Home » 2014 » September (Page 7)

14 settembre: ingresso gratuito musei comunali

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14 September: free admission to local museums

Back Sunday 14 Sunday of September Fiorentino, the day's free admission to civic museums for those born and / or resident in Florence and around. AND’ Simply show the card UnbacioneaFirenze or identity document to enter freely and without reservation in Palazzo Vecchio (time 9/24), Santa Maria Novella (time 13.30/17.00), Museo […]

Presentazione “Esercizi di infinito” di Fabio Caciolli

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Presentation “Exercises infinite” Fabio Caciolli

Exercises infinite, second novel Fabio Caciolli, this month, for the characters of the publishing house Pagliai, che lo ha pubblicato nella prestigiosa collana “The reasons for the West”, is in bookstores. The presentation of the book will be held on 19 September at 21,00 Theatre at the Parish Church of S. Maria in Via Manni at Coverciano, 81 a Firenze Anche […]

Week end con il Festival del gelato al Piazzale Michelangelo

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Weekend with the Festival of the ice cream at the Piazzale Michelangelo

Gelato Festival® 2014 elects to Florence the best ice cream makers in Europe: the appointment is by 12 al 14 September to Piazzale Michelangelo (time 12-24), for a weekend ready to satisfy not only the palate but also the eyes thanks to the extraordinary views of Florence that will give visitors. “Per la prima volta sarà la terrazza più […]

Al Bargello William Kentridge e la sua Paper Music

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At the Bargello William Kentridge and his Paper Music

Inaugurates the seventh edition of the Florentine festival of contemporary music and visual arts the South African artist William Kentridge with his show, in the courtyard of the Bargello, on 11 September at 21. Paper Music presents a cine-concert with an installation and ten short films, where di 4 unpublished, the result of a decade of research of William Kentridge, con Philip Miller, compositore sudafricano […]

Sport: un mese di iniziative nei 5 quartieri

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Sport: a month of initiatives in the 5 districts

Sport festival in city: for a month in various sports initiatives 5 Florentine districts. “La città si accende all’insegna dello sport – spiega l’Assessore allo sport Andrea Vannucci –Firenze si muove e lo fa attraverso le iniziative nei territori. Until 5 October, thanks to the synergy with the many sporting associations, for a whole month, sarà possibile fare […]

Il campione di subbuteo


The sample of subbuteo

Con il libro “The sample of subbutero” Flavio Firmo, forty-five writer Brescia, combines two of his great passions: writing and Subbuteo, a game very popular among the 80s and 90s that is returning popular in recent years. Set predominantly in Brescia, in the novel the interwoven stories of two characters: Davide and Adriano. The […]

Enel assume 24 studenti del “Meucci”

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Enel assume 24 Students of “Meucci”

Enel ha subject 24 Meucci for students of the experimental phase of the training program combined school and work. The project involves the students of the fourth and fifth years of the technical colleges to address Technological developed by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour, Regions, trade unions and Enel. THE 24 fiorentini fanno […]

Gli spettacoli Compagnia Virgilio Sieni nei Cenacoli

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The shows Compagnia Virgilio Sieni in Cenacoli

Cenacoli Fiorentini – Great Adagio People, Now in its fourth edition, presents a series of four events that intend to investigate further and gestures in human relations. Designed by Virgil Sieni, the project was born revisiting, through a process of research on gesture, some of Cenacoli Florentine famous all over the world, San Salvi, […]

I film in sala dal 11 settembre

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In room movies 11 September

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 11 September. Sex Tape – Finiti in rete Genere: Comedy Director: Jake Kasdan Cast: Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Rob Lowe, Jack Black, Jolene Blalock, Rob Corddry, Ellie Kemper, Randall Park, Melissa Paulo Jay e Annie sono […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze


Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 13 September Event: Dall’Egitto dei Faraoni al Giappone dei Samurai attraverso il Medio Oriente islamico Luogo: Opificio delle Pietre Dure Informazioni: 055.26511 Date: until 28 September Event: Jacopo Ligozzi "Universalissimo Artist" (Verona 1547 – Florence 1627) Place: Palatine Gallery of the Pitti Palace Information: 055.294883 Date: until 30 September Event: Espressioni […]