Home » 2015 » April (Page 6)

Mostra Museo Stibbert su l’armeria di Frederick Stibbert

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Show Stibbert Museum of the armory of Frederick Stibbert

The Show “The Dream and the Glory, the armory of Frederick Stibbert through his masterpieces” is a tribute to Frederick Stibbert (1838-1906) and his work. The extraordinary museum that bears his name and which contains one of the largest collections in the world of ancient weapons and armor. showcases some of the masterpieces […]

Mostra su Gregorio Sciltian a Villa Bardini

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Show on Gregory Sciltian Villa Bardini

Large retrospective exhibition dedicated to the figure of Gregory Sciltian (Rostov 1898 - Rome 1985), the Russian painter and then naturalized Italian, that fleeing homeland following the upheavals of the Bolshevik Revolution, and after a long pilgrimage in European capitals, arrived in Italy in 1923 where he was able to operate for the entire […]

I film in sala dal 1 aprile

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In room movies 1 April

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 1 April. Fast & Furious 7 Genus: Action, Crimine, Thriller Directed by: James Wan Cast: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson, Jordana Brewster, Lucas Black, Kurt Russell, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Michelle Rodriguez, Nathalie Kelley, […]

Turisti a Pasqua: per Federalberghi previsioni non rosee

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Tourists at Easter: for Federalberghi not rosy forecasts

Are not rosy forecasts Federalberghi Tuscany for the Easter holidays. For President Paul Corchia "after a first quarter characterized by a good hold of the market, the survey of the Centre for Tourism Studies of Florence confirms that the trend for the holiday season is a significant delay of the bookings, anche se resta la speranza di scelte […]

Domenica del Poeta: allo Chalet Fontana caffè gratis a chi “paga“ in versi

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Sunday of the Poet: the Chalet Fontana free coffee to those who “paga "in version

A coffee offered to aspiring poets and, è la nuova e bella iniziativa dal titolo “La Domenica del Poeta”, promoted by the historic and renovated local Florentine Chalet Fontana. Every Sunday in April customers will be presenting offer coffee at the counter of the Chalet Fontana after writing a poem and have it delivered to checkout. […]

Giulio Frescone, il ragazzo che volerà dalla Torre di Pisa

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Giulio frescone, the guy who will fly from the Tower of Pisa

Questa sera, 1 April, Giulio Frescone si lancerà dal punto più alto della Torre di Pisa. Credete che sia uno scherzo? Niente affatto. Giulio non è nuovo a queste dimostrazioni eclatanti, fino ad ora eseguite sempre senza pubblicizzarsi con i media, bensì solo alla presenza di un ristretto numero di amici; ma oggi ha deciso […]

Settimana Santa: la Via Crucis dei Giovani nel centro storico

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Holy Week: Stations of the Cross Youth in the historic center

Grazie alle foto di Anna Zucconi, responsabile informazione della Caritas Diocesana, vi mostriamo, in occasione della Settimana Santa, la Via Crucis dei Giovani, organizzata dalla diocesi, snodatasi per le strade del Centro Storico di Firenze, e a cui ha partecipato l’Arcivescovo, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, con inizio in Cattedrale e fine in Oltrarno.         […]

Grassina: Rievocazione Storica della Passione di Cristo

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Grassina: Historical re-enactment of the Passion of Christ

The Centre Tourist Activities (Cat) Onlus Grassina, in the Municipality diBagno a Ripoli, organizes this year for Friday, 3 April, la Rievocazione storica della Passione di Cristo, event which is sponsored by the European Union, Tuscany Region, the Province of Florence and Communities of Florence and Bagno a Ripoli. Friday 3 April, at […]

Turismo geotermico in Toscana: nel 2014 record di visite

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Geothermal Tourism in Tuscany: in 2014 records of visits

Does not stop the Tuscan geothermal Enel Green Power, not only for the production of electricity from renewable source which provides for the 26,5% of the electricity needs regional, but also for the great value that goes more and more taking in terms of culture and tourism. Official data 2014 tourism geothermal, […]

“Il Tribuno Pretoriano” di Pino Campo

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“The Praetorian Tribune” Pine Camp

Roman Empire, Diocletian, Barbarians, legionnaires, Constantine, Terenzio, Prisco, Dacia and especially Livio Ventidio, are all protagonists of the new novel by Pino Field - The Tribune Praetorian. The novel is of historic,, the writer investigates facts and events recently treated in general, ha una buona capacità di trasportare lo scrittore all’interno della […]