Home » 2014 »June,en,Santa Giovanna dei Macelli genre,it,Joe Bonhamassa - Tour,lb,Municipal theater information,it,Concerts in museums,it,Songs by kurt weill genre,it,The extraordinary openings genre,it,Akropolis cultural association information,it,The drawings of the theater - Inventory III genre,it,Cabinet Vieusseux Palazzo Strozzi Information,it,The World Cup,it,Magical nights chasing a goal genre,it,National anthem Ponte Vecchio,it,unknown food as known Events since,it,June Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence San Giovanni on display in the works of the students of Sacred Art School The twentieth -century museum in Florence in Florence Detti and Proverbs Florentine From the,it,July 25th edition of the Florence Dance Festival The reconstruction of the bridge in Santa Trinita in a rare film of,it (Page 10)

Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2014 – la squadra dei bianchi

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Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2014 – the white team

Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2014, rooting for the white team just before the start of the match against the Blues, the match will be won from whites to 2 hunts in 1. Frank Mariani shooting. By the number 22 – The Year of 11/06/2014  

Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2014 – tifo per la squadra dei bianchi

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Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2014 – rooting for the white team

Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2014,- rooting for the white team just before the start of the match against the Blues, the match will be won from whites to 2 hunts in 1. Frank Mariani shooting. By the number 22 – The Year of 11/06/2014

Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2014 – uscita Bandierai degli Uffizi

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Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2014 – Uffizi Bandierai output

Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2014 uscita dei Bandierai degli Uffizi dopo la loro tradizionale esibizione prima dell’ingresso sul campo della Calcio Storico Fiorentino, della sfilata degli oltre 500 appearing of the historic procession of the Florentine Republic. Frank Mariani shooting. By the number 22 – The Year of 11/06/2014

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

When the water arrives at the ass learns to swim. The water here is understood as fear, or those moments of need that can push us to do things that otherwise we would never have done. The Editors From the number 22 – The Year of 11/06/2014

In duomo musica sacra fra Sette e Novecento con il Coro del Maggio

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Sacred Music In the Cathedral between Seven and nine hundred with the Coro del Maggio

È un insolito quanto affascinante viaggio nella musica sacra a Firenze, dal Settecento di Francesco Feroci e Niccolò Jommelli fino al Novecento di Ildebrando Pizzetti, quello che viene proposto dalla rassegna O flos colende giovedì 12 Giugno nella Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore alle ore 21.15 in collaborazione con il Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. […]

La fontana del Porcellino casa della fortuna

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The fontana del Porcellino Fortune House

In Florence, one of the most visited is certainly the Loggia del Porcellino, even if the real name is the Loggia del Mercato Nuovo, lodge which is located on the axis road tourist Cathedral - Palazzo Vecchio – Ponte Vecchio. This lodge was built in the mid-'500. It was originally intended for the sale of thirst and objects […]

Bomba alla sede fiorentina del Partito Democratico

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Bomb at fiorentina del Partito Democratico

A crude bomb exploded at 4 yesterday morning, Tuesday, 10 June, in front of the facade of the provincial headquarters in Florence of the Democratic Party in via Forlanini, in the area of Novoli, resulting in considerable damage to the facade and main entrance. The bomb seems to have a set of firecrackers and gas cylinders connected, […]

Camera di Commercio di Firenze: Leonardo Bassilichi è il nuovo Presidente

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Camera di Commercio di Firenze: Bassilichi Leonardo is the new President

Bassilichi Leonardo is the new President of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence. Bassilichi, 42 years, is Vice President of Confindustria Firenze and Bassilichi spa CEO. Bassilichi expressed heartfelt thanks to the associations that gave him full confidence and for the predecessor Vasco Galgani, calling for the unity of all categories to address […]

Quando il caldo si combatte anche tavola

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When the heat he fights even table

To fight the big heat, arrived suddenly in recent days, and that will be with us for the next three months, it is advisable to follow a balanced diet, or without excess carbohydrates, fat or protein, then a slight power, but especially foods rich in moisturizers. So go ahead to fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins, water and […]

La pietra dello scandalo alla Loggia del Porcellino

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The scandal at the stone Loggia del Porcellino

A curiosity of the Loggia del Porcellino, that actually is called Loggia del Mercato Nuovo, è la pietra dello scandalo, un tondo marmoreo bicolore bianco e verde, posto al centro. Questa pietra segnava il punto dove, nella Firenze rinascimentale, venivano puniti i debitori insolventi. La punizione consisteva nell’incatenare i condannati i quali venivano frustati sul sedere […]