Home » 2014 »November,en,Poccetti,it,toat,co,It has been in a few months in,it,Inisar,ha,amodei,it,buzzi,it,Cambodia,vi,Weather in Cavaniglia,co,ICE,en,kermis,tr,Salone of art and restoration,it,Sottani,it,The IV hall of art and restoration of Florence - which opens tomorrow,it,One of these is a system,it,frank,en,nanuk,hi,Nightcrawler,en,no good deed,en,jackal,it,volcano,it,The jackal - Nightcrawler genre,it,And Gilroy Cast,id,Jonny Coyne Lou non,en,etegami,mi,Japanese culture festival,it,lemon,it,manjushaka,en,origami,en,taiko,en,Villa Strozzi,it,He returns punctual every year to bring Japanese artists and craftsmen to Florence who make Italians discover,it,lions club,en,Signorini,it,Torelli,it,Villa Lorenzi,it,The invitations to attend the new musical work written by one of the most prolific have already been delivered or booked,it,Sant'Egidio,it,Sara Cividalli,it,GERMAN,ro,legitimate jacopo,id,phrase,ro,Vannini,it,Opened yesterday,it (Page 3)

I film in sala dal 20 novembre

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In room movies 20 November

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 20 November. The Hunger Games - Mockingjay: part 1 Genus: Dramatic, Thriller Directed by: Francis Lawrence Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Natalie Dormer, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Evan Ross, Stef Dawson Il […]

Convegno – Dibattito “La vita è il vero sballo: salute e alcol nei giovani”

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Conference - Debate "Life is the real buzz: health and alcohol in young people "

Tomorrow, Thursday, 20 November from hours 9,30 at 13, presso l’auditorium CTO, in Largo P. Palagi, 1, in Florence, si terrà il Convegno – Dibattito “La vita è il vero sballo: health and alcohol in young people ". In occasione del Centenario dell’Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria, il convegno è organizzato dal progetto nazionale Testadialkol e dalla Direzione Generale di […]

Giulio Supino, italiano ebreo tra persecuzione e Resistenza

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Giulio Supino, Italian jew between persecution and Resistance

"Diary of the war that I fought. An Italian jew between persecution and resistance, "the book by Michele Sarfatti presented in the Regional Council. Supine, professor expelled from the University in 1938 because jew, pinned on some notebooks from 1939 al 1945 his impressions on the lives of those years in Bologna, le Vicende belliche, la persecuzione […]

L’Elba di Napoleone spiegata ai fiorentini

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Elba Napoleon explained to the Florentines

“1814 Napoleon from Elba Europe” is the theme of the International Conference of studies sponsored by the Foundation Spadolini New Anthology, to 200 anni dal Regno di Napoleone all’Elba, and programma venerdì 21 and Saturday 22 novembre nella Sala Verde di Palazzo Incontri della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Via dei Pucci 1. All’apparenza luogo di esilio e di […]

Inaugurata Villa Favard restaurata

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Inaugurata Villa Favard restaurata

Have been unveiled to the public, sabato scorso, the restoration of Villa Favard, century building, currently houses the Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini in Florence, a Rovezzano, in via di Rocca Tedalda 451. Inaugurazione con la presentazione del Direttore del Conservatorio Flora Gagliardi, then a visit to the restored villa. During the visit, si sono tenuti concerti […]

Scout in Piazza Annigoni per il 70esimo anniversario della Rinascita dopo il Fascismo

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Scout Square Annigoni for the 70th anniversary of the rebirth after Fascism

Quasi 2mila ragazzi e capi Scout Cngei, Agesci and Masci on Saturday gathered in Florence's Piazza Annigoni to celebrate 70 anniversary of the rebirth of Scouting in the city after the Fascist repression. With them in the square, under a steady rain and copious, il Vice Sindaco di Firenze Cristina Giachi e l’Arcivescovo di Firenze Cardinale Giuseppe […]

Prefetto riorganizza l’ufficio cittadinanza

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Prefect reorganizes office citizenship

New organization for the office of the Prefecture Italian citizenship. This was decided by the Prefect Louis Varratta after the reservation service via the internet did not yield the desired results. Last March, in order to avoid long waits telephone users to have a contact with the operators, An electronic service had been activated on the,it,Borgogni,it,Cauteruccio,es,grigò,en,Sirithipr,mi,Manuele,co,work of Florence,la,promoted by the work of Santa Maria del,it,contributions,it,resolution,it,Culture and Sport Management,it,The resolution also contains others,it […]

Il Tentativo di conservazione sincretica di Fabio Gianni

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The Attempted conservation syncretic Fabio Gianni

Fabio Gianni, visual artist and media is at its literary debut. Fabio does not feel at all a writer but he felt the need to "externalize non-sens" that is related to art, to his art. The book's title, published by Ludovica Greta Publisher, è preso dal titolo di un testo critico di Clarissa […]

Opus Florentinum: omaggio a Mario Luzi nel centenario della nascita

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Opus Florentinum: Mario Luzi tribute to the centenary of his birth

Friday 14 November at 20.45, at the study conference "Mario Luzi. The humanism of the poem ", in the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence will take place the evening "Tribute to Mario Luzi the centenary of the birth". The central moment, the representation of Opus Florentinum directed by Giancarlo Cauteruccio, promossa dall’Opera di Santa Maria del […]

Contributi culturali: Sindaco annuncia “dal prossimo anno nuove regole”

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Cultural contributions: Mayor announces "new rules from next year"

New rules in the provision of grants to cultural operators: decides over the council but will be made available through a public notice. This is what provides the resolution containing the addresses for the provision of financial assistance to cultural operators for years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 approved in recent days by the Executive. La delibera contiene anche altre […]