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Festival dei Popoli: all’Odeon sold out per documentario alluvione ’66

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Festival of Peoples: Odeon sold out for documentary flood '66

The Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, participating last Sunday at the Festival dei Popoli, dividing his time between the Cinera Odeon and the Florence Marathon, presented the documentary on the floods of 1966, "Florence, November '66 ", shot in 1966 da Mario Carbone, class 1924, present at the screening, and found in the Festival of Peoples, il festival del film […]

“Il cappello di paglia di Firenze” arriva al Teatro di Cestello

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"The straw hat of Florence" arrives at the Teatro di Cestello

Al Teatro di Cestello va in scena oggi mercoledì 26 and tomorrow, Thursday, 27 November, at 20.45, "The straw hat of Florence", drawn from the work of Eugène Labiche, directed by Sandro Querci, who is also the protagonist excelled. Went on stage for the first time in 1851, produced by Walters, lo spettacolo comprende […]

E’ tempo di Natale: il Cardinale Betori invita a fare il Presepe a casa, scuola e nei negozi

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AND’ Christmas time: Cardinal Betori invites to the crib at home, school and shops

The Cardinal Archbishop of Florence, Mons. Giuseppe Betori, once wrote an open letter to “dear boys and girls to care” the great Italian dioceses to invite, as part of the 13th edition of Capannucce in City, to make the crib in their own homes, but also at school and in the shops. The 13 anni un […]

I film in sala dal 27 novembre

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In room movies 27 November

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 27 November. I Vichinghi Genere: Adventure, Azione Regia: Claudio Faeh Cast: Ryan containers, Ed Skrein, Tom Hopper, James Norton, Leo Gregory, Charlie Murphy, Ken Look, Anatole Taubman, Danny Keogh, Bettina Kenney, Mark Strepan, Johan Hegg IX […]

Cento volte Bartali – 1914/2014 in libreria e il 9 al Teatro Verdi

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Hundred times Bartali – 1914/2014 in library and 9 at the Teatro Verdi

L’associazione per la solidarietà Giglio Amico onlus in collaborazione con Giunti Editore, Brotherhood of Mercy Florence, Confindustria Toscana and Chimet, in occasione del Natale ha pubblicato il libro “Cento volte Bartali – 1914/2014”, to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the Tuscan champion. La vita del grande Gino Bartali viene rivissuta in ogni suo aspetto anche per descrivere […]

Estate 2015: Vasco Rossi, Tiziano Ferro e Jovanotti in concerto a Firenze

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Estate 2015: Vasco Rossi, Tiziano Ferro and Jovanotti concert in Florence

Vasco Rossi, Tiziano Ferro and Jovanotti, three great names of Italian music for many major events scheduled in the summer 2015 at the Stadio Artemio Franchi in Florence. They were years that the Tuscan capital not slipped a trio of this caliber. It is the merit of the synergy between the City of Florence, Prg Ltd. and ACF Fiorentina, in […]

“Firenze insolita”: tantissime novità ed eventi fino a gennaio

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"Florence unusual": lots of news and events until January

Explore the city outside the usual routes, strolling, stopping to visit lesser known buildings, participating in workshops for young and old, visiting craft shops, è quello che propone fino al prossimo 8 December, the new edition of "Unusual Florence" , the initiative organized by the Cultural Commission of the District 1 e finalizzata alla conoscenza di […]

Turisti stranieri: Firenze la più visitata ma cresce il mordi e fuggi

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Foreign tourists: Florence the most visited but grows the hit and run

The city of Florence is reconfirmed also in 2014 The most visited compared to Venice and Rome,it,months of,it. Foreign visitors in the first 8 months of 2014 grow 1.5%, spend 121 euro per day average, but the stay was reduced by 3%. This is what emerges from the study of ReteSviluppo, ente di ricerca statistico che […]

“The Reds & The White” il 29 al Four Seasons Hotel Firenze

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“The Reds & The White” il 29 al Four Seasons Hotel Firenze

The excellence and elegance of great red wines meets his majesty white truffle, una lunga tradizione di eventi enogastronomici quella che accompagna il mondo Four Seasons Hotel Firenze, dove ritorna anche quest’anno, sabato prossimo, l’atteso appuntamento annuale con il “The Reds and The White”. Saturday 29 novembre sarà una serata d’eccezione dove si celebrerà il connubio tra […]

Nuovo sito internet per il Tribunale ecclesiastico

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New website for the Ecclesiastical Court

AND’ on line il nuovo sito internet del Tribunale Ecclesiastico delle diocesi Toscane http://www.teretrusco.it/, un portale su cui si possono trovare tutte le informazioni utili su questo tribunale, its functions and contacts. The site presents marriage, according to Canon Law, ovvero come “patto coniugale con cui un uomo e una donna stabiliscono tra […]