Tsev » 2017 » April (Nplooj ntawv 2)

Tutti i semafori da oggi montano lanterne a Led

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Txhua lub teeb kom Led teeb moos soos roob hnub no

Txhua junctions tsheb ntawm lub nroog muaj ntawm lub teeb moos soos Led tshiab. Teeb tas los yog hloov ntawm tus cob moos Dario Nardella rau ntawm Pietrapiana, kaum ntawm Verdi, yog li ua peb tes num ntawm kho lub nroog chaw ua si nyiag tag nrho cov tshiab Led roj. Kev tripping yog tseem kawm los ntawm Councillor Stefano Giorgetti thiab muaj […]

“…E quindi entrammo a riveder le stelle…” al Museo della Scienza

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“… Thiab ces peb mus saib hnub qub... "nyob ntawm Science tsev cia puav pheej

“… Thiab ces peb mus saib lub hnub qub... "yog lus los ntawm keeb kwm, Kev kawm, tswvyim hais ua dabneeg thiab astronomy, nrog extraordinary encounters cov neeg nto moo 1800s, uas yuav tsum tau staged rau lub tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm kev kawm thiab cov tshuab ntawm Florence los 27 al 29 Tim. Xyoo pua kev thiab muaj kev, quando gli strumenti meccanici di nuova invenzione lasciarono […]

Il Parco del Sant’Antonio a Impruneta

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Neeg dawb huv Anthony Park hauv Impruneta

Yog nyob nyob ntev hnub, mus rau cov chaw ua si ntawm St. Anthony, kawm los ntawm tus cob moos of Impruneta Alessio Calamandrei, tus thawj coj ntawm lub koom haum cov Racquet, Nws muaj nyob rau hauv cov Convention lub hav fab ntawm lub tiaj ua si, taws los Filis Griffins, Anthony Ward President John Poggini, thiab cov kws kes duab vajtse Bolognini, uas thaum lub sij hawm […]

Fino al 9 luglio “Nero su nero”, laboratorio domenicale per bimbi e famiglie

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Mus txog 9 Lub Xya hli ntuj "dub rau dub", Sunday Rhiav rau cov me nyuam thiab cov yim neeg

Nws hu ua ' leej twg ntshai dub?ib txwm siv rau cov me nyuam thiab cov yim neeg nce rau Villa Bardini txhua txhua hnub Sunday tom 11, mus txog 9 Lub Xya hli ntuj, on the occasion of tus exhibition ' rau dub dub. Fontana thiab Kounellis nyob hauv lub Galliani. Tus exhibition yog tus thawj thiaj yuav nyob rau kev siv cov xim dub Italian painting thiab sculpting […]

“Custode di Anime” di Connie Shipley

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"Keeper ntawm Souls" los ntawm Connie Shipley

Phau ntawv tshiab, lub neej tshiab mus cuag muaj ntau heev; Hnub no peb hais ntawm tus sau yuav muab hu ua ib tug pej xeem lub ntiaj teb. Nyob rau hauv ltalis nrog nws tus txiv, tiam sis yug Belgium thiab thoob plaws hauv nws lub neej nws kuj nyob hauv nruab nrab sab hnub tuaj. Yog koj Connie Shipley nrog nws ob tshiab, Tus "saib xyuas […]

“Nere follie” di Tiziana Sartorati

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“Ua raws siab dub” yog Tiziana Sartorati

Tiziana Sartorati, hoob 1953, twb paub tias hauv lub tshav pob publishing, rov qab nrog ib phau ntawv tshiab, muaj zog, ntawv tuab, yus "dub lom zem": cia li nyob nplooj ntawv 100 tiam sis los ntawm lub ntsiab lus muaj zog, tam sim ntawd, uas tawm tsis ntseeg tsis yig. Lub ntsiab yog cov poj niam thiab ua tam sim no. Hauv dab neeg luv luv, nyob hauv kev nthuav dav, nyob twg […]

I film in sala dal 20 aprile

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Nyob rau hauv chav tsos 20 Tim

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 20 aprile Boston – Caccia all'uomo Genere: Yeebyam, Thriller Regia: Peter Berg cam khwb cia: Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Monaghan, Kevin Bacon, John Goodman, J. K. Simmons, Alex Wolff, Rachel Brosnahan, Peter Berg, Erica McDermott, Vincent Curatola L'attacco del 2013 […]

Buona Pasqua a tutti, ci rivediamo il 26 aprile

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Zoo siab Easter rau tagnrho cov, pom koj hauv 26 Tim

Michelangelo lub limtiam la Terrazza rau lub ntees ntawm Holy Easter suspends ntaub ntawv. Qhov teeb meem tom ntej no, thiaj li yuav tsis tuaj rau 19 Tim, tab sis, 26 Tim 2017. Sarà comunque garantita la copertura dello Scoppio del Carro con video e foto esclusive che saranno on line sul ns sito il giorno di Pasquetta. Thawj coj Franco Mariani, […]

Pasqua 2017: Lo Scoppio del Carro a Firenze

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Easter 2017: Scoppio del Carro nyob Florence

Thaum Easter, nyob rau hauv piazza Duomo, Hnub xya 16 keeb kwm reenactment muab chaw rau tim lub Scoppio del Carro, tus hiob Florentine folk kev lig kev cai lawm tso cia rau riam 9 centuries thiab xav kom ua raws li tus exploits ntawm tus Florentines hauv lub Crusades thiab lawv xa mus rau lub nroog. Cov historic commemoration yog kawm los ntawm tus kav nroog Deputy Cristina Gamboa, […]

Corteo Storico della Repubblica Fiorentina e Scoppio del Carro per la Pasqua 2017

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Parade Florentine koom pheej thiab tawg ntawm lub laub rau Easter 2017

Thaum Easter, nyob rau hauv piazza Duomo, Hnub xya 16 keeb kwm reenactment muab chaw rau tim lub Scoppio del Carro, tus hiob Florentine folk kev lig kev cai lawm tso cia rau riam 9 centuries thiab xav kom ua raws li tus exploits ntawm tus Florentines hauv lub Crusades thiab lawv xa mus rau lub nroog. Cov historic commemoration yog kawm ntawm Deputy cob moos […]

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