Home » 2014 » January » 15

Intervista ad Aldo Cursano sul nuovo manuale igiene ristoranti e bar

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Intervista ad Aldo Cursano sul nuovo manuale igiene ristoranti e bar

Franco Mariani intervista per il settimanale La Terrazza di Michelangelo Aldo Cursano, Vice Presidente Vicario FIPE in occasione della presentazione del Nuovo manuale di autocontrollo alimentare ed approfondimenti sulle metodiche di prevenzione per istituzioni e imprenditori del settore presentato giovedì 13 February 2014 nella sala Luca Pistelli di Palazzo Medici Riccardi. Un tema, quello dell’igiene […]

Le statue calde. Scultura – corpo – azione, 1945 – 2013

The statues hot. Sculpture – body – action, 1945 – 2013

Si apre con una performance di Franz Erhard Walther la mostra “Le statue calde” – Sculpture – body – action, 1945 – 2013, the 18 January 2014, at 19 presso il Museo Marino Marini a Firenze, curata da Simone Menegoi con l’assistenza di Barbara Meneghel. L’esposizione rimarrà aperta fino all’8 marzo 2014. Le opere […]

In scena nei teatri

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Staged in theaters

17 January Puccini Theatre LAUGHTER UNDER the BOMBS Author: Giorgio Bozzo-Gianni Fantoni Director: Simone Nardini Company: P_Nuts Cast: Le Sorelle Marinetti con Gianni Fantoni, Francesca Nerozzi, Paolo Cauteruccio, Gabrio Gentilini 17 – 19 gennaio Teatro Lumiere TROPPE ARIE (CONCERTO COMICO) Director: Rita Pelusio Cast: Nicanor Cancellieri, Franca Pampaloni, Silvia Laniado Due sorelle zitelle, due concertiste […]

Il “De Anima” di Virgilio Sieni in versione rinnovata

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The "De Anima" by Virgilio Sieni renewed version

La Compagnia Virgilio Sieni presenta, a Cango Cantieri Goldonetta, Florence, Friday, 17, Saturday 18 at 21 and Sunday 19 January at 16.30, lo spettacolo “De Anima” con un nuovo allestimento, prodotto dalla Biennale di Venezia, che tanto successo sta ottenendo a livello nazionale e internazionale. Il genio di Virgilio Sieni porta sul palco dei […]

Riprendono i viaggi alla scoperta dei segreti del Teatro La Pergola

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Resuming travel to discover the secrets of Teatro La Pergola

New appointments in 2014 visiting-show at the Teatro della Pergola "In his Movement is stopped", staged by 9 years and happily passed the milestone of 200 over 10,000 spectators and replicas. The success of this particular journey into theatre and below the Citadel de La Pergola is in fact […]

Robert Capa al Museo Alinari

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Robert Capa at the Museo Alinari

Until 23 February the Alinari National Museum of photography in Florence dedicates the first view of 2014 to the war photojournalist Robert Capa,it,On the occasion of the Cultural Year Hungary Italy,it,which coincides with the centenary of the birth of this great master of photography,it,With a selection of,it,Coming from the Robert Capa Master Selection III series,it,kept in Budapest,it,Recently acquired by the National National Museum,it,The decisive moments of the Second World War in Italy are told,it,from the landing of the allies,it,Of Hungarian origins,it,Robert Capa is considered the one who has given a new impulse to photojournalism,it,Although he was not a soldier, he followed five among the most bloody world conflicts such as the Spanish civil war,it,The Sino-Japanese war,it,the Arab-Israeli war of,it,and the first Indochina war,it,The photos strike for the office of humanity and transmit,it (Budapest 1913, Vietnam 1954), in occasione anche dell’Anno Culturale Ungheria Italia 2013 – 2014 che coincide con il centenario della nascita di questo grande maestro della fotografia. Con una selezione di […]

Alla scoperta della Firenze di Arnolfo

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Discovering Florence by Arnolfo

You are curious to find out how it was Florence between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, the expansion of the city wall, of the great basilicas, Santa Maria del Fiore and Palazzo della Signoria whose form still remains shrouded in mystery? Or know what political forces marked the Florence of that time, What economic energies the […]

Da oggi la Terrazza di Michelangelo

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Now the Michelangelo's Terrace

La Terrazza di Michelangelo, weekly news and culture in Florence, recorded at the Court of Florence, starts from today its publications. A publishing project which aims to enhance the excellence of our territory. To realize this project I called as Director the journalist Franco Mariani sure, in the face of his thirty years of experience in journalism, will transform the ordinary […]

Aumentano del  +5,48% i visitatori nei musei fiorentini

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Increases the +5,48% visitors in museums

In the year that has just ended, the 2013, the Florentine Polo won all the last input record 10 years, reaching 5.329.422 visitors, with an increase in, with respect to the 2012, by 276.705 visitors, equal to 5.48%. Not only: the data of the 2013 It is also higher than the 2007, the previous year at the beginning […]

Intervista a Giuseppe Pambieri

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Interview with Giuseppe Pambieri

Giuseppe Pambieri, 70 years, is a film actor, Theatre and theatre director. He obtained great success and popularity with Remo's character in television drama "Sisters Mattresses", based on the novel fiorentino di Aldo Palazzeschi, filmed on location in Florence, directed by Mario Ferrero, featuring two sacred monsters of the theatre, Sarah Ferrati […]

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