Home » 2014 » October (Page 6)

Volo tra i segreti e le bellezze del duomo

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Flight between the secrets and the beauty of the cathedral

In collaboration with Tuscany web tv, thanks to the shooting of Mauro Pocci, La Terrazza di Michelangelo leads you to discover the secrets of the facade of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, coming up in places where no ordinary man never arrived, but only the workers and technicians of the Opera del Duomo. In fact, every year, […]

Sabato 4 ottobre: Teatro Cestello ricorda Manuelita Baylon

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Saturday 4 October: Theatre basket reminds Manuelita Baylon

“He has left a great woman – Manuelita Baylon said, recalling last 2 March, The Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella - Manuelita Baylon, has given a lot to the Florentine theater, Tuscany and not only. Actress highly appreciated by audiences and critics, and a great connoisseur of Florentine traditions, è grazie anche a lei che in […]

A Palazzo Pitti in mostra i costumi di film famosi

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A Palazzo Pitti in show costumes from famous films

Until January all'22 2015 the Costume Gallery in the Pitti Palace hosts an exhibition dedicated to Piero Tosi year's achievement award an honorary Oscar for lifetime achievement with the following motivation "Piero Tosi, a visionary whose incomparable costumes exceed the time doing live art in the film ". Il Maestro ha lavorato per anni come costumista […]

La Cupola del Duomo e l’architettura internazionale

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The dome of the Cathedral and the architecture of international

Until 10 October Florence hosts the event "From the domes in the world to Brunelleschi's Dome", an investigation into the symbol of Florence whose implementation has, yet, aspects very mysterious. Curated by Roberto Corazzi, expert in the field, with the collaboration of Barbara Corazzi, a Palazzo Coppini la mostra permette un viaggio affascinante alla scoperta del funzionamento statico e sul […]

A Firenze il II Festival delle generazioni 2-4 ottobre

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In Florence, the II Festival of generations 2-4 October

It will be held in Florence from 2 al 4 October, the second edition of the Festival of the Generations titled 'Neither old, or young: citizens?’. Born two years ago with the ambition to be a center of dialogue and proactive on issues related to young people as well as that of the elderly Festival, che ha il […]

La Maschera di Dante ora è un libro

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The Mask of Dante is now a book

A book on the mask of Dante, that since last February is the new 'star' of the Museo Casa di Dante, thanks to a loan from the Italian Dante Society. Written by journalist Cristina Manetti, the volume - whose preface was prepared by the Regional Director Eugenio Giani, President of the Italian Dante company - is on sale inside,it,US Tuscany Association,it,Tuscan America,it,Welcome Day,en,To welcome American students who arrived in the Tuscan capital,it,An opportunity to make the overseas boys discover the place where they will find themselves living for their near future,it […]

Cardinale Betori in visita per 3 mesi nel centro storico

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Cardinal Betori visiting for 3 months in the historical center

With Vespers on Sunday to 18,30 in the Basilica of the Santissima Annunziata, Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori officially opened the Vicariate Pastoral Visit to St. John's, which includes the parishes of the historical center of Florence, between the Arno and the main ring. "The Vicariate of St. John - wrote the Vicar Father Mario […]

I film in sala dal 2 ottobre

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In room movies 2 October

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 2 October. Sin City – Una donna per cui uccidere Genere: Action, Thriller Directed by: Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Rosario Dawson, Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, Mickey Rourke, Eva Green, Josh Brolin, Alexa PenaVega, Christopher […]

Welcome Day – L’America Toscana in Palazzo Vecchio

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Welcome Day - America in Tuscany Palazzo Vecchio

A full day, Wednesday 8 October, organized in Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence, per dare il benvenuto agli studenti americani arrivati nel capoluogo toscano. Un’occasione per far scoprire ai ragazzi d’oltreoceano il luogo in cui si troveranno a vivere per il loro prossimo futuro. All 17 in the Hall of 500 There will be a welcome from the Mayor Dario Nardella, a […]

Figli di Dio chiedono al Card. Betori processo Beatificazione per don Barsotti

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Sons of God are asking the Card. Betori Beatification process for Fr Barsotti

On the feast of St. Sergius of Radonezh, last Thursday, during the singing of Vespers in the church of San Salvatore in Arcivescovado, the Community of the Sons of God asked the Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori,, the opening of the process of the process of beatification of their founder, Don Divo Barsotti. It was the same Betori who wanted a […]