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I film in sala dal 22 gennaio

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In room movies 22 January

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 22 January. John Wick Gender: Action, Thriller Directed by: Chad Stahelski Cast: Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist, Alfie Allen, Willem Dafoe, Dean Winters, Adrianne Palicki, Omer Barnea, Toby Leonard Moore, Daniel Bernhardt, Bridget Moynahan After the sudden death of […]

La Memoria con “Stones” al Teatro di Rifredi sabato e domenica

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Memory with "Stones" at Teatro Rifredi Saturday and Sunday

Discovered by Pupi and Fresedde in Avignon in 2009, for the first time in Italy in Rifredi in 2010, where he was one of the most acclaimed shows of the Festival International Visual Theatre for its originality and visual impact, “Stones” torna quest’anno a Firenze in occasione del Giorno della Memoria e in concomitanza […]

Bandabardò, al via da Firenze l’Improbabile Club Tour 2015

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Bandabardò, away from Florence to the Unlikely Club Tour 2015

A few months after the last album "The unlikely", the indoor tour of Bandabardò is ready to welcome the public around its biggest celebration: the concert. Among choirs, dances and smiles, upon the completion of his twenty-first birthday, the Tuscan band closes the suitcase and starts to perform in the dimension that is most congenial. […]

Uffizi: restaurate le superfici architettoniche e pitture murali di San Pier Scheraggio

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Uffizi: restored architectural surfaces and murals of San Pier Scheraggio

An extraordinary laboratory-school within the complex of the Uffizi Vasari for a selected group of students of restoration of the training course for the restoration of architectural surfaces and wall paintings of the former church of San Piero in Scheraggio, organized by the Building School of Florence and who was involved a group of young students of the Florentine. Avviatosi […]

Diffuso a Firenze Rapporto CISF sui 5 milioni di migranti in Italia

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Common in Florence Report on CISF 5 million migrants in Italy

Presented in the Hall of the International Centre teatina Students Giorgio La Pira of Florence Report 2014 International Centre of Family Studies. The report provides data relevant to the 5 million migrants in our country and at the same time, in collaboration with the Forum of Family Associations and Toscano Migrantes Office of the Diocese of Florence, gettato […]

L’Ente Cassa per Firenze Capitale 1865-1870: 25 eventi da non perdere

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The Ente Cassa Florence Capital 1865-1870: 25 events not to miss

The Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze participates in events to commemorate the 150 years of Florence Capital (1865-1870) promoting a full program of events, they are 25, gathered in a special project called 'The Swedish Florence Capital' with a logo specifically designed by Miriam Frescura. These events are in addition to the many initiatives promoted by the Committee, […]

La Polizia Municipale nei borghi e nei quartieri

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The Municipal Police in the villages and neighborhoods

A mobile office of the Police Station at which they could be received complaints and reports from all already active Quarter 5, Monday 12 January kicked off also to the Quarter 4. "On Wednesday in the Villages" started in November involving Quarter 5: la modalità di contatto istituzionale instaurata tra il […]

Saldi: crescita del 10% secondo Confcommercio

Sale: growth 10% according Confcommercio

Good news from the front balances: according Confcommercio Florence, sales mark already +10% compared to last year. Data, considered the period we are living, are undoubtedly encouraging. Luciano Salani, President Federmoda Florence, is positive: "After the assault of the first three days, Now the race to the balances has suffered a slight setback. Ad […]

Cinque master class sulla musica da film

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Five master class on film music

How is composed the music for the film? Tries to explain 'Master Film', cycle of five master class, with as many guests, organized by Luigi Cherubini Conservatory in Florence. The first meeting is scheduled for today Wednesday 14 January, at Villa Bardini, from hours 14 with the meeting with Maestro Giuseppe Vasapolli, professor of jazz orchestration at […]

Pedonalizzata Piazza del Carmine

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Pedestrianized Piazza del Carmine

Born in Oltrarno a new square to measure pedestrian, Piazza del Carmine. For the occasion, last weekend the area, finora utilizzata come parcheggio, ha ospitato numerosi eventi organizzati dall’Amministrazione comunale per festeggiare la novità e farla conoscere ai cittadini. La pedonalizzazione della piazza rappresenta il primo tassello del complessivo piano che riguarda l’intero quartiere dell’Oltrarno, un […]