Home » 2015 » March » 04 (Page 2)

Al Teatro di Cestello per tutto marzo “Brigata Firenze”

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Al Teatro basket throughout March "Brigade Florence"

Throughout the month of March at the Theatre of the basket will stage "Brigade Florence", a show produced by Upper Room Youth and the same basket. The show, directed by Iacopo Biagioni, will be staged at 20,45 every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 16,45 March. The decision to put […]

“In treno vicino a Dante” di Fabio Sciarpelletti

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“By train near Dante” Fabio Sciarpelletti

Dear reader you know that type of book that can not miss in your library? Here, Today we'll talk about a novel that you will need to buy, that devour in just two hours because the story is so beautiful that you almost make you forget all the commitments that you should have done when reading. “In […]

A Firenze incontro sulla scuola di Papa Francesco

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A meeting on the Florence School of Pope Francis

In Florence on 11 March at 17,30 at the Convent of San Marco, Conference Hall (Chiostrini room), via della Dogana 3/r. will be presented the book "When the day was an arrow", Roberto Alborghetti, to celebrate the two years of the pontificate of Pope Francis. Il libro racconta l’itinerario tra le aule scolastiche di Papa […]

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