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Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze

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Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 18 April Event: Zoe Gruni. Le Americhe Luogo: Galleria Il Ponte Information: 055.240617 Date: until 23 April Event: A measure of the book. 50 years of editions Center 1964 – 2014 Place: Spazio Mostre Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Informazioni: 055.5384001 Date: until 27 April Event: Once in a Lifetime. Tesori […]

La chiesa romana di San Marcello titolo cardinalizio di Betori

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The Roman Church of San Marcello Cardinal title of Betori

Servizio di Franco Mariani sulla Chiesa di San Marcello a Roma, in via del Corso, Casa Generalizia dei Frati Servi di Maria, Congregazione religiosa maschile tutta fiorentina, Titolo Cardinalizio dell’Arcivescovo di Firenze il Cardinale Giuseppe Betori. AND’ la prima volta in assoluto che una telecamera fiorentina riprende e presenta ai fiorentini l’interno e l’esterno della […]

Passerella di politici alla Comunione del Cardinale Betori

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Political catwalk to communion of Cardinal Betori

Communion of Florentine political - from all sides, no distinction between right, left, center - with Secretaries, Parliamentarians, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Councillors, Regional Councillors and Municipal, the traditional Mass for the Easter celebration, in the inner chapel of the Archbishop's Palace, by Cardinal Joseph Betori, Archbishop of Florence, for Catholics involved in social. Camera and photos of Franco […]

Intervista al direttore Caritas Gerusalemme in visita a Firenze

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Interview with the Director of Caritas Jerusalem visiting Florence

Interview with the Director of Caritas Jerusalem, Don Raed Abusahlia, made a special visit to Florence. La Terrazza di Michelangelo met him during the evening on Peace in the Holy Land, organized by the Cultural cultivate Peace, held at the Church of Santi Michele e Gaetano last 28 March. A special interview with Franco Mariani made, […]

Nuove scoperte archeologiche sotto Palazzo Vecchio sul Teatro Romano

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New archaeological discoveries in Palazzo Vecchio on Roman Theatre

Nuove scoperte archeologiche durante i lavori per la costruzione della nuova biglietteria del museo di Palazzo Vecchio.Il Teatro Romano conservato sotto Palazzo Vecchio diventa ancora più grande grazie alle nuove scoperte.Durante gli ulteriori scavi è stato possibile rimettere in luce la maestosità del percorso di accesso del pubblico, il vomitorium, posto a collegamento tra l’emiciclo […]

I film in sala dal 10 aprile

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In room movies 10 April

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, nelle sale di Firenze da giovedì 10 April. Noah Genere: Drama Director: Darren Aronofsky Cast: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth, Emma Watson, Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins, Kevin Durand L’attore premio Oscar Russell Crowe interpreta Noè, il prescelto da […]

In scena dal 9 al 16 aprile

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Staged by 9 al 16 April

Date: 9 April Event: Amore Puro Tour Genere: Music Place: Nelson Mandela Forum Informazioni: 055.676296 Date: 9 April Event: Verdiana Genere: Music Place: Auditorium al Duomo Informazioni: 055.2381752 Date: 9 April Event: Camerata Strumentale “Città di Prato” Genere: Music Place: Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore Informazioni: 0574.455210 Date: 10 April Event: Suona Francese Genere: […]

“Uscio e Bottega” parodia fiorentina di Porta a Porta

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"Door and shop" parody fiorentina di Porta a Porta

"Uscio and Shop" director Mark Daffra, with a cast of highly respected Florentine – ben 66 actors 3 generations – is a film not to be missed, that after the premiere last October, now back in a new version, in the face of a new and more dynamic assembly, and with a new soundtrack, […]

Messa Cardinale Betori per i cattolici impegnati in politica

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Cardinal Betori mass for Catholics involved in politics

With the prayer of Pope Francis God "to increase the number of politicians able to enter into a genuine dialogue that is oriented to effectively heal the deep roots and not the appearance of the evils of our world! The policy, tanto denigrata, it is a vocation high, is one of the most valuable forms of charity, because […]

Il Giardino Bardini, una vista mozzafiato che fa bene alla salute dei fiorentini

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The Bardini Garden, a breathtaking view that is good for the health of the Florentines

The Bardini Garden is a fantastic green area with a breathtaking view of Florence, and above is also very good for the health of the Florentines. The study finds the urban microclimate of Florence conducted by the Interdepartmental center Bioclimatology, dal Dipa