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Montescudaio, uno dei Borghi più belli d’Italia

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Montescudaio, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy

Montescudaio is a charming village of the Val di Cecina, located along the southern part of the province of Pisa in a typical Tuscan hills, which is just fifteen minutes from the sea of ​​the Etruscan Riviera. Undoubtedly one of the most interesting countries in this part of Maremma, not coincidentally introduced in the "most beautiful villages in Italy". Reperti archeologici raccontano […]

Visite gratis agli occhi a Ottobre e Novembre

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Free visits to the eyes in October and November

A month's time for loving our eyes. Rather two. In Florence 'in October, Month view ', the initiative promoted by Federottica-Confcommercio, doubles. To explain it is Gianni Ristori, President of Federottica – Confcommercio Florence: "In our city throughout November will also devote ourselves to the free checks. In addition to, to make it even more effective the project will organize, together […]

Ricordo di Manuelita Baylon con 17 opere teatrali

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I remember with Manuelita Baylon 17 theater

La Terrazza di Michelangelo is pleased to make public, putting it online freely, the full video made with 17 clips from various theatrical works interpreted from the nineties to 2011 Manuelita by actress Florentine Baylon, who died prematurely in March 2014. The video was screened for the first time on Saturday 4 October 2014 the Theatre of […]

Firenze ricorda Mitoraj

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Florence remembers Mitoraj

Ultimi giorni per poter visitare la mostra fiorentina dell’artista Igor Mitoraj - morto due giorni fa - le sue sculture e i suoi gioielli esposti fino al 15 October in the seat Ente CR Firenze and the Museo Horne. The exposure, organized dall'OMA, Association Observatory for arts and crafts, che promuove quegli artisti che praticano anche le arti orafe e lavorano […]

I film in sala dal 9 ottobre

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In room movies 9 October

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 9 October. The Equalizer – Il Vendicatore Genere: Action, Thriller Directed by: Antoine Fuqua Cast: Denzel Washington, Chloe Grace Moretz, Haley Bennett, Marton Csokas, Melissa Leo, Bill Pullman, Bilzeri from the, Vladimir Lich, Johnny Messner, Robert Wahlberg, David […]

Al via la stagione 2014/2015 del Teatro di Rifredi

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At the start of the season 2014/2015 Theatre Rifredi

Presentation of the theatrical season 20014/15 Theatre Rifredi the presence of Maria Federica Giuliani, Chairman of the Cultural Commission of the City of Florence, Giancarlo Mordini, Artistic Director, Giovanna Malgeri, President S.M.S. Rifredi 1883, and Sara Nocentini, Councillor for Culture, Tourism and Commerce of the Region of Tuscany. Per la Presidente Giuliani “Il prezioso e consolidato […]

Alla scoperta di una città fantasma, Vetulonia

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Discovering a ghost town, Vetulonia

There are many cases of mythological cities of Tuscany, founded in ancient times and never found, buried by time and memory. One of these, a legendary Etruscan mythological held until 1887, fu invece realmente scoperta da alcuni studiosi che riuscirono a trovare nei loro scavi le prime tracce certe dell’antico centro urbano di […]

Chimera: mito e curiosità del mostro aretino

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Chimera: myth and curiosity of the monster Arezzo

The Chimera is a mythological monster characteristic; secondo il mito greco fa parte della progenie di Tifone ed Echidna. Suo padre, Typhoon, whose gigantic body culminating in a hundred dragon heads, relegated lies beneath one of the volcanic islands of our land (Ischia and Sicily), ancora fremente della rabbia che lo portò un giorno lontano a […]

Con l’amore di un coniglio

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With the love of a rabbit

"With the love of a rabbit" is a book of 2013 written by James Pedroni, auto pubblicato in versione cartacea su You can print e invece realizzato in e-book con Cavinato Editore International. È disponibile sui migliori store on line e librerie. Crisis, spread, GDP, Fiscal Compact, tax, toxic assets…il nostro vocabolario negli ultimi anni si […]

In arrivo 50 giorni di cinema

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In arrivo 50 days of cinema

Last Friday was presented to the press, at the Odeon cinema in Florence, the eighth edition of the film festival's longest Italy, the 50 Days of International Film in Florence, scheduled 29 October to 14 December, organized by the Region of Tuscany by Fondazione Sistema Toscana. They presented the event the Department of Culture of the Region of Tuscany Sara Nocentini, […]