Home » 2014 »June,en,Santa Giovanna dei Macelli genre,it,Joe Bonhamassa - Tour,lb,Municipal theater information,it,Concerts in museums,it,Songs by kurt weill genre,it,The extraordinary openings genre,it,Akropolis cultural association information,it,The drawings of the theater - Inventory III genre,it,Cabinet Vieusseux Palazzo Strozzi Information,it,The World Cup,it,Magical nights chasing a goal genre,it,National anthem Ponte Vecchio,it,unknown food as known Events since,it,June Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence San Giovanni on display in the works of the students of Sacred Art School The twentieth -century museum in Florence in Florence Detti and Proverbs Florentine From the,it,July 25th edition of the Florence Dance Festival The reconstruction of the bridge in Santa Trinita in a rare film of,it (Page 4)

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 2/32

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Patron San Giovanni Festival Ceremonies – videos 2/32

In occasione della festa 2014 di San Giovanni Battista, Patrono di Firenze, le telecamere del settimanale fiorentino La Terrazza di Michelangelo, hanno seguito le principali cerimonie civili e religiose per raccontare ai fiorentini quello che è stato fatto per omaggiare il loro Santo Patrono. Il Corteo Storico della Repubblica Fiorentina e quello della Società San […]

Cerimonie Festa Patrono San Giovanni – video 1/32

Patron San Giovanni Festival Ceremonies – videos 1/32

In occasione della festa 2014 di San Giovanni Battista, Patrono di Firenze, le telecamere del settimanale fiorentino La Terrazza di Michelangelo, hanno seguito le principali cerimonie civili e religiose per raccontare ai fiorentini quello che è stato fatto per omaggiare il loro Santo Patrono. Arrivo alla Loggia del Bigallo, per l’omaggio alla Reliquia del Santo, […]

Firenze ha festeggiato il suo Patrono San Giovanni Battista

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Florence celebrated its Patron Saint John the Baptist

Florence, last 24 June, once again renewed his homage to its patron saint, St. John the Baptist. In the morning the Deputation of the Society of St. John the Baptist, Society for centuries delegated the organization of the festivities, paid homage to the Holy Relic, his property, exposed in the Loggia del Bigallo, Square […]

A Pitti Bimbo MiMiSol di Imelde Bronzieri con il Piccolo Coro dell’Antoniano

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At Pitti Bimbo Mimisol of Imelde Bronzieri with the Piccolo Coro dell'Antoniano

MiMiSol, The brand was created in 2011 and designed by Imelda Bronzieri, submitted, Thursday, 26 June, the new Spring-Summer 2015 Pitti Bimbo with the event "all children", with the participation, Construction de Lorraine to the Fortezza da Basso, the Piccolo Coro "Mariele Ventre" dell'Antoniano Bologna, directed by Sabrina Simoni. Imelde draws from […]

Inaugurato nuovo ingresso e piazza dell’Ospedale di S. M. Nuova

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Opened new entrance plaza and the Hospital of S. M. New

After 10 years of work, started way back in 2003, was eventually returned to life the entrance and the square of the hospital Santa Maria Nuova, the only hospital and remained active in the heart of the historic center of Florence. The renovation of the entire complex, started 19 years ago, to date have cost 58 million […]

Nuova stagione scoppiettante per il Teatro Verdi

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New Season for the Teatro Verdi

The next season 2014/15 the Teatro Verdi in Florence will range from musicals to the classics, from dance to circus, offering a program full of big names – Alessandro Preziosi, Massimo Ranieri, Christian De Sica, Paolo Ruffini, citarni only for some - with 35 representations, where di 24 non-subscription. The new season, presented in full regalia […]

Ciak si gira: nuovo film USA sul Calcio Storico con Preziosi e Dalton

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Ciak turns: the new film USES Historical football with precious and Dalton

They started the 9 June in Florence, the shooting of the new film by Evan Oppenheimer, “The Tourist”, produced by the American company Michael Mailer Films and Black Sand Pictures, focused on the Calcio Storico Fiorentino. Evan Oppenheimer, American director, is known for movies “A Little Game”, “The Speed of Thought”, “Alchemy”, “Justice”, and “The Auteur Theory”. The film […]

Il museo statale di Storia di Mosca si presenta a Firenze

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The State Museum of history of Moscow looks to Florence

The prestigious State Museum of History of Moscow comes to Florence. Until 4 July, the foyer of the Auditorium al Duomo, in your de 'Cerretani 54 / r, hosts the documentary exhibition "State History Museum in Moscow: a virtual tour of the history of Russia ", museum dedicated to the ancient Muscovite, founded in 1872 by a decree of Emperor Alexander II. […]

La ricostruzione del Ponte a Santa Trinita in un raro film del 1958

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The reconstruction of the Santa Trinita bridge in a rare film of 1958

Seventy years from August 1944, when the retreating Germans blew up the bridges of Florence, and a large part of the historic center, the Archival Superintendency of Tuscany, along with the Tuscany Region, Fondazione Sistema Toscana and Historical Institute of the Resistance in Tuscany, present a rare and almost unknown movie, shot between the 1955 and […]

Dal 1 al 26 luglio 25ma edizione del Florence Dance Festival

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From 1 al 26 July 25th edition of the Florence Dance Festival

And 'what a happy anniversary will be celebrated next 1 July, a sort of silver wedding between the Florence Dance Festival and the city of Florence, on the occasion of the 25th edition of the Festival. It is because this year, the Florence Dance Festival celebrates 25 years, and for the occasion has organized a special edition, a collection of companies […]