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Fine settimana al Teatro Verdi con “The sisters Musical show”

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Weekend at the Teatro Verdi with "The sisters Musical show"

At the Teatro Verdi, Saturday 14 at 20,45 and Sunday 15 at 16,45 “The sisters Musical show”, a show loosely based on the career of the US female vocal group "The Supremes", in vogue in the years 60. Most of their hits were written by the main productive team of Motown Records, that brought, with […]

Alla Pergola fino al 15 marzo  “Sinfonia d’autunno”

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At the Pergola until 15 March "Autumn Sonata"

Until Sunday 15 March to the Pergola Gabriele Lavia directs Anna Maria Guarnieri in a psychological drama and family, intense and lucid portrait of conflictual relationship between a mother and daughter. "Autumn Sonata" by Ingmar Bergman is a guerrilla sentimental repressed resentments and misunderstandings that can touch emotions and deep feelings. An […]

Italia Metafisica di George Tatge: 66 opere esposte fino al 22 marzo

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Italy Metaphysics of George Tate: 66 works on display until 22 March

"Italy Metaphysics" by George Tate: an exhibition of signs, symbols and sacred geometries, inspired by Italy built, marked and altered by human intervention, display until 22 March to Villa Bardini. An initiative of the Foundation Bardini Peyron Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, under the auspices of the City of Florence and the collaboration of the Regional Council of Tuscany […]

Lido di Camaiore “battezza” la 50ma Tirreno-Adriatico

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Lido di Camaiore "baptizes" the 50th Tirreno-Adriatico

Take today in the evocative setting of Lido di Camaiore, area very dear to the writer for having had the good fortune to travel by bicycle these roads, the fiftieth edition of the cycling race "Tirreno - Adriatico", the first major stage race of the national cycling calendar. The first edition was disputed in 1966 and […]

“Traversone” di Guglielmo Bin

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“Cross” William Bin

Comes the first novel by William Bin entitled "Cross". Class 1988, William lives in Pontinia (EN) where he works as a teacher, a great lover of music and sport, and "Cross" is his debut novel. Overwhelming, exciting, complex, intriguing, crafty, dispassionate: that's how you presented his first opera, 174 pages […]

Irlanda in Festa: musica, danze e sapori d’Irlanda il 17 marzo all’Obihall

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Ireland Festival: music, dances and the flavors of Ireland 17 March to Obihall

Beers and green drapery, traditional music and dance, dishes and market. The tricolor red-white-orange back on the flagpole waving dell'Obihall of Florence for the twentieth edition of the Festival in Ireland, among the longest-lived Italian festivals dedicated to the culture and flavors of the Emerald Isle. Into the Night, and the night can not […]

Mozione in Consiglio Comunale per il Cimitero degli Animali

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Motion in the City Council for the Cemetery of the Animals

The City Council at its meeting in lunerdì last unanimously approved the motion presented by the directors PD Leonardo Bieber, Fabio Giorgetti, Alessio Rossi and Cosimo Guccione, for the realization of a cemetery of companion animals in Florence. The Chairman of the Planning Commission Leonardo Bieber, first signatory of the motion, showed that this decision "is an act […]

Riapre a Firenze lo Chalet Fontana, dove Rosai e Pratolini facevano colazione

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Reopens in Florence Chalet Fontana, where Rosai and Pratolini ate breakfast

Concerts, meetings with the world of culture, the show, policy, science and art, food and wine events, piano bar, dj 'vinyl', jazz and more; all thanks to the historic Chalet Fontana, a few steps from Piazzale Michelangelo, that after almost three years of closure reopens. Completely renovated the interior and exterior space to bring back to the ancient […]

Firenze: mille nuovi posti di lavoro. Ingegneri, specialisti web e tecnici i profili più richiesti

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Florence: thousand new jobs. Engineers, web specialists and technicians profiles Popular

A thousand new jobs by 17 large companies operating on the Florence area in the next five years is the result of research conducted by the City and the Chamber of Commerce of Florence and Confindustria, presented at the Palazzo Vecchio in the Committee of large enterprises City subway, coordinated by Fabrizio Landi, economic adviser […]

I film in sala dal 5 marzo

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In room movies 5 March

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 5 March. Black or White Genere: Drama Director: Mike Binder Cast: Kevin Costner, Anthony Mackie, Octavia Spencer, Jennifer Ehle, Gillian Jacobs, Other Holland, Bill Burr, Kenneth Kynt Bryan, Koaho gift, Starlette Miariaunii, Joe Chrest Quando, in […]