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Al via i lavori per il nuovo Pronto Soccorso di Ponte a Niccheri

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Work begins for the new Emergency Department of Bridge Niccheri

At the end of the work, Florentines and a good part of the metropolitan area to the south of Florence will have another new Emergency Department of the Hospital Bridge Niccheri, one of the 5 points of health emergency of the Health of Florence: ben 5 mila metri quadri su due piani. Jobs, che dovrebbero iniziare il prossimo settembre, will cost 23 million euros, […]

L’Assessore Mantovani riceve l’Ambasciatore di Firenze in Messico

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Councillor Mantovani receives the Ambassador of Mexico in Florence

Interview with Franco Mariani all’ Florentine ambassador in Mexico, Fabio Caselli, President of the Academy of Music in Florence, a few days ago he returned to Italy to meet with the neo Councillor for International Relations of the City of Florence Nicoletta Mantovani. Frank Mariani shooting. Mariani Franco Dal number 26 – The Year of 09/07/2014

A Firenze nasce Piazza Enrico Berlinguer

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In Florence was born Piazza Enrico Berlinguer

Firenze is a martedì 8 July, a square named after Enrico Berlinguer, one of the fathers of the Italian left. The area under the new name that is in the area of ​​the Stadio Franchi, opposite the entrance to the municipal swimming pool Paul Costoli, with access from Via Pasquale Paoli and Viale Manfredo Fanti, generally where they park the cars going in these structures […]

Florence Byke Night: passeggiata cicloturistica notturna per la città

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Florence Byke Night: cycling night walk through the city

After the great success of the 2013, with approximately 800 participants and conduct the event in four other Italian cities, Bologna, Messina, Novara, Rome, returns to Florence 10 luglio Florence Byke Night, organized by the National Association of Giglio Friend with Blue and Olympic Athletes of Italy and the Italian Federation of Friends of the Bicycle) Una pedalata […]

Il Carcere: prima, dentro e dopo secondo Casa Caciolle

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The Prison: first, in and after the second house Caciolle

The Opera Madonnina del Grappa has hosted and organized, together with the Association House Caciolle, the seminar "Prison: first, in and dopo ", with the aim to focus attention on the mechanisms that lead to crime and imprisonment, well as the quality and conditions of life that still characterize those detained, and perspectives that can […]

I film in sala dal 10 luglio

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In room movies 10 July

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 10 July. Mai così vicini Genere: Comedy, Drama Director: Rob Reiner Cast: Michael Douglas, Diane Keaton, Sterling Jerins, Frankie Valli, Yaya DaCosta, Paloma Guzmán, Frances Sternhagen, Andy Karl Ci sono milioni di ragioni per non provare […]

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

That’ Shoulder round. Being unwilling to work. The Editors From the number 26 – The Year of 09/07/2014

In scena dal 9 al 16 luglio

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Staged by 9 al 16 July

Date: 9 July Event: Festival In Crescendo: Nuovi Talenti­_3 Genere: Music Place: Oratorio della Chiesa di San Michele A Castello Informazioni: 055.580996 Date: 9 July Event: Concerto per la cittadinanza in occasione del “Festival delle Orchestre Giovanili 2014” Genere: Concert Venue: Piazza della Signoria – Loggia dei Lanzi Informazioni: Ceremonial Office 055.055 Date: 9 – […]

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Events from the 9 al 16 July

Date: 10 July Event: Akropolis: Le Aperture Straordinarie Genere: Guided tour Place: Associazione culturale Akropolis Informazioni: 055.461428 Date: 10 July Event: AgriCOOL Genere: Mercato Luogo: BiblioteCaNova Isolotto Informazioni: 055.710834 Date: 11 July Event: Caffè Alzheimer Genere: Meeting Place: BiblioteCaNova Isolotto Informazioni: 055.710834 Date: 12 July Event: AgriKulturae Genere: Mercato Luogo: BiblioteCaNova Isolotto Informazioni: 055.710834 Date: […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze


Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 12 July Event: 2RC - Masters of Contemporary Art in Print Place: Sala della Minerva Academy of Fine Arts Information: 055.215449 – 347.0708738 Date: until 13 July Event: Staff of the painter Mauro Baroncini Place: Casa di Giotto Vicchio Information: 055.8439225 Date: until 13 July Event: And master sculptor Baccio Bandinelli […]