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Cardinale Piovanelli operato e in convalescenza

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Cardinal Piovanelli operated and in convalescence

Cardinal Silvano Piovanelli, Archbishop Emeritus of Florence last week was rushed to the Hospital of Careggi, where it was subjected to an operation for intestinal problem. Come scrive il suo Segretario “preghiamo il Signore e la Vergine Salute degli Infermi, perché il nostro amato Cardinale possa al più presto ristabilirsi e riprendere il suo ministero […]

Il cinema di Natale

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Cinema Christmas

It's not Christmas if not celebrated by going to the Cinema, that, as always in this period, offers a rich and varied range of films that can give pleasure, distraction and often emotions. And since Christmas is the feast of the family start with the animated films of Walt Disney, that never fails in the traditional panettone film […]

Gli auguri natalizi del Corteo Storico della Repubblica Fiorentina

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Christmas wishes of the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic

Traditional parade, on the eve of Christmas, on the main streets of the city center, the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic for Christmas gifts Authorities Cities – Archbishop, Prefect, President Province – by the Municipality represented here by the President of the Historical Football Michele Pierguidi. Franco Mariani Dal numero 45 – The Year of 24/12/2014 […]

Galleria degli Uffizi, mostra collezione Icone Russe

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Uffizi Gallery, collection shows Russian Icons

Until February 1 2015 in the space of the Royal Post Office to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence are on display 81 Russian icons in the collections of Florence that form an important nucleus of Orthodox religious art. The "Collection of Russian icons in the Uffizi" is sponsored by the Friends of the Uffizi and curated by Valentina Conticelli, Daniela Relatives […]

Gli auguri natalizi del Cardinale Betori

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Christmas greetings from Cardinal Betori

These Christmas greetings to the city of the Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, made for the traditional tribute by the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic. Franco Mariani Dal numero 45 – The Year of 24/12/2014

Gli auguri natalizi del Sindaco Nardella alla città

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Christmas greetings to the city's Mayor Nardella

Il Sindaco di Firenze Dario Nardella ha iniziato il suo discorso per gli auguri natalizi alla città citando il dialogo tra due operai costruttori della cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, called to a company that seems to go beyond their strength, narrated by the Florentine poet Mario Luzi in his work 'Opus Florentinum'. La tradizionale cerimonia si è svolta […]

Sindaco Nardella su 2014 e 2015 per Firenze

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Mayor Nardella on 2014 and 2015 Florence

Budget of the Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, on 2014 and what will be for the city 2015, made for the traditional Christmas meeting of the First Citizen with the local press for a toast of good wishes. For Nardella, who began his tenure by just over six months, si è trattata della […]

Cardinale Betori incontra la stampa su vari temi cittadini

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Cardinal Betori meets the press on various issues citizens

Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, as every year, before Christmas he met the local press for the exchange of greetings and traditional occasion answer all the questions that are presented. This year the questions involving the pastoral visit in the center of Florence, between families and markets, il presepe come affermazione […]

Inaugurato percorso museale per visite agli scavi di Palazzo Vecchio

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Opened museum for visits to the excavations of the Palazzo Vecchio

Solemnly inaugurated the foyer of the Roman theater in the Palazzo Vecchio and the new layout of the archeological excavations, Now normally visible, Paid, how many rooms and places hitherto inaccessible Palace. "It is a historic achievement of which we are proud – said the mayor-is the result of an intervention that is […]

Per il pranzo di Natale al ristorante: 19 milioni di euro

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For Christmas dinner at the restaurant: 19 million euros

There will be over 6 thousand, equal to 73%, Restaurants in activities on Christmas Day in Tuscany. The uncertainty also negatively affects the reservations to date do not exceed the 30% availability and were down on the same period a year ago. According to the 69% dei ristoratori intervistati si sta consolidando, […]