Home » 2015 » March »18,en,I greet to the voice to the authorities and the magnificent Messere by the beyond,it,figures of the historical procession of the Florentine Republica,it,Greetings to the authorities of the Flags of the Uffizi on the occasion of the second game,it,awards,en,Francini,it,Giorgia,it,hunt,en,mtv,en,Noemi,it,oak,it,Renga,lus,The national press conference for the presentation of the MTV Awards was held this morning in Milan,it,musical show to be held on Saturday,it,June at the Prato of the Quercione del Parco delle Cascine,it,Organized by the MTV Italia television station to celebrate and reward the singers and the protagonists of the pop culture of the last year,it,The show will be broadcast live,it,maison,en,marchese,en,To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Center of Florence for Italian fashion on the occasion of the 86th edition,it,albion,en,ghibellini,en,guelfi,en,shield,it (Page 2)

Al via decima edizione dei Mercoledì Musicali dell’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

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At the start of the tenth edition Wednesday Musical Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

Sempre più internazionali i Mercoledì Musicali dell’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, la rassegna di musica per organo che in dieci anni è riuscita ad inserirsi tra le maggiori manifestazioni dedicate ai cultori di musiche sacre, barocche e profane. Anniversario che i Mercoledì Musicali celebrano con una particolare dedica al suo ideatore, l’ex Direttore Generale […]

Notturni 231 a Palazzo Bastogi venerdì 20 marzo

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Nightlife 231 Palazzo Bastogi Friday 20 March

Inoffensivi, lying, horizontal, I remember our first months of life, when he was still foreign to the upright position, typical man in business, are the Night 231, the subject of the exhibition of the artist Cecilia Latches and professionally is divided between art and journalism. We spend about a third of our lives in a state of physical rest and unconscious. […]

“Le tre regole” di Marco D’ambrosio

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“The three rules” Marco D'Ambrosio

Would you like to live without problems and have an open mind willing to every situation? Through the new book by Marco D'Ambrosio, "The three rules", can improve their way of thinking through small suggestions that the writer, life & wellness Coach, We also suggest using a number of small. The book is a paperback, collana […]

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