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Intervista alle Sorelle Marinetti

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Interview to the sisters Marinetti

Le Sorelle Marinetti are a trio of male singers en travesti. Their names are art Turbinia, Mercuria, The spark, respectively, Nicholas Olivieri, Andrea Allione and Marco Lugli. The Group – whose name harks back to that of the founder of futurism, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti – He works swing repertoire composed of known authors of […]

A dicembre inflazione stabile a Firenze

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Inflation stable in December in Florence

Inflation stable in December in Florence: growing up fuels and food, decrease heating and gas hotels, increasing the shopping cart. And ' what emerges from the Municipal Office of detection statistic that presented the anticipation of the results of the calculation of the inflation in Florence for the month of November, and that must then be confirmed by Istat, […]

Le bellezze di Firenze raccontate ai più piccoli da Bargellini

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The beauties of Florence told the little ones from Bargellini

Was the 2010 When Palazzo Vecchio, at the time, was the Education Minister now Senator and Secretary of the Senate, Rosa Maria Di Giorgi, decided to start the project "I love Florence", a new series of children's books on the most important historical and artistic monuments of the city, to tell children the story of […]

20 gennaio: i panellini della Misericordia

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20 January: the panellini of mercy

The 20 January is an important day for the mercy of Firenze, because we are celebrating the feast of Saint Sebastian martyr, Patron of the Association by 1575. Was the Dominican Blessed Peter of Verona, also known as the martyr, to establish in 1244 la Venerabile Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di Firenze, the oldest Italian mercy with his […]

Intervista a Giorgio Bozzo

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Interview with Giorgio Bozzo

Genovese was born in transplanted in Milan, Giorgio Bozzo began in the world of pop music working from 1986 al 1989 for Polygram. After a stint as a journalist in the field of print media in Berlin, He began to collaborate with Rai 2 and with several magazines including Marie Claire, For Him, Esquire, Amica. Moving […]

Torna l’oro sulle Porte del Paradiso

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Back the gold on the doors of paradise

The restoration Opificio delle Pietre dure in Florence of the North Door of the baptistery of Florence by Lorenzo Ghiberti, going after 600 years after its construction, is getting exceptional results, beyond all expectations. Under the dirt and the surface deposits of centuries has resurfaced the splendid original gilding in reliefs. […]

Detti e Proverbi Fiorentini

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Sayings and Proverbs Fiorentini

When Monte Morello there has the hat, fiorentino piglia umbrella. Florentine said Meterological flavor. Usually clouds on the mountains north of Florence announce rain in the city and the plain. Editorial by the number 1 – The Year of 15/01/2014

Furto Cimitero: sparisce busto bambino alle Porte Sante

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Cemetery Theft: bust child disappears the Holy doors

Suffer a theft, whatever the object stolen, is always a trauma, as it is a subject, by third parties, a profound act coming to hurt you personally, invading your space and your possessions, and it is a criminal act if the theft is perpetrated not only in a graveyard, but the […]

Consigli per vivere felici con i conigli

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Tips to live happily with rabbits

Many years ago, When they talked about pets, usually referred to the dog and cat, man's best friend for excellence; but for a few years now, many people have chosen as the best friend the rabbit. The latest European statistics place the rabbit no less than third of […]

Nuovo Cardinale per Firenze

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New Cardinal to Florence

The city and the Archdiocese of Florence on Sunday, 12 January, has a new Cardinal. It is Mons. Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia-Città della Pieve, born in Marradi, ordained in Florence, Vicar General and Bishop of Florence, before Massa Marittima-Piombino and then Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro. Born 71 years ago to Populate, location of the municipality […]