Home » 2015 » March »18,en,I greet to the voice to the authorities and the magnificent Messere by the beyond,it,figures of the historical procession of the Florentine Republica,it,Greetings to the authorities of the Flags of the Uffizi on the occasion of the second game,it,awards,en,Francini,it,Giorgia,it,hunt,en,mtv,en,Noemi,it,oak,it,Renga,lus,The national press conference for the presentation of the MTV Awards was held this morning in Milan,it,musical show to be held on Saturday,it,June at the Prato of the Quercione del Parco delle Cascine,it,Organized by the MTV Italia television station to celebrate and reward the singers and the protagonists of the pop culture of the last year,it,The show will be broadcast live,it,maison,en,marchese,en,To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Center of Florence for Italian fashion on the occasion of the 86th edition,it,albion,en,ghibellini,en,guelfi,en,shield,it

I film in sala dal 19 marzo

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In room movies 19 March

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 19 March. Chi è senza colpa Genere: Drama Director: Michaël R. Roskam Cast: Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, James Gandolfini, Matthias Schoenaerts, Michael Aronov, Jack Dimich, Mike Houston, Chris Sullivan Basato sul racconto breve di Dennis Lehane, […]

Calano le rapine in banca

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Fall bank robberies

Sharp decline in bank robberies, lowered into 2014 and compared to the year before, 80.8% in the province of Florence, and 87.5% in the capital. Even more positive results when compared with the national decline, which amounted to less 37%. “Dati sorprendenti – ha commentato il Prefetto Luigi Varratta – che confermano quanto sia importante lavorare […]

Contratto per il fiume Arno

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Contract for the River Arno

The 2015 is an important one because it will be approved in December, after an extensive phase of public information and consultation, the Plan of water management in accordance with Directive 2000/60 / EC and the management plan for flood risk under Directive 2007/60 / EC. Two Plans that Europe requires all Member States to […]

Regione-Caritas: cibo per tutti combattendo gli sprechi

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Region-Caritas: food for everyone fighting waste

"Saying, do what, participate to feed the world "is the theme of the study day, discussion and planning for the right to food in Tuscany, which was held Friday 13 March in the Great Hall of the Seminary of Florence. Opened the proceedings Mons. Riccardo Fontana, Cet delegate for charity. After the greetings of Stefania Saccardi, […]

Al via il 13° Florence Korea Film Fest

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Launch of the 13th Florence Korea Film Fest

It will be the European premiere of "Roaring Currents" Kim Han-min, the blockbuster which soon earned the distinction of most watched film of all time in South Korea and that tells the epic battle fought in 1597 between the Korean and the Japanese fleet, to usher in the thirteenth edition of the Florence Korea […]

Arte Sacra: primo corso di scultura per artisti non vedenti e ipovedenti

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Sacred Art: first course of sculpture by artists who are blind and visually impaired

The first course of sculpture for the blind and visually impaired will be held in Florence from 13 al 25 next July. Director Master Anthony Visco. You Sergio Staino with his "Bobo" the testimonial of the first course of sculpture for artists who are blind and visually impaired. A cartoon of the famous designer presents this initiative born from […]

Al teatro di Rifredi tornano fino a domenica Le Galline

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At the scene of Rifredi return until Sunday The Hens

They return to the Theatre of Rifredi, which debuted at the end of the eighties,"The Hens", aka Katia Beni, Sonia Grassi, Erina Maria Lo Presti, with an unlikely and comical fresco all-female. "Bulle&Impossible, chronicle of an additional miracle "is the title of the show produced by Fondazione Sipario Toscana, here proposed in a new version […]

Museo di S. Marco e il raggio di luce sull’Annunciazione

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Museum of S. Mark and the ray of light passage on

Shortly after the 1440 Fra Angelico painted frescoes in the convent of San Marco image of the Annunciation, one of the most admired paintings of the friar artist. The painting is made in such a position as to receive the natural light from a window, originally probably smaller than the current, situata a sinistra dell’affresco su una parete […]

Mario Schifano “Orizzonte Nr. 2” alla Galleria Alessandro Bagnai

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Mario Schifano "Horizon Nr. 2"Galleria Alessandro Bagnai

At the Galleria Alessandro Bagnai, presented the exhibition of Mario Schifano (Homs, Libya, 1934 Rome, Italy, 1998), Depending on "Horizon", cycle display by Lorand Hegyi, and which will remain open until 18 April. The exhibition aims to bring to public attention some great figures in the history of the last decades, they can still be […]

Voce Amica: 50 anni di ascolto telefonico

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Item Amica: 50 years of phone

Phone Friend, over 30 centers, 2 national coordinations, more than 130 thousand calls a year and at least 700 volunteers. Questi alcuni dati per raccontare un volontariato che ogni giorno nel silenzio e nell’assoluto rispetto dell’anonimato ascolta chi vive situazioni di disagio e solitudine. Phone Voice Amica is the first help line in Italy, born in Florence in 1964, that […]

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