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Intervista al Prof. Paolo Blasi – Avepro

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Interview with Prof. Paolo Blasi – Avepro

Prof . Paolo Blasi was a member of the Board of Governors of the Bank of Italy, Member of the Board of the United Nations University, Member of the Comité National d'evaluation (CNE). Formerly Professor of General Physics, in the Faculty of mathematical sciences, Physics and natural sciences and Rector of the University of Florence from 1991 al 2000. President of the Rectors ' Conference […]

Eventi dal 15 al 31 gennaio

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Events from the 15 al 31 January

Thursday, 16 January OBIHall (former Saschall) Claudio Baglioni in concert After a successful summer tour, Neffa prosegue i suoi live nei teatri. Saturday 18 January at 16.30 – Sala de’ Dugento Conferenza “Ersilia – Donne e lavoro” promossa dall’Assessorato alla Cultura e dall’Assessorato alle Pari Opportunità. Sunday 19 January at 15.00 – Sala de’ […]

Ritratto di Don Facibeni di Annigoni esposto per la prima volta

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Portrait of Don Facibeni of Annigoni exhibited for the first time

For the first time it was exposed to the public, as part of the exhibition ' Pietro Annigoni: the presence of an artist ', posthumous portrait of don Julius Facibeni (1884-1958) that the teacher made in 1986. The work is a joint technique painting whose image is known to the general public, much more than the original that was always kept in the rooms […]

Due milioni e 200mila euro per le scuole

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Two million and 200 thousand euros for schools

The Giunta Comunale di Palazzo Vecchio, on the suggestion of the alderman of education Christina Gamboa, has approved a package of measures to 2 million and 200 thousand euros, that will start the work in several educational institutions citizens for new bathrooms, architectural barriers to be removed, electrical systems by adapting. In the list of priorities is the installation of barriers […]

Crocifisso torna in chiesa

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Crucifix back to church

Rediscovered and restored, back in the Church of San Jacopo Sopr'arno, in Florence, the polychrome wooden crucifix which knew over time a great devotion. Christ crucified was relocated to its original location, inside a marble niche over the altar of the right aisle. Another work is then returned to the veneration of the faithful in […]

Il Giglio di Firenze per 33 anni su Padre Pio

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Florence Lily 33 years on Padre Pio

On the portal of the old church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in San Giovanni Rotondo, the primitive Church of Padre Pio, He finds, from 1935, a valuable artistic majolica bezel, depicting, in the center of Santa Maria delle Grazie, left St. Francis of Assisi, right Michael the Archangel, Florentine opera, the three brothers Richard, Emilio, […]

I film in sala dal 16 gennaio


In room movies 16 January

The Counselor – Attorney General: Drama Director: Ridley Scott Cast: Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender, Cameron Diaz, Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Rosie Perez, John Leguizamo, Goran Visnjic, Dean Norris, Natalie Dormer Un avvocato pensa di entrare nel giro della droga mettendosi in affari con un conoscente che frequenta individui poco raccomandabili. L’ingresso nel mondo del […]

La Sindone a Firenze

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The shroud in Florence

The Shroud, the sacred linen, the shroud, who has wrapped the body of Jesus Christ taken down from the cross and was found three days later in the empty tomb, that is kept in Turin, would be retained for a period in Florence. Supports Enrico Baccarini, historian, journalist, After years and years of studies […]

Beato grazie al ns Direttore

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Blessed with ns Director

Between curiosie a news about our Director, Frank Mariani, It takes its cue from that press release in September by the Press Office of the Holy See, or the signature, by Papa Francesco, the Decree on the heroic virtues of the servant of God Pius Alberto Del Corona, Titular Archbishop of Sardica, former Bishop of San Miniato, Founder of […]

I Ragazzi di Sipario in Vetrina Toscana

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The guys at featured Tuscan Curtain

Children Curtain, the restaurant in via dei Serragli, born a few years ago to give dignity and work to disabled children, join the network of restaurants in Tuscany Showcase, the project of region and Unioncamere Toscana to promote restaurants and shops that use typical products. After starting, the […]