Home » 2015 » February »11,en,Angelini,it,“In moments of joy and sharing, we immediately think about the restaurant,it,Florentine Oncological Center,it,gavazzi,mi,green light,en,intervention,it,laser,en,prostate,it,urology,pt,in the treatment and treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy,it,and allows,it,Benefit,sw,residence fee,it,“We declared ourselves and we remain strongly against the application,it,ria,pt,But a maneuver of this type will only end up discouraging,it,Confesercenti,it,Federcongressi,it,meeting industry,en,sharing tuscany,en,The events industry,it,in the metropolitan city of,it,The questions of,it

I film in sala dal 12 febbraio

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In room movies 12 February

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 12 February. Fifty Shades of Grey Gender: Dramatic, Erotic Regia: Sam Taylor-Johnson Cast: Dakota Johnson, Jamie Thorny, Jennifer Ehle, Max Martini, Luke Grimes, Eloise Mumford, Marcia Gay Harden, Rachel Skarsten, Rita Ora, Dylan Neal, Callum Keith […]

Anniversario Elettrice Palatina: visite gratis e incontri alle Cappelle Medicee

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Anniversary Electress Palatine: free visits and meetings at the Medici Chapels

This year the 18 February will be celebrated the anniversary of the death of the Palatine - last descendent of the Grand Ducal Medici dynasty - which took place in Florence 18 February 1743. For the occasion, the Medici Chapels Museum will remain open from 8.15 at 13.50 with free admission. At 11 pregrammata is the deposition of the floral to […]

S. Valentino: Per Confcommercio 80 euro al ristorante, bene vendite pasticcerie

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S. Valentino: For Confcommercio 80 EUR at the restaurant, good sales confectioneries

Love knows no crisis, at least on Valentine's Day. They smile restaurateurs, struggling with menu strictly in the romantic at all costs. Appetizers served in pair, fish, sweet heart-shaped. But to make unforgettable evening will also be the setting. “Nei momenti di gioia e di condivisione si pensa subito al ristorante […]

Ricordato 29mo anniversario uccisione Sindaco Lando Conti

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Remembered 29th Anniversary killing Mayor Lando Conti

The Municipality of Fiesole and the Municipality of Florence recalled the 29th anniversary of the assassination of Lando Conti,it. Were present at the commemoration, in addition to the families and friends of the then Mayor of Florence, the Mayor of Fiesole Anna Ravoni and the Councillor for Economic Development of the City of Florence Giovanni Bettarini. La cerimonia si è svolta al Ponte […]

Prostata: nuovo laser per cancellare il dolore durante intervento

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Prostate: New laser to erase the pain during surgery

Turning, at least in Florence, nella cura e nel trattamento dell’Ipertrofia prostatica benigna (IPB), that implemented by Villa Donatello and the Cancer Center Fiorentino (CFO), that have adopted an important new technology called "Green Light". A green light that erases the pain, dissolves fear of surgery and a long post operative, e consente […]

Aumento tassa di soggiorno: Stop di Federalberghi Firenze

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Increased tourist tax: Stop Federalberghi Florence

"In our hotels in a year 6,776 million visitors: as it would make the City increased by 50 cents per night? And as it would be used this treasure?"The President will ask Bechi a meeting with the commissioners of Tourism and the Budget, you say: "Ready to dialogue". “Ci siamo dichiarati e restiamo fortemente contrari all’applicazione […]

Aumento tassa di soggiorno, De Ria: “Non possiamo scoraggiare così i turisti”

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Increased tourist tax, De Ria: "We can not put off so tourists"

"Download tourists on budget cuts is a short-sighted policy". Jacopo De Ria, President of Confcommercio Florence, intervenes in these words about the increase of 50 cents of the tourist tax. "I would like to remind our administrators that the city depends on Tourism. Ma una manovra di questo tipo finirà solo con lo scoraggiare […]

Lo sviluppo della meeting industry nella città metropolitana di Firenze

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The development of the meetings industry in the metropolitan city of Florence

Promote the development of the meetings industry in Florence is the purpose of the meeting place between the associations representing the tourism sector and the Florence Convention Bureau; a meeting that led to the establishment of a steering committee for the development of congress tourism, business and meeting industry, l’industria degli eventi, nella città metropolitana di […]

La Cappella Musicale del Duomo di Firenze cerca coristi

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The Choir of the Cathedral of Florence look choristers

L'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore announces an invitation to audition for increasing the number of the singers the Cathedral Choir Firenze. The hearings are aimed at identifying a professional singer to be included in the vocal quartet and voices of Soprano, Contralto (Mezzo-soprano), Tenor, Low (Baritone) as choristers. Le domande di […]

Al via le celebrazioni per i 500 anni di nascita di San Filippo Neri

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At the start of the celebrations for the 500 years of the birth of St. Philip Blacks

Come alive in the celebrations for the 500 years after the birth of Philip Blacks, popular Florentine saint. Celebrations, started Dec. 8, continue now with a series of cultural events that will help to frame the history and current San Filippo. Friday 13 February at 18, at the Hall of the Oratory in Via dell'Anguillara 25 […]

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