Home » 2014 » June » 25 (Page 5)

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

Each one vorta ride lever a nail to the coffin. Once again our Vecchi with their sayings remind us how important it is to be happy and how to enjoy the good moments of life to extend our stay on this earth. The Editors From the number 24 – The Year of 25/06/2014

Inaugurato a Firenze il Museo del Novecento

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Inaugurated in Florence the Museo del Novecento

Grande folla all’ apertura al pubblico del Museo del Novecento in Piazza Santa Maria Novella a Firenze. Dopo il taglio del nastro da parte del Sindaco Dario Nardella, i visitatori si sono riversati nei 15 ambienti espositivi ad ammirare la collezione delle circa 300 opere ordinate in senso cronologico, tematico ed interdisciplinare, in un percorso […]

San Giovanni in mostra nelle opere degli allievi  della Sacred Art School

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San Giovanni in view in the works of the students of Sacred Art School

From the experiences of 10 young students of Sacred Art School in Florence currently in training at the workshops Florentine selected and supported by the Association Observatory for arts and crafts – Their, comes the exhibition dedicated to St. John the Baptist, Patron of the town is preparing to celebrate the next 24 June. Un percorso formativo di […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze

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Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 26 June Event: Carmelo Baglivo: Drawings Corsairs Place: Marino Marini Museum Information: 055.219432 Date: until 26 June Event: Gianluca and Massimiliano De Serio: Place a Return: Marino Marini Museum Information: 055.219432 Date: until 26 June Event: Looking for Jesus Luogo: Marino Marini Museum Information: 055.219432 Date: until 27 June […]

I film in sala dal 26 giugno

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In room movies 26 June

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 26 June. Big Wedding Genere: Comedy Director: Justin Zackham Cast: Robert De Niro, Katherine Heigl, Diane Keaton, Amanda Seyfried, Topher Grace, Susan Sarandon, Robin Williams, Ben Barnes, Christine Ebersole Don e Ellie hanno divorziato da tempo, but […]

In scena dal 26 giugno al 2 luglio

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Staged by 26 giugno al 2 July

Date: 25 – 28 June Event: Estate al Bargello: Santa Giovanna dei Macelli Genere: Prose Place: Museo Nazionale del Bargello Information: 055.2388606 Date: 26 June Event: Joe Bonamassa – Tour 2014 Genus: Music Place: Teatro Comunale Informazioni: 055.2779350 Date: 27 June Event: 77 MMF Festival. Concerti nei musei: Canzoni di Kurt Weill Genere: Music Place: […]

Eventi dal 26 giugno al 2 luglio

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Events from the 26 giugno al 2 July

Date: 25 June Event: Akropolis: Le aperture straordinarie Genere: Guided tour Place: Associazione culturale Akropolis Informazioni: 055.461428 Date: 26 June Event: 77 MMF Festival. I disegni del teatro – Inventario III Genere: Meeting Place: Gabinetto Vieusseux Palazzo Strozzi Informazioni: 055.288342 Date: 26 June Event: Akropolis. I Mondiali di Calcio. Notti magiche inseguendo un goal Genere: […]

Il mais, alimento sconosciuto quanto conosciuto

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Maize, unknown known as food

Corn is a very nutritious food, thanks to substances that contain. In fact this is the vitamin B1, which helps to keep in shape the activities of brain cells involved; il beta carotene, which delays the age-related eye degeneration; Vitamin b12 and folic acid that play a preventive action against anemia caused by lack of […]

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