Home » 2015 » January » 28 (Page 2)

“1938-1945: la persecuzione degli ebrei in Italia. Documenti per una storia”

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"1938-1945: the persecution of Jews in Italy. Documents for a story "

In the basement of the Basilica of Santa Croce was inaugurated the exhibition "1938-1945: the persecution of Jews in Italy. Documents for a story ", event sponsored by the national coordination committee for the celebrations in memory of the Shoah. The inauguration was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior Domenico Manzione, the presence of the Prefect Luigi Varratta, […]

Il film kolossal “Cristiada” ritorna a Firenze il 30

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The blockbuster film "Cristiada” returns to Florence 30

After the great success of the first screening of the film "Cristiada", in Florence, on the occasion of the bicentennial of the birth of Don Giovanni Bosco, the 30 January at 21 the film will be projected again at the cinema hall of the Salesians They, in via del Ghirlandaio, 38, and the 31 at 21 at the cinema theater Salesians of […]

L’Archivio Storico del Comune

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The Historical Archive of the City

The Historical Archive of the City of Florence preserves, as core, all documents produced and received by the local Florentine from its origins to today. "A documentary heritage immense - underlines the President of the Culture and Sport Maria Federica Giuliani - who photographs and tells us about our city. A place that the Florentines should rediscover ". […]

Galleria dell’Accademia: targa per i Friends of Florence

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Accademia Gallery: targa per i Friends of Florence

It is from 2003 that the Foundation supports non-profit Friends of Florence and also supports the activities of the Accademia Gallery. To thank the valuable work done in all these years by the Foundation and to the sharing of intent, in agreement with the Superintendent, la Direzione del museo fiorentino ha deciso di apporre una targa ricordo nella Tribuna […]

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