Home » Posts tagged with »firenze,en,inaugurated,it,Big crowd all,it,Opening to the public of the twentieth century museum in Piazza Santa Maria Novella in Florence,it,After the cutting of the ribbon by the mayor Dario Nardella,it,visitors have poured into the,it,exhibition environments to admire the collection of approximately,it,works ordered in a chronological sense,it,thematic and interdisciplinary,it,on a path,it,A training course of,it,celebrity,en,end,so,included,en,maisie,en,Piera,es,ROME,la,stories,en,wedding,en,Big Wedding Genere,en,Justin Zackham Cast,en,Christine Ebersole Don and Ellie have been divorced for some time,it,body of,la,The procession is preparing to leave the cathedral to parade among the main Stadel Stadel Centro Storico, heading towards Piazza Santa,it,of the historic center heading,it (Page 130)

“Firenze insolita”: tantissime novità ed eventi fino a gennaio

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"Florence unusual": lots of news and events until January

Explore the city outside the usual routes, strolling, stopping to visit lesser known buildings, participating in workshops for young and old, visiting craft shops, è quello che propone fino al prossimo 8 December, the new edition of "Unusual Florence" , the initiative organized by the Cultural Commission of the District 1 e finalizzata alla conoscenza di […]

Turisti stranieri: Firenze la più visitata ma cresce il mordi e fuggi

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Foreign tourists: Florence the most visited but grows the hit and run

The city of Florence is reconfirmed also in 2014 The most visited compared to Venice and Rome,it,months of,it. Foreign visitors in the first 8 months of 2014 grow 1.5%, spend 121 euro per day average, but the stay was reduced by 3%. This is what emerges from the study of ReteSviluppo, ente di ricerca statistico che […]

Alla Richmond University mostra di Cecilia Chiavistelli

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At Richmond University shows Cecilia Latches

Space exhibitions of Richmond University in Via Maggio 11 in Florence, from 4 dicembre prossimo - con inaugurazione alle ore 14, e fino al giorno 18, sarà esposta la mostra dell’artista italiana Cecilia Chiavistelli. L'artiste, origins of Siena, but living for many years in Florence, Oltrarno, to pay tribute to the invitation of Richmond University, presenterà una selezione di lavori realizzati […]

1914 in bianco e nero: le opere grafiche che inaugurarono la Galleria d’Arte Moderna un secolo fa

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1914 black and white: graphic works that inaugurated the Gallery of Modern Art a century ago

As part of the celebrations for the centenary of the Gallery of Modern Art, Palazzo Pitti, to complement the exhibition of painting and sculpture recently inaugurated, "Lights on the '900', there is a new event, "The color of the shadow. The international exhibition of the Black and White. Purchases for tunnels. Florence 1914 ". This exhibition aims to commemorate the opening of the Gallery of Modern Art, nella […]

Santo Spirito s’illumina con la terza edizione di Dimora Luminosa

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Holy Spirit illuminates with the third edition of Bright House

L’istituto Europeo di Design lancia la “call” per illuminare la facciata della Basilica di Santo Spirito, che sarà colorata e disegnata non solo dai designer professionisti ma anche dagli anziani delle residenze, by kindergarten children and the disabled social cooperatives. "Generations and Beyond. Tre stadi della vita” è il tema della 3 edizione […]

I film in sala dal 20 novembre

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In room movies 20 November

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 20 November. The Hunger Games - Mockingjay: part 1 Genus: Dramatic, Thriller Directed by: Francis Lawrence Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Natalie Dormer, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Evan Ross, Stef Dawson Il […]

Inaugurata Villa Favard restaurata

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Inaugurata Villa Favard restaurata

Have been unveiled to the public, sabato scorso, the restoration of Villa Favard, century building, currently houses the Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini in Florence, a Rovezzano, in via di Rocca Tedalda 451. Inaugurazione con la presentazione del Direttore del Conservatorio Flora Gagliardi, then a visit to the restored villa. During the visit, si sono tenuti concerti […]

Scout in Piazza Annigoni per il 70esimo anniversario della Rinascita dopo il Fascismo

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Scout Square Annigoni for the 70th anniversary of the rebirth after Fascism

Quasi 2mila ragazzi e capi Scout Cngei, Agesci and Masci on Saturday gathered in Florence's Piazza Annigoni to celebrate 70 anniversary of the rebirth of Scouting in the city after the Fascist repression. With them in the square, under a steady rain and copious, il Vice Sindaco di Firenze Cristina Giachi e l’Arcivescovo di Firenze Cardinale Giuseppe […]

Prefetto riorganizza l’ufficio cittadinanza

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Prefect reorganizes office citizenship

New organization for the office of the Prefecture Italian citizenship. This was decided by the Prefect Louis Varratta after the reservation service via the internet did not yield the desired results. Last March, in order to avoid long waits telephone users to have a contact with the operators, An electronic service had been activated on the,it,Borgogni,it,Cauteruccio,es,grigò,en,Sirithipr,mi,Manuele,co,work of Florence,la,promoted by the work of Santa Maria del,it,contributions,it,resolution,it,Culture and Sport Management,it,The resolution also contains others,it […]

Contributi culturali: Sindaco annuncia “dal prossimo anno nuove regole”

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Cultural contributions: Mayor announces "new rules from next year"

New rules in the provision of grants to cultural operators: decides over the council but will be made available through a public notice. This is what provides the resolution containing the addresses for the provision of financial assistance to cultural operators for years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 approved in recent days by the Executive. La delibera contiene anche altre […]