Home » Posts tagged with »firenze,en,inaugurated,it,Big crowd all,it,Opening to the public of the twentieth century museum in Piazza Santa Maria Novella in Florence,it,After the cutting of the ribbon by the mayor Dario Nardella,it,visitors have poured into the,it,exhibition environments to admire the collection of approximately,it,works ordered in a chronological sense,it,thematic and interdisciplinary,it,on a path,it,A training course of,it,celebrity,en,end,so,included,en,maisie,en,Piera,es,ROME,la,stories,en,wedding,en,Big Wedding Genere,en,Justin Zackham Cast,en,Christine Ebersole Don and Ellie have been divorced for some time,it,body of,la,The procession is preparing to leave the cathedral to parade among the main Stadel Stadel Centro Storico, heading towards Piazza Santa,it,of the historic center heading,it (Page 131)

13-15: IV Salone dell’Arte e del Restauro alla Fortezza da Basso

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13-15: IV International Art and Restoration at the Fortezza da Basso

Between exhibitions of works of art in the stand MIBACT, conferences under the auspices of "SOS Restoration" and meetings "BtoB" between the industry, il IV Salone dell’Arte e del Restauro di Firenze – che si apre domani, Thursday, 13 November at 9.30 Cavaniglia in the Fortezza da Basso - propose a host of new. Una di queste è un sistema […]

I film in sala dal 13 novembre

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In room movies 13 November

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 13 November. Lo sciacallo – Nightcrawler Genere: Drama Director: Dan Gilroy Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Bill Paxton, Rene Russo, Ann Cusack, Eric Lange, Kevin Rahm, Kathleen York, Anne McDaniels, Riz Ahmed, Jamie McShane, Jonny Coyne Lou non […]

“Incontri con la spiritualità” fino al maggio 2015

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"Meetings with spirituality" until May 2015

Si è aperto ieri, 11 November, e proseguirà fino al 26 may 2015 the first edition of the interdisciplinary course "Meet spirituality" at the St. James church in Campo Corbolini, in your Faenza 43, in Florence. The route has 12 free admission to meetings on various issues related to spirituality. The event was organized by the Syntagma, The Lorenzo de Medici Institute,it,delegate,it,I gave it,co,youth,it,Informagiovani,it,Letizia Perini,it […]

All’Informagiovani del Q. 3 uno sportello di orientamento al lavoro

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Informagiovani Q. 3 one-stop career guidance

The youth of Florence have a new opportunity to navigate the world of work: every Thursday from 14,30 at 17,30, at the Youth Center Gavinuppia (GAV) the Quartiere 3, via Gran Bretagna 48, will run a one-stop information and guidance on issues of interest to youth, as an opportunity for casual work, offerta […]

Firenze ha ricordato l’anniversario dell’Alluvione del ’66

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Florence remembered the anniversary of the flood of '66

Florence recalled 48 Anniversary of the flood that hit the city of Florence on the morning of 4 November 1966 causing 35 dead, 17 in town 18 in provincia, including the two smallest victims, Navy Repair and Leonardo Thin, both of only 3 years of Sesto Fiorentino. The ceremonies, organized by the 1996 dall’Associazione […]

9 novembre: torna la domenica del fiorentino

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9 November: back on the Sunday of the Florentine

Back to the Sunday of the Florentine, the day's free admission to civic museums for those born and / or resident in Florence and around. The 9 November, the event provides an extremely rich for young and old Florentine Civic Museums: Palazzo Vecchio will be proposed to the usual visits to the 'Traces of Florence', ai Quartieri […]

La missione di Nardella e Razzanelli in Cina

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The mission of Nardella and Razzanelli in China

Opening of the first seat of the Sino Italian Design Exchange Center in Shanghai for business in Florence, signing of the Memorandum of Understanding to promote joint activities of the City and the University of Tongji and facilitating the implementation of the campus in Florence and presentation opportunities in processing real estate in Florence: sono solo alcuni dei risultati della missione in […]

Firenze rende omaggio a Giorgio La Pira

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Florence pays tribute to Giorgio La Pira

Today, 5 November, on the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the death of Professor, Old Palace will host teachers and authorities, including Romano Prodi and Lapo Pistelli, per il convegno “La questione lapiriana: poverty today. From poverty to development and equality ", and the National Library will inaugurate the exhibition "La Pira, l’Europa dei popoli e il […]

La Torrini racconta l’artigianato fiorentino in un docu-film

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The Torrini says the Florentine craftsmanship in a documentary film

The Florentine director Cinzia TH Torrini has produced a documentary film to present the Florentine artigiato: "Florence was the capital of art and crafts", product thanks to the Chamber of Commerce of Florence. The short documentary is a tribute to Florence and to artistic director Cinzia TH Torrini signed by, grazie alla collaborazione della Fondazione di Firenze per l’Artigianato Artistico e […]

Il Cavaliere del Giglio

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The Knight of the Lily

Good research for a historical novel set in Florence in the thirteenth century, torn by internal struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines and wars with neighboring cities. Good job search, I said, for a story that is a hybrid of news and fiction. Hybrid, perché a tratti l’esposizione delle vicende cittadine “sommerge” ogni altra […]