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Cavalieri 4: Investitura Dame Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 4: Investiture Dame Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

Investiture Ceremony of Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem celebrated on Saturday 13 September in Florence's Basilica of Santa Maria Novella from the Lieutenancy for the Central Apennines Italy, which includes the regions of Tuscany Ecclesiastical, Marche and Umbria. More than 40 new Knights were admitted to the Order, with a solemn rite and […]

Cavalieri 3: Consegna del Mantello Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 3: Delivery Mantle Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture Ceremony of Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem celebrated on Saturday 13 September in Florence's Basilica of Santa Maria Novella from the Lieutenancy for the Central Apennines Italy, which includes the regions of Tuscany Ecclesiastical, Marche and Umbria. More than 40 new Knights were admitted to the Order, with a solemn rite and […]

Fine settimana con le Ambulanze d’epoca

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Weekends with Ambulances Vintage

It promises to be an interesting weekend, from the point of a blast from the past, because the old town will be flooded with numerous historical ambulances thanks to the Misericordia of Florence who organized what is absolutely the first gathering of this kind is "D'Epoca 770" and will feature service vehicles, cars and ambulances, that are […]

Cavalieri 2: Investitura Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 2: Investiture of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture Ceremony of Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem celebrated on Saturday 13 September in Florence's Basilica of Santa Maria Novella from the Lieutenancy for the Central Apennines Italy, which includes the regions of Tuscany Ecclesiastical, Marche and Umbria. More than 40 new Knights were admitted to the Order, with a solemn rite and […]

Cavalieri 1: Investitura Cavalieri Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme

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Knights 1: Investiture of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem

Investiture Ceremony of Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem celebrated on Saturday 13 September in Florence's Basilica of Santa Maria Novella from the Lieutenancy for the Central Apennines Italy, which includes the regions of Tuscany Ecclesiastical, Marche and Umbria. More than 40 new Knights were admitted to the Order, with a solemn rite and […]

Merenda gratis per alunni dal fornaio di Ponte alle Mosse

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Merenda free for students from baker Ponte alle Mosse

Per un mese tutti i bambini degli asili e delle scuole elementari di Firenze potranno avere grati la merenda grazie a Lorenzo Vulashi, young baker of Albanian origin, owner of "Bread, Love and Dreams Via Ponte alle Mosse. For “help” the children to go on school desks with an extra boost, Lorenzo ha avuto l’idea […]

Morto Piero Baldesi storico direttore Scuola Scienze Aziendali

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Dead Piero Baldesi historic Director School Business Sciences

E 'died suddenly in Florence. creando grande sconcerto in molti settori della società economica e civile cittadina, Piero Baldesi, director from 1985 School of Business Science of the Tuscan capital. “Baldesi – ha ricordato il Sindaco Dario Nardella - era un grande manager, a personal friend, un uomo dedito ai giovani e al suo progetto di formazione di cui […]

Firenze ha ricordato Oriana Fallaci dopo 8 anni

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Florence recalled after Oriana Fallaci 8 years

Florence for the eighth time, thanks to Marco Cordon, former provincial councilor Florence of the Northern League and the Chairman of the Committee “Oriana Fallaci”, recalled last 15 September, with the deposition of a cushion of flowers on the grave at the cemetery of the Evangelical via Allori in Florence, Oriana Fallaci. Accompanied by a group of citizens Cordone recalled – come ha […]

Oltre Picasso

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Besides Picasso

The Pablo Picasso, the protagonist of the twentieth century, myth is dedicated to the exhibition of modern art in Florence, spaces of Palazzo Strozzi, where, together with internationally renowned artists such as Tapies, Miro and Dali explores the Spanish art of the twentieth century. The influence of Picasso's genius is evident in the works of other painters, e anche le […]

Monsanto: l’autunno inizia ad arte domenica 21

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Monsanto: Autumn starts Sunday Art 21

The ancient village of Monsanto will feature artists that next Sunday, 21 September, will be able to develop and submit their works to the first painting competition organized by the Society of extemporaneous Monsanto, known for the originality of the many initiatives that are offered throughout the year. The art competition is held on the occasion of the third edition of "Goblets of Art", evento […]