Home » 2014 » October (Page 3)

A Firenze un salto nel West a fumetti di Tex Willer

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In Florence, a jump in the West to Tex Willer comics

In the Regional Council, Palazzo Panciatichi, in via Cavour, until 6 November, You can visit the exhibition "Two in the Tuscan West Fabio Civitelli, John Ticci and ... Tex Willer ". Also presented the film "Like no one ever Tex" directed by Giancarlo Soldi. Servizio a cura della web tv del Consiglio Regionale Dal numero 36 - Year […]

Lo scrigno delle erbe tropicali compie 100 anni

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The casket of tropical grasses performs 100 years

And 'the only herbarium tropical theme existing in Europe and has been invited, only Italian together with the Museum of Natural History, University of Florence, al Global Plant Initiative di Panama, which is the summit of the world's most important consortiums of herbaria. We're talking about the Study Centre Tropical Herbarium (CSET) University of Florence, che si trova in […]

Diamond. Il mio miglior nemico

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Diamond. My Best Enemy

New book in the saga that tells the adventures of Brian Black, nicknamed Diamond, or the diamond, one of the most prominent commanders pirate (and among the most feared) of the Space Brothers. Reading "Diamond. My best enemy "we travel between the stars and not, to restore and protect the sister of the protagonist. La storia ci […]

Sestino, l’antico comune più orientale della Toscana

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Sestino, the ancient easternmost town in Tuscany

Sestino is a small town of 1.386 inhabitants in the province of Arezzo. It is the easternmost town in Tuscany and, within the province, the most distant from the capital (79 km). Located on the borders with Marche and Emilia Romagna, place on the slopes of the central Apennines, si erge a 496 meters above sea level. Sestino è […]

Al Cestello prima assoluta per i 100 anni della Grande Guerra

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At the basket first for the 100 years of the Great War

The theater opens the season of basket 2014/2015 with a first in Italy, lo spettacolo “Observe the Sons of Ulster marching towards the Somme”, which will be staged on 24, 25, 26, 31 October and 1 and 2 novembre alle ore 20,45. Si tratta della fase finale di un articolato progetto di collaborazione fra […]

In mostra i fiori di Hideko Endo

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On display flowers Hideko Endo

Sumi Flower è il titolo dell’esposizione di Hideko Endo che sarà inaugurata venerdì prossimo, 24 October at 17 Palazzo Coppini, Via del Giglio 10. Sumi Flower presenting flowers made by the Japanese with scraps of white fabric in the shape of petals and leaves and hand-painted. Black and white, con tessuti dipinti […]

100 artigiani sul web grazie a Google Italia e Camera di Commercio di Firenze

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100 artisans on the web thanks to Google and Italian Chamber of Commerce of Florence

For 100 craftsmen of excellence in the province of Florence, Internet has never been so close, grazie a Camera di Commercio di Firenze, in collaboration with Unioncamere and thanks to the support of Google Italy, who initiated the project "Made in Italy: Excellence in Digital ", un servizio di consulenza gratuito per sensibilizzare le imprese locali sulle […]

Al Parterre fine settimana con mostra di Funghi e frutti selvatici

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At Parterre weekend with shows of mushrooms and wild fruit

The Group Mycological Fiorentino "Pier Antonio Micheli", always engaged in cultural dissemination, environmental and educational aims, in collaboration with the District 2, organizes on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 October, with orario 10-20, the Parterre of Freedom Square Exhibition of mushrooms and wild fruit. The presence, as new, di gigantografie dei boschi […]

I film in sala dal 16 ottobre

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In room movies 16 October

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 16 October. Un milione di modi per morire nel west Genere: Western, Comedy Director: Seth MacFarlane Cast: Seth MacFarlane, Charlize Theron, Amanda Seyfried, Liam Neeson, Giovanni Ribisi, Neil Patrick Harris, Sarah Silverman, Christopher Hagen, Wes Studi […]

Nelle stanze di Michelucci, Collezioni del Novecento all’Ente CRF

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In the rooms of Michelucci, Collections of the twentieth century Ente CRF

Inauguration of the exhibition "In the rooms of Michelucci. Collections of the twentieth century "in the current headquarters of CRF, one of the Florentine architectural complexes designed in the fifties by Giovanni Michelucci, opened for the first time to the public, after the restoration of the office. Aperta fino all’11 novembre, with free admission, exposure, promossa dall’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze che […]