Home » 2015 » January » 21 (Page 2)

Uffizi: restaurate le superfici architettoniche e pitture murali di San Pier Scheraggio

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Uffizi: restored architectural surfaces and murals of San Pier Scheraggio

An extraordinary laboratory-school within the complex of the Uffizi Vasari for a selected group of students of restoration of the training course for the restoration of architectural surfaces and wall paintings of the former church of San Piero in Scheraggio, organized by the Building School of Florence and who was involved a group of young students of the Florentine. Avviatosi […]

Diffuso a Firenze Rapporto CISF sui 5 milioni di migranti in Italia

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Common in Florence Report on CISF 5 million migrants in Italy

Presented in the Hall of the International Centre teatina Students Giorgio La Pira of Florence Report 2014 International Centre of Family Studies. The report provides data relevant to the 5 million migrants in our country and at the same time, in collaboration with the Forum of Family Associations and Toscano Migrantes Office of the Diocese of Florence, gettato […]

L’Ente Cassa per Firenze Capitale 1865-1870: 25 eventi da non perdere

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The Ente Cassa Florence Capital 1865-1870: 25 events not to miss

The Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze participates in events to commemorate the 150 years of Florence Capital (1865-1870) promoting a full program of events, they are 25, gathered in a special project called 'The Swedish Florence Capital' with a logo specifically designed by Miriam Frescura. These events are in addition to the many initiatives promoted by the Committee, […]

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