Tsev » 2016 (Nplooj ntawv 33)

Il Presidente Eugenio Giani inaugura la Mostra ufficiale sull’Alluvione del ’66

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Raug raws ntaub ntawv Eugenio Giani President inaugurated exhibition rau saum cov dej nyab txog ' 66

Ntxiv cov lus ntawm qhov photographic exhibition "Tus Florence dej nyab txog 1966", raug raws ntaub ntawv 50th exhibition ib, quas los Florence yeej txhawb kev koom tes nrog 5 Neeg zej zog Council ntawm lub municipality ntawm Florence, uas los ntawm 2 al 25 Hnub tim yuav muab khaws cia rau zaub hauv lub Basilica di San Lorenzo, Tsaug rau lub tswv yim ntawm Pascale Mons. Viola thiab Laurentian Opera, qhov twg […]

Dal 2 al 25 aprile 200 nuove foto inedite dell’Alluvione ’66 alla Basilica San Lorenzo

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Ntawm 2 al 25 Tim 200 Pics tshiab rau cov dej nyab 66 rau lub Basilica San Lorenzo

Ntxiv cov lus ntawm qhov photographic exhibition "Tus Florence dej nyab txog 1966", raug raws ntaub ntawv 50th exhibition ib, quas los Florence yeej txhawb kev koom tes nrog 5 Neeg zej zog Council ntawm lub municipality ntawm Florence, uas los ntawm 2 al 25 Hnub tim yuav muab khaws cia rau zaub hauv lub Basilica di San Lorenzo, Tsaug rau lub tswv yim ntawm Pascale Mons. Marco Domenico Viola thiab cov Opera […]

Lunedi 4 alle Oblate le alluvioni di Firenze: notizie, storie, aneddoti, curiosità …

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Hnub ib 4 Dej nyab oblate ntawm Florence: Xov xwm, dab neeg, zajlus, xav …

Dej nyab hauv Florence thiab Tuscany News, dab neeg, zajlus, xav, lub rooj sib tham nrog Jaime Macias, giornalista e storico, esperto dell’alluvione del ’66, direttore de La Terrazza di Michelangelo. THIAB’ questo l’appuntamento che lunedì 4 Tim feeb 17.30 Unicoop organizza alla Sala Conferenze della Biblioteca delle Oblate, ntawm dell'oriuolo 26, Florence (evento Bibliocoop). Un incontro interessante nell’ambito […]

Pasqua 2016: rinnovata la tradizione dello Scoppio del Carro

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Easter 2016: tshiaj qhov kev lig kev cai ntawm Scoppio del Carro

Easter hnub nyob rau hauv Florence, nyob rau hauv piazza Duomo, Tus historic rov enactment ntawm tus Scoppio del Carro muaj tau tshawb xyuas, tus hiob Florentine folk kev lig kev cai lawm tso cia rau riam 9 centuries thiab xav kom ua raws li tus exploits ntawm tus Florentines hauv lub Crusades thiab lawv xa mus rau lub nroog. Cov historic rov enactment yog kawm los ntawm tus kav nroog Dario […]

Rievocazione Storica di Grassina del Venerdi Santo 2016

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Reenactment ntawm Grassina ntawm good Friday 2016

Yees duab nrog tej qhib scenes ntawm lub Grassina Reenactment, Nyob rau hauv Municipality ntawm Bagno ib Ripoli, nyob rau hauv lub xeev Florence, Nyob zoo hnub Friday 2016. Thaum kawg ntawm naam lub greeting ntawm tus kav nroog Francesco Casini, Regional Council President Eugenio Giani ntawm tus President ntawm lub nyuas Commission ntawm lub Municipality ntawm Florence Maria Federica Giuliani, Thawj coj ntawm cov thawj coj ntawm lub […]

Buona Pasqua a tutti, ci rivediamo il 6 aprile

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Zoo siab Easter rau tagnrho cov, pom koj hauv 6 Tim

Michelangelo lub limtiam la Terrazza rau lub ntees ntawm Holy Easter suspends ntaub ntawv. Qhov teeb meem tom ntej no, thiaj li yuav tsis tuaj rau 30 Lub peb hlis ntuj 2016, tab sis, 6 Tim 2016. Thawj coj Franco Mariani, ua ke nrog cov neeg ua hauj lwm tag nrho Editorial cov neeg ua hauj lwm, xav kom tag nrho peb loyal nyeem ib Serena thiab Happy Easter. Los ntawm cov xov tooj 105 – Xyoo III […]

Abbacchio, agnellone, castrato: consigli per gli acquisti pasquali

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Tus me nyuam yaj, Yaj, las: Lub tswv yim Easter kav khw

Yog hais tias ib tug neeg tseem noj mis kuv bark, cam khwb cia, Hauv qab no peb muab tswv yim. ua ntej no, Zoo? Peb twb ua me ntsis’ kev txheeb xyuas kom peb xa cov xim uas yuav tau muab los siv rau cov kev pab. Peb qhia txog cov hom lab: 1) Abbacchio los yog teeb: yog ib hlis laus thiab noj mis kua mis. Nws muaj ib tug nqi txo nqi tsawg dua cov yaj rau […]

Assegnato il Premio Bottega Artigiana 2016

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Muab qhov kev uas 2016

Friday, 25 Lub peb hlis ntuj hauv lub Regional sawv daws, Nyob rau hauv cov cuab ntawm lub Gonfalone, Tsoom txoov Eugenio Gianio hais cov Bottega Artigiana puav pheej 2016, Maestro Galeazzo Auzzi, tso tseg rau ntawm 6 Lub ib hlis ntuj tas los no, Ntawm cov Iandelli Upholstery hauv Borgo Tegolaio hauv Florence. Txhua yam yog yug los yug, ntawm ntau lwm khw hauv lub Oltrarno, Rau cov hlub thiab kev zoo nkauj uas muaj coob tus tub […]

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Sandro Querci nyob rau hauv “Ntxiv ib lub rooj zaum ntawm lub rooj”

Tus Ark of The Ark of “Ntxiv ib lub rooj zaum ntawm lub rooj”, suab paj nruas comedy los Garinei & Giovannini, sau Iaia Fiastri, suab paj nruag los Armando Trovaioli thiab keeb kwm choreography los ntawm Gino Landi, Tuaj txog ntawm tus Teatro Verdi hauv Florence nyob rau hauv Florence 2 thiab 3 Lub plaub hlis tom ntej nrog lub Compagnia dell'Alba, leej twg staged thawj professional tsab […]

I film nelle sale da giovedì 31 marzo

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Tsos nyob theaters txij hnub plaub 31 Lub peb hlis ntuj

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 31 marzo Race – Il colore della vittoria Genere: Yeebyam Director: Stephen Hopkins Cast: Stephan James, Jason Sudeikis, Eli Goree, Shanice Banton, Carice Van Houten, Jeremy Irons, William Hurt, David Kross Nonostante le tensioni razziali nell’America reduce dalla […]