippo Brunelleschi, Luca della Robbia, Nanni di Banco, and other artists exhibited for the first time in the United States, in an unprecedented exhibition at the Museum of Biblical Art (Mobi) a New York City. Sculpture in the Age of Donatello: Renaissance Masterpieces […]

Mani in pasta, i laboratori che insegnano a cucinare in modo facile, creativo e etico

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Hands-on, workshops that teach how to cook so easy, creative and ethical

How to prepare a good pizza dough, as you get a mayonnaise and vegetable, above all, how to cook with less ingredients using mainly raw materials of the season, and replacing the salt with spices, even in the most traditional dishes? He thinks "Hands-on", cycle culinary workshops that promises to teach […]

Out of music: a Firenze la prima “casa” della musica italiana

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Out of music: in Florence the first "home" of Italian music

He was born in the shadow of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, in Via Ghibellina 3c/r, a new artistic hub musical: Out Of Music, multifunctional project Dado Parisini, historic producer and musician Florentine (among his Laura Pausini, Irene Grandi, Depeche, Nek), Massimo Pacciani, Eric Buffat and Marta Dainelli. Out of Music è un luogo unico […]

Volontariato: a Firenze cresce il numero delle associazioni aderenti al Cesvot

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Volunteer: Florence is a growing number of member associations to Cesvot

Continues to increase the number of voluntary associations in the Florentine area. To the 31 December 2014 are in fact adhering to Cesvot, Volunteer Service Center Tuscany, 658 associations, than 632 of 2013. It is the fact that emerges from the budget of the Service Center that has invested in the past year on the training of volunteers around the Florentine 45 […]

Il web contro mafia e criminalità organizzata

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The web against the Mafia and organized crime

Cross data to obtain, in seconds, a complete mapping of economic activities that connect people and society: Also this will defeat the mafia and organized crime. È il lavoro che da qualche giorno la Procura della Repubblica di Firenze può fare nella maniera più rapida grazie ad uno speciale software messo a disposizione […]

“Missa est”, presentazione in Consiglio Regionale

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“Missa est”, presentation to Regional Council

The church of San Lorenzo is the only one in the world where there have been two Eucharistic Miracles and parishioners are asked a prayer for the problems of the district. The roof of St. Mary Help of Christians has a typical alpine aspect because there was no more money to complete the church. A Santa Felicita si trova una reliquia della Beata […]

Calcio storico: giocata la Partita dell’Assedio

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Historic football: played the game Siege

The 17 February 1530 Piazza Santa Croce in Florence was the scene of one of the most important challenges of the Florentine Republic Emperor Charles V, when the population besieged for many months by the imperial troops, tried his hand at a football match, giving the impression of not considering the Empire army worthy of attention. Il Comune di […]