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Unicoop chiama i fiorentini ad essere i nuovi Mecenati del Battistero

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Unicoop called the Florentines to be the new patrons of the Baptistery

With less than a month away were over 5.000 people who have made donations for the restoration of one of the landmarks of Florence in the world. More than half of the members and customers has helped with one higher 10 euro (cash or card points shareholder […]

Polo Museale Fiorentino: 78 opere per l’EXPO 2015

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Museums of Florence: 78 works for the EXPO 2015

On the 1st of May in Milan will open al'Expo 2015, but since 12 March you can admire some works of art from the museums of the Polo Fiorentino in various venues - Milan, Monza, Verona – that will help make exceptional event. In several occasions, eight museums of the Polo Fiorentino was requested in loan […]

Firenze com’era nei dipinti di Fabio Borbottoni

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Florence as it was in the paintings of Fabio Borbottoni

Florence as it was in the views of the painter Fabio Borbottoni (1823-1901), thanks to the exhibition "Florence: 'Photograph' of a city history and current. The Collection Borbottoni and other views from the Art Collections Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze "featured at Spazio shows Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze up to 5 April entrance book. The initiative, clean out […]

Torna in San Lorenzo il crocifisso del Pollaiolo

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Back in San Lorenzo crucifix Pollaiuolo

Since last 25 February can be admired again Crucified by Antonio del Pollaiuolo returned in its final location, inside the Basilica of San Lorenzo. The masterpiece, restored by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, è stato esposto alla mostra Antonio e Piero del Pollaiolo “Nell’argento e nell’oro, in painting and bronze ", hosted, in Milan, dal Museo […]

La bastarda di Istanbul al Teatro di Rifredi fino al 15 marzo

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The Bastard of Istanbul at Teatro Rifredi up to 15 March

For the first time ever, Elif Safak, undisputed star of Turkish literature, great connoisseur of the past and the present profound observer of his country. has granted exclusive rights to Pupi and Fresedde to stage one of his most famous novels. The novel "The Bastard of Istanbul" bestseller […]

Sabato 7 marzo terza edizione Festival Teatro a Progetto

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Saturday 7 March third annual Festival Theatre Project

The theater festival of Settignano, organized by the Cultural MalD'Estro, and which will take place at the House of the People of Settignano in via San Romano 1, returns this year: four shows, four companies of Tuscany As with the two previous editions the event will consist of four events on a weekly basis, every Saturday night. Four theater companies […]

Al Teatro di Cestello per tutto marzo “Brigata Firenze”

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Al Teatro basket throughout March "Brigade Florence"

Throughout the month of March at the Theatre of the basket will stage "Brigade Florence", a show produced by Upper Room Youth and the same basket. The show, directed by Iacopo Biagioni, will be staged at 20,45 every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 16,45 March. The decision to put […]

“In treno vicino a Dante” di Fabio Sciarpelletti

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“By train near Dante” Fabio Sciarpelletti

Dear reader you know that type of book that can not miss in your library? Here, Today we'll talk about a novel that you will need to buy, that devour in just two hours because the story is so beautiful that you almost make you forget all the commitments that you should have done when reading. “In […]

A Firenze incontro sulla scuola di Papa Francesco

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A meeting on the Florence School of Pope Francis

In Florence on 11 March at 17,30 at the Convent of San Marco, Conference Hall (Chiostrini room), via della Dogana 3/r. will be presented the book "When the day was an arrow", Roberto Alborghetti, to celebrate the two years of the pontificate of Pope Francis. Il libro racconta l’itinerario tra le aule scolastiche di Papa […]

I film in sala dal 26 febbraio

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In room movies 26 February

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 26 February. Motel Gender: Dramatic, Thriller Directed by: David Grovic Cast: John Cusack, Rebecca Da Costa, Robert De Niro, Crispin Glover, Dominic Purcell, Sticky Fingaz, Martin Klebba, David Shumbris, Chazz Menendez, Ian Mclaughlin Motel is a thriller […]