Home » 2014 » July » 23

Vacanze: solo 1 fiorentino su 4 lascerà la città

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Holidays: only 1 Florentine on 4 leave the city

According to the statistical office of the City of Florence Florence only a four-, or the 25,3%, going to go on vacation, given in a sharp drop compared to previous years (32,1% in 2013 and 47,5% in 2012). Also decreases the percentage of those who will move only on weekends (8,8%, was 9,8% in 2013), […]

Palazzo Vecchio: digitalizzato il Salone dei 500

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Palazzo Vecchio: Hall of digitized 500

Palazzo Vecchio, one of the oldest and most famous palaces in Florence, known all over the world, has long been open, although gradually, multimedia; but now, with the intervention sponsored by Assinform, Confindustria, the association that represents companies in the sector for the Information Technology, Goes Digital. And she does starting from the Salone dei Cinquecento that at the […]

I film in sala dal 24 luglio

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In room movies 24 July

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 24 July. 2047: Sights of Death Regia: Alessandro Capone Cast: Michael Madsen, Daryl Hannah, Danny Glover, Stephen Baldwin, Rutger Hauer, Neva Leoni, Kai Portman, Benjamin Stender, Marco Bonini, Mario Opinato 2047. Il nostro pianeta è governato cinicamente […]

In scena dal 23 al 30 luglio

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Staged by 23 al 30 July

Date: until 24 July Event: Terrazza Summer Festival Genere: Festival Place: Circolo Arci Isolotto Informazioni: 055.780070 Date: until 26 July Event: Florence Dance Festival Genre: Festival Place: Cortile del Museo del Bargello Informazioni: 055.2388606 – 392.9124363 Date: until 30 July Event: InCrescendo Genere: Festival Place: Oratorio della chiesa di San Michele a […]

Eventi dal 23 al 30 luglio

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Events from the 23 al 30 July

Date: until 30 August Event: Enjoy Firenze Genere: Guided tour Place: Cooperativa Archeologia Informazioni: 055.5520407 Date: until 21 September Event: Events of flowers and fruits, alla scoperta delle collezioni botaniche del Giardino Bardini Genere: Guided tour Place: Villa Bardini Informazioni: 055.2654321 Date: until 30 September Event: Visite alla Villa Corsini di […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze


Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 25 July Event: Bruno Gambone. Items 1965 – 1970 Place: Galleria Il Ponte Information: 055.240617 Date: until 27 July Event: The figure of fury Place: Palazzo Vecchio Information: 055.055 Date: until 31 July Event: Cortona. Dawn of the Etruscan Princes In view restored kits de funeral Circle Sodo, […]