Home » 2014 » July » 16

Al Caffè della Galleria Pananti gli spazi urbani e labirinti visivi di Francesco Vitali

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At the Coffee Gallery Pananti urban spaces and visual mazes of Francesco Vitali

Until 15 September at the Coffee Gallery in Florence Pananti, Piazza Pitti 10 / R, with orario 8,30-20, you can admire the exhibition Urban Spaces and Visual Labyrinths with photographic works by Francesco Vitali, Director, set designer and lighting designer appreciated all over the world. The author presents the visitor with glimpses of architectural elements and identifiers […]

Firenze S.M.N: la stazione degli zingari

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Firenze S.M.N: the station of the Gypsies

In recent days, after the new anti gypsies put in place by the Prefecture and the State Railways, verso le 8,30 we decided, as drafting, to bring us to the train station of Santa Maria Novella for a visit. Both the Prefect Varratta that the Mayor did they know Nardella, a fronte delle tantissime lamentele dei […]

I film in sala dal 17 luglio

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In room movies 17 July

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 17 July. Transformers 4 – L’Era dell’Estinzione Genere: Action, fiction Director: Michael Bay Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, Kelsey Grammer, Jack Reynor, Frank Welker, Nicola Peltz, Sophia Myles, T.J. Miller, Li Bingbing, Han Geng, Abigail Klein, […]

I fiorentini riscoprono il pellegrinaggio a piedi: domenica 7 settembre Impruneta-Firenze

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The Florentines are rediscovering the pilgrimage on foot: Sunday 7 September-Impruneta Florence

The Florentines, the more time passes, more rediscover the pilgrimage on foot. In fact it is already in its fourth edition, the Marian Pilgrimage, by 14 km to walk, by Marian Basilica of Impruneta to the Marian Basilica of the Santissima Annunziata in Florence; will be held on 7 September, day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A pilgrimage that […]

In scena dal 16 al 23 luglio

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Staged by 16 al 23 July

Date: until 22 July Event: Ridi che ti passa! Genus: Cabaret Luogo: Limonaia Villa Strozzi Informazioni: 338.4458473 Date: until 24 July Event: Terrazza Summer Festival Genere: Festival Place: Circolo Arci Isolotto Informazioni: 055.780070 Date: until 26 July Event: Florence Dance Festival Genre: Festival Place: Cortile del Museo del Bargello Informazioni: 055.2388606 – […]

Eventi dal 16 al 23 luglio

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Events from the 16 al 23 July

Date: Until 20 July Event: World League Volley Final Six 2014 Genus: Sport Luogo: Nelson Mandela Forum Informazioni: 055.676296 Date: until 20 July Event: Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino. Divergent paths of A Genre: Guided tour Place: Strozzi Palace Information: 055.2469600 Date: until 30 August Event: Enjoy Firenze Genere: Guided tour Place: Cooperativa […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze


Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 20 July Event: Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino. Divergent paths of "manner" Place: Strozzi Palace Information: 055.2776461 Date: until 20 July Event: Family issues. Living and represent the family today Place: Strozzi Palace Information: 055.391711 Date: until 21 July Event: Gio Ponti and Richard Ginori: Place an unpublished correspondence: […]