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Al via decima edizione dei Mercoledì Musicali dell’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

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At the start of the tenth edition Wednesday Musical Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

Sempre più internazionali i Mercoledì Musicali dell’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, la rassegna di musica per organo che in dieci anni è riuscita ad inserirsi tra le maggiori manifestazioni dedicate ai cultori di musiche sacre, barocche e profane. Anniversario che i Mercoledì Musicali celebrano con una particolare dedica al suo ideatore, l’ex Direttore Generale […]

Notturni 231 a Palazzo Bastogi venerdì 20 marzo

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Nightlife 231 Palazzo Bastogi Friday 20 March

Inoffensivi, lying, horizontal, I remember our first months of life, when he was still foreign to the upright position, typical man in business, are the Night 231, the subject of the exhibition of the artist Cecilia Latches and professionally is divided between art and journalism. We spend about a third of our lives in a state of physical rest and unconscious. […]

“Le tre regole” di Marco D’ambrosio

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“The three rules” Marco D'Ambrosio

Would you like to live without problems and have an open mind willing to every situation? Through the new book by Marco D'Ambrosio, "The three rules", can improve their way of thinking through small suggestions that the writer, life & wellness Coach, We also suggest using a number of small. The book is a paperback, collana […]

“Fino a qui tutto bene” il nuovo film evento del 2014

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“So far so good” the new film event 2014

Will hit theaters across Italy Thursday 19 March "So far so good", Roan Johnson's new film shot in Pisa and surroundings that tells the last weekend of five boys in the house where they studied and lived during his university years, in comparison with adult life, the choices that change […]

I film in sala dal 12 marzo

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In room movies 12 March

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 12 March. Foxcatcher – Una storia americana Genere: Drama Director: Bennett Miller Cast: Channing Tatum, Steve Carell, Mark Ruffalo, Sienna Miller, Anthony Michael Hall, Vanessa Redgrave, Tara Subkoff Quando il lottatore medaglia d’oro alle Olimpiadi Mark […]

Biblioteche comunali, il mese di marzo è dedicato alle donne

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Municipal libraries, March is dedicated to women

The municipal libraries Florentine dedicate the month of March to women and they do it with a full program of events entitled "Traces of Woman. Worlds emotions narrated by women and men ". The goal is to describe the complexity of the female, the varied range of feelings that inhabit, the wealth of affective states tested […]

Dalla Toscana 285 volontari per Expo 2015

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From Tuscany 285 Volunteers for Expo 2015

Are well 16 thousand volunteers who are candidates for Expo Milano 2015: arrive from 5 continents and 130 different countries. From 1 May to 31 October will take turns in shifts 15 days, and lend their time to facilitate the stay of more than 20 millions of visitors expected. Il tema “Nutrire il […]

Uffizi: vietato da quattro mesi l’uso del selfie stick nel museo

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Uffizi: banned for four months the use of the stick in the museum Selfie

Also as a result of reports in some media, sometimes incomplete, the Directorate of the Uffizi Gallery reaffirms the visiting public that the museum is forbidden to use the stick considdetto Selfie, the telescopic metal rod at whose end is positioned smartphone for self-portraits (selfie), widening the field of view. The ban is in […]

A New York il Sindaco Nardella incontra il collega de Blasio

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In New York, Mayor Nardella meets fellow de Blasio

Institutional meeting with the Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio for Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella and the Deputy Mayor for International Relations Nicoletta Mantovani, during the mission to the Big Apple to promote cultural exchanges and investments to entrepreneurs and local investors. During the meeting with de Blasio, the Mayor reminded all artistic links […]

14-15 marzo: torna la mostra mercato ‘AAA’  alla Fattoria di Maiano

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14-15 March: returns the exhibition market 'AAA' to Farm Maiano

Back the 14 and the 15 March, the event dedicated to Art, Crafts and Agriculture plans to farm Maiano. In Addition 100 between craftsmen and artists from all over Italy to animate the village of Maiano in the municipality of Fiesole. AAA Arts Crafts and Agriculture comes as the third edition. Due giorni all’insegna […]