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Events from the 9 al 16 July

Date: 10 July Event: Akropolis: Le Aperture Straordinarie Genere: Guided tour Place: Associazione culturale Akropolis Informazioni: 055.461428 Date: 10 July Event: AgriCOOL Genere: Mercato Luogo: BiblioteCaNova Isolotto Informazioni: 055.710834 Date: 11 July Event: Caffè Alzheimer Genere: Meeting Place: BiblioteCaNova Isolotto Informazioni: 055.710834 Date: 12 July Event: AgriKulturae Genere: Mercato Luogo: BiblioteCaNova Isolotto Informazioni: 055.710834 Date: […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze


Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 12 July Event: 2RC - Masters of Contemporary Art in Print Place: Sala della Minerva Academy of Fine Arts Information: 055.215449 – 347.0708738 Date: until 13 July Event: Staff of the painter Mauro Baroncini Place: Casa di Giotto Vicchio Information: 055.8439225 Date: until 13 July Event: And master sculptor Baccio Bandinelli […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze

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Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 6 July Event: Small Wonders Place: Contemporary Art Space Information: 055.3249173 Date: until 13 July Event: And master sculptor Baccio Bandinelli (1493 – 1560) Place: Museo Nazionale del Bargello Information: 055.2388606 Date: until 13 July Event: Sebastiano del Piombo and painting on stone: the Portrait of Baccio Valori Place: […]

Eventi dal 2 al 9 luglio

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Events from the 2 al 9 July

Date: until 20 July Event: Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino. Divergent paths of A Genre: Guided tour Place: Strozzi Palace Information: 055.2469600 Date: until 21 September Event: Events of flowers and fruits, alla scoperta delle collezioni botaniche del Giardino Bardini Genere: Guided tour Place: Villa Bardini Informazioni: 055.2654321 Date: until 30 September […]

In scena dal 2 al 9 luglio

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Staged by 2 al 9 July

Date: until 28 July Event: Florence Dance Festival Genre: Dance Festival Place: Museo Bargello e altre sedi città Informazioni: 055.289276 Date: 3 July Event: Concerto per la cittadinanza in occasione del “Festival delle Orchestre Giovanili 2014” Genere: Concert Venue: Piazza della Signoria – Loggia dei Lanzi Informazioni: Ceremonial Office 055.055 Date: 4 July Event: Concerto per […]

3 Luglio: lutto cittadino per le due morti delle Cascine

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3 July: national mourning for two dead delle Cascine

Il Sindaco Dario Nardella ha deciso di proclamare il lutto cittadino per i tragici eventi dello scorso 27 giugno alle Cascine, che ha determinato la morte di due vite umane, la zia Donatella e la piccola Alice, di soli due anni, morte a causa della caduta improvvisa di un ramo di un albero. Ieri il Sindaco ha firmato l’ordinanza […]

Da sabato 5 luglio al via i saldi estivi

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From Saturday 5 July starts the summer sales

At the start, Saturday 5 July in Florence the summer sales. After another season of lean traders are hoping that the slight increase of confidence on the part of consumers is heard finally on receipts. Federica Grassini, President Federmoda Confcommercio Tuscany says "Sales in general for the summer season this year have suffered an average decline of […]

Sempre più fiorentini emigrano all’estero

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More and more people migrate abroad

From 2000 to date are 5.277 the Florentines who have transferred their residence abroad. A real “brain drain”: in only 2013 Florentines were transferred abroad 590, in 2000 were 307. In 14 years the favorite destinations were the United States (724), the United Kingdom (638), France (485), Switzerland (400). […]

Inflazione: Firenze esente a giugno

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Inflation: Florence free in June

Annual inflation nowhere in Florence in June; is to reveal the Municipal Bureau of Statistics: the monthly change is +0,2% as in May, the annual variation is zero while in May it was +0,3%. To contribute to this figure were, compared to the previous month, especially variations in Divisions Services Hotels and restaurants (+1,6%), […]

Rinnovato il Patto di Gemellaggio tra Firenze e Reims

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Renewed the twinning Pact between Florence and Reims

TO 60 years from the signing of the twinning Pact between Florence and Reims, twinning the first ever signed by the city in the last century, the link between the two cities strengthens. Wednesday 2 July, the mayor Dario Nardella and fellow Frenchman Arnaud Robinet signed the renewal of the commitment would in 1954 by the mayor […]

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