Home » 2015 »March,en,Annunciation,it,duchatelet,nl,haenel,en,rowley,en,Located to the left of the fresco on a wall,it,listening centers,it,pluraliweb,en,phone friend,it,These are some data to tell a volunteering that every day in the silence and in the absolved respect for anonymity listens to those who live situations of discomfort and solitude,it,albinoni,en,bach,en,fornasaro,en,garcia,en,gherdovic,en,koopman,en,lanzetta,it,The former general manager,it,humanistic coaching,it,d'ambrosio,en,The three rules,it,Taita Press publisher,it (Page 2)

“Il Fantasma di Canterville” fino a domenica al Teatro di Rifredi

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"The Canterville Ghost" until Sunday at Teatro Rifredi

On stage at the Teatro di Rifredi, until Sunday 29 March, the ironic and noir cameo English Lucia Poli, "The Canterville Ghost" by Oscar Wilde, Ugo Chiti from which drew a free adaptation scenic, so free from sottotitolarlo "According to Mrs. Umney". On stage, with actress Florentine, there will be Simone Faucci and Carlo […]

Scout CNGEI di Firenze alla Marcia della Memoria e dell’Impegno a Bologna

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Scout CNGEI of Florence to the March of Remembrance and Commitment in Bologna

There were also scout the lay of the Florentine CNGEI 21 March, Bologna, for XX March of Remembrance and Commitment organized by Libera. About 40, between cubs, Scouts, rover and leaders, departed early in the morning from Florence at a time the capital of Emilia, where they took part in the march organized by Libera. Mattia […]

“Novoli in a Day”, film collettivo sul Nord-Ovest di Firenze

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"Novoli in a Day", collective film on the North-West of Florence

You have until 3 April to become part of the film with an amateur video of 3 minutes. The collective work, which will contain the videos received, will be directed by Samuel Rossi and will be shown in theaters in Florence, tv e web “Guardati intorno e utilizza la tua videocamera, o un uno smartphone tablet, for […]

Giorgio Pagnini a Ganzo con “Verso il basso”

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George Pagnini Ganzo with "Down"

Ganzo, school restaurant and experiential educational workshop in Via dei Macci 85 / r host until 14 April, the exhibition of photographs taken by George Pagnini, entitled "Down". The exposure is visible from 12 at 24. Pagnini, he graduated in architecture in Florence where he lives and works. Born in Sardinia, but lives his […]

Appello per far rivivere “La Pippolese”, orchestra di strumenti a “pippolo”

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Appeal to revive "The Pippolese", orchestra "pippolo"

The cultural association "La Scena Muta" presents a challenge to all the musicians Florentine: riportare in vita “La Pippolese”, historical orchestra "pippolo" - slang name of the pick - born in the early twentieth century to the club SMS. Serpiolle, that performed folk music Florentine voice, mandolins, guitars and "square shaped". La Pippolese è stata un’orchestra […]

“La setta delle tre erre” di Stefano Uggé

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“The sect of the three Rs” Stefano Uggé

Hot, magic is adrenaline, that's how you present the new novel by Stephen Uggè, entitled "The cult of the three Rs", 394 pages of a story overwhelming that will pull you into an endless abyss of all actions related to each other, without their knowledge. Sandro, Annette, Catherine, Simone, Marshal Of Old, family of Chinese, Vincenzo, […]

I film in sala dal 19 marzo

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In room movies 19 March

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 19 March. Chi è senza colpa Genere: Drama Director: Michaël R. Roskam Cast: Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, James Gandolfini, Matthias Schoenaerts, Michael Aronov, Jack Dimich, Mike Houston, Chris Sullivan Basato sul racconto breve di Dennis Lehane, […]

Calano le rapine in banca

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Fall bank robberies

Sharp decline in bank robberies, lowered into 2014 and compared to the year before, 80.8% in the province of Florence, and 87.5% in the capital. Even more positive results when compared with the national decline, which amounted to less 37%. “Dati sorprendenti – ha commentato il Prefetto Luigi Varratta – che confermano quanto sia importante lavorare […]

Contratto per il fiume Arno

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Contract for the River Arno

The 2015 is an important one because it will be approved in December, after an extensive phase of public information and consultation, the Plan of water management in accordance with Directive 2000/60 / EC and the management plan for flood risk under Directive 2007/60 / EC. Two Plans that Europe requires all Member States to […]

Regione-Caritas: cibo per tutti combattendo gli sprechi

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Region-Caritas: food for everyone fighting waste

"Saying, do what, participate to feed the world "is the theme of the study day, discussion and planning for the right to food in Tuscany, which was held Friday 13 March in the Great Hall of the Seminary of Florence. Opened the proceedings Mons. Riccardo Fontana, Cet delegate for charity. After the greetings of Stefania Saccardi, […]