Tsev » 2014 » Lub Xya hli ntuj » 12

Papa Francesco trasferisce il Vescovo Maniago a nuova diocesi

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Pope Francis tsiv Bishop Maniago rau diocese tshiab

Pope Francis kis Bishop Auxiliary ntawm Florence, Mons. Claudio Maniago mus rau lwm qhov chaw, raws li cov Bishop tshiab rau hauv Diocese of Castellaneta. Roman kav thaus liv Diocese of Castellaneta yog founded kawg ntawm lub lub xyoo pua eleventh, nyob rau hauv Puglia, stretches mus txog 1,000 sq km, thiab suav 123.330 ua muab faib ua 35 parishes. Nws yog suffragan of Taranto. Dal momento […]