Tsev » 2015 (Nplooj ntawv 50)

Giovedì al Teatro Puccini Nada in “Scompagine”

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Thursday, nyob ntawm Teatro Puccini Nada nyob rau hauv "Scompagine"

"Nyob rau hauv ib chav tsev kaw, ib tug poj niam yog tos ib lub lag luam uas yuav rho tawm los ntawm lub siab thiab ntawm lub qhov muag menyuam lwm koj, nws confidant hallucination uas nws ib txwm kuj yog ib txoj kev sib raug ntawm cov nyiam es paub thiab cov ceg". Thiaj li sau rau Nada Malanima incipit ntawm nws "Scompagine", lub monologue hu kom: "comedy […]

I film in sala dal 29 gennaio

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Nyob rau hauv chav tsos 29 Lub ib hlis ntuj

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 22 Lub ib hlis ntuj. Tsaus ntuj nyob rau lub tsev khaws puav pheej 3 – Tus vaj ntxwv tus yam zais cia: Taug txuj kev nyuaj, Comedy Director: Shawn Levy cam khwb cia: Ben Stiller, Hmong/Williams Robin, Rachael of Kareene Hansen, Owen Wilson, Wilson ntxeev siab, Rami Malek, Ricky Gervais, Ben Kingsley, Dan Stevens, […]

App comunale per comportarsi in caso di emergenze naturali

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Hom app rau thaum muaj xwm ceev rau ntuj coj

Cov teeb meem ntawm cov Florentines, ib yam li cov Italians, Tsis zoo li lwm cov pej xeem hauv teb chaws, xws li America, yog tsis paub yuav ua licas thaum hluav taws, dej nyab, av qeeg txhua los yog lwm yam qeeg. Vim li no, cov commune ntawm Florence txiav txim siab, raws li los xyaum, raws li txoj cai tswj lub, los ntawm […]

Partecipa al concorso la più buona Schiacciata alla Fiorentina

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Koom tes sib txeeb Florentine Schiacciata zoo tshaj

Tsab Cenacolo degli Sparecchiatori, thiab cov txwj laus Centre Socio-kev cai ntawm Fuligno thaum Carnival 2015, nyob hauv lub patronage ntawm Arg, Lub nroog Yeiuxalees. Journalists ua liaj/teb, Fais fab mov, Ib puag ncig, yeej txhawb tus ib tsab VIII uas sib txeeb tus "tus zoo Schiacciata alla Fiorentina", qhaib los bakers tsis tas, pastry chefs, restaurateurs, tiam sis kuj housekeepers, homemakers Florence thiab lub xeev. Ib teg num […]

Saldi: vendite in forte un calo

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Qhov hluav taws xob: muaj zog tsis muag

Tom qab ib succession xov xwm zoo rau kev kawm ntawv hauv muag muag, tam sim no muaj rau nkawd mus yuav ib tug nco loj. Yuav siv sij hawm Tshuag ntawm qhov teeb meem no, tus thawj tswj-General ntawm Confcommercio Tuscany Franco Marinoni: "Nyob rau hnub uas muag optimism thaum ntxov ntawm lub nce: nyob rau hauv ib tes rau tej yam txaus siab uas tau txais kev pab, koj thaum kawg puas muaj nyiaj mus yuav ib yam khoom ntawm ib nqi […]

Madre Maria Agnese Tribbioli verso la causa di beatificazione

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Niam Mary Agnes Tribbioli ntawm kev ua kom muaj beatification

Tus 27 Lub ob hlis ntuj 1965 Niam Mary Agnes Tan tuag nyob Florence, qhov yug lub 20 Tim 1879. Professed kev cai dab qhuas thiab founder ntawm "Congregazione Suore ncuav qab zib Operaie di San Giuseppe", tam sim no tuaj ntau regions of ltalis, hauv khej, Brazil thiab Romania, Ziab tus niam yuav tsum evangelism lub plawv thiab cov kev pab los ntawm cov […]

Geotermia Toscana: 2015 si apre con nuovo record assoluto

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Geothermal Tuscany: 2015 opens nrog cov ntaub ntawv txog tshiab

Tsis txhob maj ntsuab Tuscan geothermic Enel fais fab ntsuab, leej twg tseem score liab txoj kev renewables thiab rau thaj av ntawd tus economy. Tus 2015 geothermal zog, qhov tseeb, Nws qhib muaj ntaub ntawv nyob rau ntau lub lawm ntawm geothermal nyob rau hauv lub xyoo tshiab 2014: tus 33 geothermal zaub hwj huam nyob hauv […]

“Qualcosa non torna” di Gianluca Giusti

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"Ib yam dab tsi rov qab" ntawm Julie Giusti

Lub lim tiam no kuv saib phau ntawv yeej nthuav thiab txawv, Nws tsi txawj sau ntawv ntawm profession, Tseeb li ntxiv rau lub neej, tiam sis tus simplicity thiab irony los nws sau ntawv siv ua phau ntawv ib masterpiece ib tug yuav tsum muaj nyob hauv koj lub tsev qiv ntawv. Gianluca Giusti, sau ntawm phau ntawv "ib yam dab tsi zoo", hoob […]

Al Cestello “Le pillole d’Ercole”

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Kom lub pob tawb "lub ntsiav tshuaj ntawm Hercules"

Txij li hnub Friday 30 Lub ib hlis ntuj pob tawb Theatre yuav theem qhov qhia tias "lub ntsiav tshuaj ntawm Hercules", lom zem heev comedy ntawm tsib lub Caro Vincenzo. Qhov pom tias yuav tau dua rau hnub Saturday 31, thiab nyob rau lub ob hlis ntuj rau lub hnub 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21 thiab cov 22, midweek ntawm 20,45 Nrhiav Sundays tom 16,45. "Lub ntsiav tshuaj ntawm Hercules" yog ib tug comedy riambientata hauv […]

“1938-1945: la persecuzione degli ebrei in Italia. Documenti per una storia”

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1938-1945": qhov kev raug txim ntawm cov neeg Yudais hauv ltalis. Cov ntaub ntawv rau ib zaj dabneeg"

Nei sotterranei della Basilica di Santa Croce è stata inaugurata la mostra “1938-1945: qhov kev raug txim ntawm cov neeg Yudais hauv ltalis. Cov ntaub ntawv rau ib zaj dabneeg", evento di carattere nazionale promosso dal comitato di coordinamento per le celebrazioni in ricordo della Shoah. All’inaugurazione è intervenuto il Sottosegretario al Ministero dell’Interno Domenico Manzione, alla presenza del Prefetto Luigi Varratta, […]