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Noi e la Giulia: incontro con l’attore e regista Edoardo Leo

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We and Giulia: meeting with the actor and director Edoardo Leo

Genus: Comedy Director: Edoardo Leo Cast: Luca Argentero, Edoardo Leo, Claudio Amendola, Anna Foglietta, Stefano Fresi, Carlo Buccirosso Diego, Fausto and Claudio are three forties dissatisfied and fleeing from the city and their lives, from complete strangers who are united in the enterprise to open a farm. They will join Sergio, a middle-aged man possessed […]

Intervista all’attore Roberto Andrioli co protagonista film “Maraviglioso Boccaccio”

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Interview with actor Roberto Andrioli co starring movie “Marvelous Boccaccio”

Interview actor Florentine Roberto Andrioli co-starred with Paola Cortellesi of one of the episodes of the film “Marvelous Boccacio” Taviani brothers on Boccaccio. To see the scene of the film click here Marvelous Boccaccio Gender: Drama Director: Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani Cast: Kasia Smutniak, Scamarcio, Jasmine Trinca, Rosabel Laurenti Sellers, Kim Rossi Stuart, Paola Cortellesi, Carolina […]

Presidente della Repubblica Mattarella prende la Tramvia a Firenze

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President Mattarella take the tramway in Florence

The Head of State Sergio Mattarella, after arriving yesterday morning in Florence, passing for Scandicci to attend the inauguration of the academic year of the School of the Judiciary, decided, to move to the periphery, to take the tramway. Waiting for the train station, the Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, who sat next to on the tram […]

Iscrizioni a scuola: a Firenze piacciono i licei

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Enrollment in school: Florence like high schools

8.378 school enrollment of First Instance, 8.005 high school: 20% Professional equal to 1.626 inscriptions, 26,7% technicians with 2.139 students, nearly 53% high schools equal to 4.240 students. "These are the first data relating to the entries in the metropolitan city - says the managing director at the School Giampiero Mongatti - on the basis of the information collected […]

Meditazioni quaresimali in diretta on line del Card. Betori in Cattedrale

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Lenten meditations live on line of Card. Betori in Cathedral

From today 25 February, and 5 weeks (4, 11, 18 and 25 March), Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, held in the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore a cycle of Lenten meditations in preparation for Easter. The meetings, always starting at 21, propose a reading of the accounts of the Passion of the Lord […]

Fino a domenica alla Pergola “Il visitatore” con Haber e Boni

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Until Sunday the Pergola "The Visitor" with Haber and Boni

Until Sunday 1 March to the Pergola will be staged Alessandro Haber and Alessio Boni with "The Visitor", a moving, sweet and hilarious play by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, translated into 15 languages ​​and represented in more than 25 countries. A chess game of words and skirmishes between Freud and a stranger, perhaps God himself, […]

Museo dell’Opera del Duomo: lanciata a  New York “Art Be With You”

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Cathedral Museum: lanciata a New York “Art Be With You”

The 29 October 2015 will open in Florence on new and spectacular Cathedral Museum, which preserves the largest collection in the world of sculpture sacred medieval and Renaissance Florentine. 750 works including masterpieces of the greatest artists of the time: Donatello, Michelangelo, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Luca della Robbia, Arnolfo di Cambio, Andrea Pisano, Antonio Pollaiuolo, Andrea del […]

USA: prima mostra di sculture di Donatello dell’Opera del Duomo Firenze

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USA: first exhibition of sculptures by Donatello dell'Opera del Duomo in Florence

The monumental sculptures by Donatello, as well as major works by Filippo Brunelleschi, Luca della Robbia, Nanni di Banco, and other artists exhibited for the first time in the United States, in an unprecedented exhibition at the Museum of Biblical Art (Mobi) a New York City. Sculpture in the Age of Donatello: Renaissance Masterpieces […]

Enjoy Firenze e i gioielli dimenticati d’Oltrarno

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Enjoy Florence and the treasures forgotten Oltrarno

Will visit the Oltrarno with the church of Santo Spirito and Carmine to close, Saturday 28 February, Appointments of the month of "Enjoy Florence", the guided tours to discover the artistic wonders of Florence and Tuscany, in the company of experts and archaeologists organized by Cooperative Archaeology. Saturday at 10 will be the turn of […]

Mani in pasta, i laboratori che insegnano a cucinare in modo facile, creativo e etico

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Hands-on, workshops that teach how to cook so easy, creative and ethical

How to prepare a good pizza dough, as you get a mayonnaise and vegetable, above all, how to cook with less ingredients using mainly raw materials of the season, and replacing the salt with spices, even in the most traditional dishes? He thinks "Hands-on", cycle culinary workshops that promises to teach […]