Home » 2014 »June,en,Santa Giovanna dei Macelli genre,it,Joe Bonhamassa - Tour,lb,Municipal theater information,it,Concerts in museums,it,Songs by kurt weill genre,it,The extraordinary openings genre,it,Akropolis cultural association information,it,The drawings of the theater - Inventory III genre,it,Cabinet Vieusseux Palazzo Strozzi Information,it,The World Cup,it,Magical nights chasing a goal genre,it,National anthem Ponte Vecchio,it,unknown food as known Events since,it,June Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence San Giovanni on display in the works of the students of Sacred Art School The twentieth -century museum in Florence in Florence Detti and Proverbs Florentine From the,it,July 25th edition of the Florence Dance Festival The reconstruction of the bridge in Santa Trinita in a rare film of,it (Page 6)

Processione Corpus Domini a Firenze – terza parte

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Corpus Christi procession in Florence – third part

Corpus Christi procession in the streets of the historic center of Florence, presided over by Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia, with the participation of Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence and auxiliary bishop Claudio Maniago. Frank Mariani shooting.

Processione Corpus Domini a Firenze – quarta parte

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Corpus Christi procession in Florence – fourth part

Corpus Christi procession in the streets of the historic center of Florence, presided over by Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia, with the participation of Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence and auxiliary bishop Claudio Maniago. Da quando il Cardinale Betori è Arcivescovo di Firenze è la prima volta che non guida la Processione […]

Processione Corpus Domini a Firenze – quinta parte

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Corpus Christi procession in Florence – fifth part

Corpus Christi procession in the streets of the historic center of Florence, presided over by Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia, with the participation of Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence and auxiliary bishop Claudio Maniago. The Procession, After parading on the streets of the historic center,it,He is preparing to conclude his path by arriving in the church of Santa Trinita,it, si appresta a concludere il suo percorso arrivando […]

Processione Corpus Domini a Firenze – sesta parte

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Corpus Christi procession in Florence – sixth part

Corpus Christi procession in the streets of the historic center of Florence, presided over by Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia, with the participation of Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence and auxiliary bishop Claudio Maniago. The Procession, dopo essere entrata nella chiesa di Santa Trinita si appresta a chiudere l’appuntamento con la Solenne […]

Calcio Storico: annullato il torneo, niente partita il 24 giugno

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Historical Football: canceled the tournament, nothing game 24 June

The Mayor Dario Nardella, After a meeting with the prefect Luigi Varratta announced that the tournament 2014 Historical Florentine football is cancelled: "I apologize to the Florentines but, Despite myself, I have to make a decision that I would not have wanted to: historical football Finals scheduled for Tuesday, will not take place. Il Torneo di quest’anno […]

I nomi di battesimo a Firenze dal 1450 al 1900

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Baptismal names in Florence from 1450 al 1900

Presso il Centro Arte e Cultura dell’Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore è stato presentato mercoledì 18 giugno il libro del prof. Francesco Sestito “I nomi di battesimo a Firenze (1450-1900). Dai registri di Santa Maria del Fiore un contributo allo studio dell’antroponimia storica italiana”, per la casa Editrice SER ItaliAteneo. Sulla base dei registri battesimali […]

Morto l’On. Speranza, Assessore, Deputato, Sottosegretario  della Firenze che fu

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Died On. Hope, Alderman, Deputy, Under-Secretary of Florence that was

It's dead, such 84 years, Mr Edward Hope, Honorary President of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze. Born in Florence on 14 November 1929, Civilista lawyer belonging to an ancient Florentine family, played an intense entrepreneurial activity in many Florentine and national companies. His passion led him to politics in Democrazia Cristiana made […]

Ponte Vecchio: luci ed emozioni per la nuova illuminazione Stefano Ricci

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Ponte Vecchio: lights and excitement for the new lighting Stefano Ricci

Video della maison Stefano Ricci che ha offerto alla città di Firenze la nuova illuminazione di Ponte Vecchio, assieme ad uno spettacolo di luci, acrobatismo, recitazione, fuochi d’artificio sul fiume Arno, e due cene vip, una su Ponte Santa Trinità e una al Circolo dei Canottieri. Tutti i diritti riservati a Stefano Ricci. By the number 23 […]

Primo Consiglio Comunale a Firenze – Inno Nazionale

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The first Municipal Council in Florence – National Anthem

In the alternative press magazine's first Municipal Council in Florence, as with all sessions, execution of the Italian anthem. Frank Mariani shooting. By the number 23 – The Year of 18/06/2014

Primo Consiglio Comunale a Firenze – Giuramento del Sindaco Dario Nardella

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The first Municipal Council in Florence – Swearing in of Mayor Dario Nardella

In occasione del primo Consiglio Comunale in Palazzo Vecchio nel Salone dei Duegento, the mayor Dario Nardella, davanti ai 36 new Counselors, as required by the Act, presta Giuramento. Frank Mariani shooting. By the number 23 – The Year of 18/06/2014