Home » 2014 » June »18,en,I greet to the voice to the authorities and the magnificent Messere by the beyond,it,figures of the historical procession of the Florentine Republica,it,Greetings to the authorities of the Flags of the Uffizi on the occasion of the second game,it,awards,en,Francini,it,Giorgia,it,hunt,en,mtv,en,Noemi,it,oak,it,Renga,lus,The national press conference for the presentation of the MTV Awards was held this morning in Milan,it,musical show to be held on Saturday,it,June at the Prato of the Quercione del Parco delle Cascine,it,Organized by the MTV Italia television station to celebrate and reward the singers and the protagonists of the pop culture of the last year,it,The show will be broadcast live,it,maison,en,marchese,en,To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Center of Florence for Italian fashion on the occasion of the 86th edition,it,albion,en,ghibellini,en,guelfi,en,shield,it (Page 4)

I film in sala dal 19 giugno

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In room movies 19 June

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 19 June. Jersey Boys Genere: Dramatic, musical Direction: Clint Eastwood Cast: Christopher Walken, Francesca Eastwood, Freya Tingley, James Madio, Billy Gardell, Kathrine Narducci, Mike Doyle, John Lloyd Young, Vincent Piazza Il film narra la storia di […]

La bietola: alimento povero ma ricco di vitamine, fibre, sali minerali

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The Swiss chard: food poor but rich in vitamins, fibers, mineral salts

The Swiss chard, as all vegetables, is a staple food for our nutrition, as low in fat and rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. Almost totally devoid of fat, Swiss chard is rich in water, Vitamin-A, K, C, beta carotene, magnesium, iron and potassium therefore refreshing, lassative, softening and […]

Insediati i 36 Consiglieri Comunali a Palazzo Vecchio

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Settled the 36 Councilors in Palazzo Vecchio

On Monday the Mayor Dario Nardella, new tri-band, made specially by making ceremonial Office tailor-made for him, as in the past for other first citizens, and your right hand on the Constitution, he swore with behind the Banner and in front of the new – for the most part – 36 Councilors. Soon after the new tenants of Palazzo Vecchio, that […]

Anche la Basilica di San Lorenzo ha il suo gnomone

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The Basilica of San Lorenzo has its Gnomon

La Basilica di San Lorenzo si mette a fare “concorrenza” alla Cattedrale in occasione del solstizio d’estate a colpi di sole e di gnomone. And, perché anche la Basilica di San Lorenzo ha un suo gnomone, nella sacrestia, dove è possibile vedere la luce solare entrare dalla lanterna, posta in cima alla cupola di Brunelleschi, […]

Eventi dal 18 al 25 giugno

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Events from the 18 al 25 June

Date: 19 June Event: Corpus Christi procession from the Cathedral to the Holy Trinity Genre: Celebrazione con i Cardinale Betori e Bassetti Luogo: Cattedrale Santa Maria del Fiore Informazioni: Ceremonial Office 055.055 Date: 20 June Event: Akropolis: Aperture Straordinarie Genere: Guided tour Place: Associazione culturale Akropolis Informazioni: 055.461428 Date: until 20 June Event: Pitti Immagine Uomo Genere: […]

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

San Giovanni is a vòle deceptions. Expression that our grandparents used during a game when there was a hesitation to assign a point or victory; replaying, who won, relied on what was then called the Rule of St. John, as if to say that it would be good also the first, without being forced, to enforce the point or victory, a replay of […]

In scena dal 18 al 25 giugno

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Staged by 18 al 25 June

Date: 18 June Event: Jazz at the Bargello: Ginevra di Marco. Serenade for voice and strings Like: Music Place: Cortile del Museo del Bargello Informazioni: 055.240397 Date: 18 June Event: Scuola di Musica di Fiesole: Concerts in the courtyard Kind: Music Place: Strozzi Palace Information: 055.4385616 Date: 18 June Event: I Mercoledì Musicali: Il Trombone e l’Organo […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze

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Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: 18 giugno – 20 ottobre Evento: Michelangelo e il Novecento Luogo: Casa Buonarroti Informazioni: 055.241752 Date: 21 giugno – 6 July Event: Small Wonders Place: Contemporary Art Space Information: 055.3249173 Date: until 21 June Event: Che puro ciel! Che chiaro sol! Place: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Informazioni: 055.24919201 Date: until 22 June Event: […]

Riapre per 3 mesi la Torre San Niccolò

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Reopens for 3 months the Torre San Niccolò

The Tower of San Niccolò reopens to the public 24 June, day of the patron saint of the city, San Giovanni. Guided tours will be up to 30 September, by 17 at 20. The tower was made open for the first time in 2011, dopo a restoration. The tower of St. Nicholas tells of the mighty city walls […]

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