Home » 2014 » April » 09

I film in sala dal 10 aprile

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In room movies 10 April

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, nelle sale di Firenze da giovedì 10 April. Noah Genere: Drama Director: Darren Aronofsky Cast: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth, Emma Watson, Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins, Kevin Durand L’attore premio Oscar Russell Crowe interpreta Noè, il prescelto da […]

In scena dal 9 al 16 aprile

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Staged by 9 al 16 April

Date: 9 April Event: Amore Puro Tour Genere: Music Place: Nelson Mandela Forum Informazioni: 055.676296 Date: 9 April Event: Verdiana Genere: Music Place: Auditorium al Duomo Informazioni: 055.2381752 Date: 9 April Event: Camerata Strumentale “Città di Prato” Genere: Music Place: Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore Informazioni: 0574.455210 Date: 10 April Event: Suona Francese Genere: […]

“Uscio e Bottega” parodia fiorentina di Porta a Porta

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"Door and shop" parody fiorentina di Porta a Porta

"Uscio and Shop" director Mark Daffra, with a cast of highly respected Florentine – ben 66 actors 3 generations – is a film not to be missed, that after the premiere last October, now back in a new version, in the face of a new and more dynamic assembly, and with a new soundtrack, […]

Messa Cardinale Betori per i cattolici impegnati in politica

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Cardinal Betori mass for Catholics involved in politics

With the prayer of Pope Francis God "to increase the number of politicians able to enter into a genuine dialogue that is oriented to effectively heal the deep roots and not the appearance of the evils of our world! The policy, tanto denigrata, it is a vocation high, is one of the most valuable forms of charity, because […]

Il Giardino Bardini, una vista mozzafiato che fa bene alla salute dei fiorentini

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The Bardini Garden, a breathtaking view that is good for the health of the Florentines

The Bardini Garden is a fantastic green area with a breathtaking view of Florence, and above is also very good for the health of the Florentines. The study finds the urban microclimate of Florence conducted by the Interdepartmental center Bioclimatology, dal Dipa

Mostra degli Amici della Comunità di Sant’Egidio a Palazzo Davanzati

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View of the friends of the community of Sant'Egidio to Palazzo Davanzati

Si intitola semplicemente “La crisi, le Crisi” la mostra degli “Amici”, disabili del Laboratorio d’Arte della Comunità di Sant’Egidio di Firenze che proporranno le loro opere nel Museo di Palazzo Davanzati, in via di Porta Rossa 13 from 12 al 30 April. “Sono lieta che il Polo Museale Fiorentino – ha detto la Soprintendente Acidini […]

La Passione di Mario Luzi lunedì 14 alla Badia Fiesolana

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The passion of Mario Luzi on Monday 14 the Badia of Fiesole

On the occasion of Holy Week and the centenary of the birth of Mario Luzi Ernesto Balducci Foundation organizes a poetry event, literature, music with free admission, proposing the reading of "The Passion of the Christ", text 1999 the Florentine poet. In collaboration with the Association “Mendrisio Mario Luzi. Poetry of the world” and the Archive Venturino Venturi, l’evento […]

Elezioni Sindaco: si vota solo domenica 25 maggio dalle 7 alle 23, in lizza 10 candidati

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Mayor Elections: you vote only Sunday 25 may from 7 at 23, in contention 10 candidates

Attention: you vote only Sunday 25 may from 7 at 23, and that for municipalities. Reduced, because of the stability law, traditional days for voting, from two, --Sunday and Monday, one only, Sunday, and timetables, no longer until 22 but at […]

Vice Sindaco Nardella inviti allo Scoppio del Carro i suoi sfidanti elettorali

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Deputy Mayor Nardella invitations wagon broke its election challengers

In little more than a week will be Easter, Florence and once again celebrate with the traditional Explosion of the Cart, which will see not only the participation of the participants of the Historical Procession of the Florentine Republic, but also of the Banner of Florence, with the Family Palace, headed by Mayor. This year, however, we have no mayor, and […]

La banana: frutto energetico e nutritivo

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The banana: energy and nutritive fruit

La banana è un buon frutto, energetico e nutritivo. Ricca di amido, minerali come fosforo, magnesium, sodio, potassium, iron, zinco. Le vitamine presenti sono: La B2, che facilita l’eliminazione delle tossine, mantiene sani capelli e unghie e restituisce lucentezza alla pelle. La PP e la B6, importanti per la salute della pelle e per “regolare” gli ormoni sessuali. […]

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