Tsev » 2014 » September (Nplooj ntawv 3)

Domenica 21: giardino del Benessere al Four Seasons Hotel Firenze

Hnub xya 21: Kev nyab xeeb lub vaj nyob ntawm plaub caij Hotel Florence

Nyob hauv Florence cov rau ntau qhov chaw picturesque yog ib qho chaw uas tej yam yees siv, raus hauv lub nplhaib ntawm tus Giardino della Gherardesca, pem lub taub hau ib pas uas yog ib tug pom rau lub qhov muag. Nws yog ib lub Spa rau lub caij plaub Hotel Florence, muaj nyob rau tag nrho lwm cov neeg hauv lub tsev so fiorentino. Cia li los ua qhov chaw rau dua […]

Cavalieri 6: Saluto Gran Maestro Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro Cardinale O’Brien

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Knights 6: Knights pej ascas npawg lub ntuj Sepulchre Cardinal O'brien

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]

Cavalieri 5: Investitura Membri del Clero Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

Knights 5: Investiture ntawm cov zwj Yeluxalees lub ntuj Sepulchre

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]

Ciclo di conferenze su Michelangelo e il cantiere fiorentino

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Kev voj voog ntawm cov rooj sablaj rau Michelangelo thiab Florentine shipyard

Nws yog tus 28 Lub ib hlis ntuj 1504, Thaum cov rooj zaum ntawm lub Opera di raug Maria del Fiore nyob Florence sib sau nyuab uas yuav txiav txim rau cov lo lus uas peb ntawm tus Michelangelo David huam. Cov uas tuaj koom lub rooj sab laj, thiab lwm, Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, Filippino Lippi, Pietro Perugino, Antonio thiab Giuliano da Sangallo, Simone del Pollaiolo, […]

Cavalieri 4: Investitura Dame Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 4: Investiture Dame ntuj Sepulchre ntawm Jerusalem

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]

Cavalieri 3: Consegna del Mantello Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 3: Mantle Knights ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]

Fine settimana con le Ambulanze d’epoca

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Lis xaus nrog lub tsheb tos neeg mob antique

Si prospetta un fine settimana interessante, dal punto di un tuffo nel passato, in quanto il centro storico sarà invaso da numerose ambulanze storiche grazie alla Misericordia di Firenze che ha organizzato quello che è in assoluto il primo raduno di questo genere Si tratta “D’Epoca 770” e vedrà protagonisti mezzi di servizio, lub tsheb thiab lub tsheb tos neeg mob, che sono […]

Cavalieri 2: Investitura Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 2: Investiture Knights lub ntuj Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]

Cavalieri 1: Investitura Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 1: Investiture Knights lub ntuj Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture ceremony Knights thiab tej cov kev txiav txim ntawm lub ntuj Sepulchre Yeluxalees lub equestrian lom Saturday 13 Cuaj hlis nyob hauv Florence nyob rau hauv cov Basilica uas raug Maria Novella los Lieutenancy rau hauv Central Apennines ltalis, qhov ntawd yog li ntawm regions of Tuscany ecclesiastical, Marche thiab Umbria. Ntau tshaj 40 Knights tshiab tau tuaj nyob hauv qhov kev txiav txim, muaj ib cov solemn rite thiab […]