Home » 2014 » June »18,en,I greet to the voice to the authorities and the magnificent Messere by the beyond,it,figures of the historical procession of the Florentine Republica,it,Greetings to the authorities of the Flags of the Uffizi on the occasion of the second game,it,awards,en,Francini,it,Giorgia,it,hunt,en,mtv,en,Noemi,it,oak,it,Renga,lus,The national press conference for the presentation of the MTV Awards was held this morning in Milan,it,musical show to be held on Saturday,it,June at the Prato of the Quercione del Parco delle Cascine,it,Organized by the MTV Italia television station to celebrate and reward the singers and the protagonists of the pop culture of the last year,it,The show will be broadcast live,it,maison,en,marchese,en,To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Center of Florence for Italian fashion on the occasion of the 86th edition,it,albion,en,ghibellini,en,guelfi,en,shield,it (Page 3)

Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Saluto alla voce

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Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Voice greeting

Calcio Storico Fiorentino, saluto alla voce alle autorità e al Magnifico Messere da parte degli oltre 500 figuranti del Corteo Storico della Repuublica Fiorentina. Frank Mariani shooting. By the number 23 – The Year of 18/06/2014

Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Bandierai degli Uffizi saluto alle Autorità

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Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Uffizi Bandierai greeting to the authorities

Calcio Storico Fiorentino, saluto alle Autorità dei Bandierai degli Uffizi in occasione della seconda partita. Frank Mariani shooting. By the number 23 – The Year of 18/06/2014  

Colletta Alimentare: raccolta straordinaria del Banco Alimentare

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Food Collection: extraordinary collection of Banco Alimentare

2 millions of poor people in the next 4 months at risk of not having sufficient food aid. While requests for help are on the rise, in the warehouses of the Food Bank Network decreases food availability. For this reason, Saturday 14 June also was held in Florence, as throughout Italy, a special edition of […]

Sabato alle Cascine l’MTV Awards 2014

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Saturday at the MTV Awards Farmhouses 2014

Si è tenuta questa mattina a Milano la conferenza stampa nazionale di presentazione degli MTV Awards 2014, spettacolo musicale che si terrà sabato 21 giugno al Prato del Quercione del Parco delle Cascine, organizzato dall’emittente televisiva MTV Italia per celebrare e premiare i cantanti e i protagonisti della cultura pop dell’ultimo anno. Lo show sarà trasmesso in diretta […]

Nardella e Renzi inaugurano Pitti uomo

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Nardella and Renzi inaugurate Pitti uomo

The Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, together with the President of the Council of Ministers, Matteo Renzi, opened the 86ma Edition of Pitti Uomo in the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio. "This edition of Pitti Uomo – said Nardella - is exciting and eventful as never before, the result of a team game that has […]

Il Battistero ricoperto dal foulard del Marchese Pucci

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The baptistery was the Marquis Pucci scarf

La Maison Emilio Pucci for a few days he held the eight sides of the baptistery, The beautiful San Giovanni,it,with the colors of the famous scarf of,it,Designed by the Marquis Emilio,it,And that tells the bond of the maison with the city of Florence,it,To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the center of Florence for Italian fashion on the occasion of the 86th edition of Pitti Immagine Men,it,called Monumental Pucci,it,represents the vision of the Marquis of Piazza San Giovanni in a glimpse from above,it,and will cover up to,it,June the side of the apse of the baptistery,it,While the other seven sides will be covered with the magnifications of the respective facades in the tones of lemon yellow,it,orange,it,Fuchsia and Rosa Emilio,it,An explosion of extended colors on beyond,it,square meters of surface with which the maison celebrates the link with the city of Florence,it,reference point of the brand,it, con i colori del celebre foulard del 1957 disegnato dal Marchese Emilio, e che racconta il legame della Maison con la città di Firenze, per celebrare il 60mo anniversario del Centro di Firenze per la Moda Italiana in occasione della 86ma edizione […]

Lo stilista Albion e la sua linea di protesta 2015

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The stylist Albion and its line of protest 2015

L’essenzialità della natura e la sua forza sono da sempre le convinzioni dello stilista fiorentino Albion, che lo stesso, It is not by chance, imprime nelle sue creazioni, sia che siano calzature, sia che siano capi d’abbigliamento. Albion non è solo uno stilista è anche un po’ un filosofo. In 1978 pubblicò le sue “30 Regole”, the […]

Gli stemmi della facciata di Palazzo Vecchio

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The coats of arms on the façade of Palazzo Vecchio

Looking at the facade of the Palazzo Vecchio you can not help but notice a number of coats of arms, located between the corbels supporting the balcony. Taking a little care you will observe that after a while 'coats of arms begin to repeat themselves, with a cadence every nine coats of arms, all different, while the tenth is,it,two-hundred,it,Ten sixteenth -century tapestries on the stories of Giuseppe Jew,it,commissioned by Cosimo I de 'Medici and fabrics on cartoons of Agnolo Bronzino,it,they will rotate in the hall of the two hundred of Palazzo Vecchio after a long restoration,it,The enhancement project is part of a rearrangement of the salon itself,it,See photos at the bottom,it […]

Gli arazzi cinquecenteschi tornano nel Salone dei Duecento

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Sixteenth-century tapestries are back in the living room of two hundred

Dieci arazzi cinquecenteschi sulle storie di Giuseppe Ebreo, commissionati da Cosimo I De’ Medici e tessuti su cartoni di Agnolo Bronzino, Jacopo Pontormo e Francesco Salviati, torneranno a rotazione nel Salone dei Duecento di Palazzo Vecchio dopo un lungo restauro. Il progetto di valorizzazione si inserisce in un riallestimento del Salone stesso (vedi foto in fondo […]

Il mondo di Roberto Capucci a Villa Bardini

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The world of Roberto Capucci to Villa Bardini

Fondazione Roberto Capucci, with offices, from 2007, in the spaces of Villa Bardini, with a charming view over Florence, has a new exhibition, charming and articulate in order to highlight the eclectic and creative fashion designer of the twentieth century. The new collection allows, through some of the clothes-icon to deepen their knowledge […]

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