Tsev » 2017 » April (Nplooj ntawv 3)

Sorteggio partite del torneo del Calcio Storico di Firenze edizione Giugno 2017

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Florence kev sib tw keeb kwm football ntais ntawv kos ib tsab lub rau hli ntuj 2017

Dua no xyoo, ua ntej yuav raug rau cov wagon, hnub Easter coj muab kos rau ntawm lub tsab 2017 Keeb kwm football, qhov kawg nkaus yuav tau ua si 24 Lub rau hli ntuj, Tsiab peb caug John neeg dawb huv. Ntais ntawv uas teem tseg rau hnub vas xaum 10 Lub rau hli ntuj yuav pom cov zaub ntsuab of St. John tiv thaiv tsis tau cov reds uas raug Maria Novella opposites. Nyob rau hauv ob […]

Veglia Pasquale del Sabato Santo a Firenze con Fuoco Scoppio del Carro 2017

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Easter Vigil rau hnub Saturday ntuj hauv Florence muaj hluav taws kub Scoppio del Carro 2017

Easter Vigil ntawm ntuj hnub Saturday hauv Florence muaj hluav taws kub Scoppio del Carro 2017, presided over by Cardinal Archbishop Giuseppe Betori, preceded ntawm cov Parade ntawm cov koom Florentine pheej uas muaj escorted, nrog tus chij ntawm cov municipality thiab City Council President Catherine Biti, tus dos ntawm tus Sepulchre ntuj ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj ntawm Piazza del Limbo al Duomo […]

Scoppio del Carro: a Pasqua anche in Tv in diretta su Italia 7

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Scoppio del Carro: Thaum Easter rau nyob Tv hauv ltalis 7

Hnub Sunday tom ntej tom qab 16 Tim, Easter Sunday, lub Scoppio del Carro, tus ancient Florentine folk kev lig kev cai uas tau raug tso kom muaj cuaj centuries pasquale. 20 rov retraces tus gesta dei fiorentini tus Crusades thiab lawv xa mus rau lub nroog hauv 1101. Lub caij tseem yuav broadcast nyob hauv lub this vis los ntawm ltalis 7, Channel 17 ntawm cov terrestrial; […]

Nuova vita per la villa Medicea di Cafaggiolo

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Lub neej tshiab rau lub villa Medicea di Cafaggiolo

Lub neej tshiab rau lub villa Medicea di Cafaggiolo tsaug rau ib peev ntawm lawm 170 lab euros, nrog cov ua hauj lwm feem ntawm 2.780 hauj lwm tshiab generated ntawm lub peev, ntawm lub cev thiab ntawm lub vim raug yuam. Tus nqi added thoob plaws hauv lub Tuscany, tab sis tseem ceeb yog rau Mugello, sib npaug 165 lab euros. Yog li no lub […]

Video della Rievocazione Storica della Passione di Grassina del Venerdì Santo 2017

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Yees duab ntawm lub Reenactment ntawm tus mob siab rau ntawm Grassina Friday 2017

Yees duab ntawm 20 rov of Christ tus mob siab rau staged nyob rau London ntawm lub hmo uas zoo Friday 2017 thiab cov uas txawm nta hlo txhiab tus neeg saib. Cov kev tshwm sim muaj quas los ntawm txoj kev ua neeg mus ncig tebchaws qhov chaw onlus Grassina. Muaj tsib puas ntawm cov neeg koom tes nrog cov sawv cev. Qhib tus sawv cev tus txais tos los ntawm qhov tus kav nroog ntawm Bagno tus Ripoli […]

Venerdì 14 aprile torna la Rievocazione Storica della Passione di Cristo di Grassina

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Friday, 14 Lub plaub hlis rov reenactment cov uas muaj tus mob siab rau cov Christ hauv Grassina

Cov neeg mus ncig tebchaws txav chaw (Miv) ONLUS Grassina (Bagno ib Ripoli, Florence) tseem tau arranges rau xyoo reenactment uas muaj tus mob siab rau cov Christ, cov kev tshwm sim uas yog txhawb los ntawm cov European Union, nyob rau hauv lub cheeb tsam ntawm Tuscany, cov tsam lub nroog ntawm Florence thiab lub chaw Florence thiab Bagno ib Ripoli. Qhov no yog qhov kev pab cuam txog lwm yam txheej xwm: […]

Il Presidente Gentiloni ha inaugurato il nuovo Pronto Soccorso di Careggi

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President Gentiloni inaugurated nws cov tshiab ti tes ti taw chav nyob Careggi

THIAB’ Sawv daws President Paolo Gentiloni tau txiav tshiab daim kab xev hnub Thursday tuam txhoj raug mob nyag Center fiorentino di Careggi. Gentiloni tau nrog nws cov lus los ntawm tus Minister ntawm kev, Beatrice Lorenzin. Tuaj koom lub ceremony ribbon-txiav los ntawm cov thawj coj ntawm thaj av ntawd Tuscany, Enrico Rossi, cov tus kav nroog ntawm Florence, Dario Nardella thiab Archbishop, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori. “In […]

In piazza Beccaria esposto il primo totem in Italia “Tim City Link”

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Nyob rau hauv piazza Beccaria raug thawj ncej totem nyob ltalis “Hawm nroog Link”

Nws hu ua "Hawm nroog Link" thiab qib yog tus thawj pej xeem saib ua ntej hnub no nyob hauv Florence cov totem nationally. Tej ribbon ntawm tus tshiab multimedia chaw nres tsheb uas hlauv taws xob tshwm sim nyob ib puag ncig Lorenzo Perra square Beccaria, Councillor rau ntawm tus Comune di Firenze Innovation, thiab Marco Sanza, […]

Forze Armate a Firenze: celebrata la Pasqua con il Cardinale Betori

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Rog nyob rau hauv Florence: lom cov Passover muaj Cardinal Betori

Ntawm lub thaj neeb ntawm Santissima Annunziata nyob Florence, Muaj ib Paschal kev ua koob tsheej rau ntawm pob qij tub rog lub tsev teev ntuj officiated los Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence. Ib qhov caij recollection thiab nws tus neeg sawv cev ntawm tus rog thiab armed corps ntawm lub xeev. Cov cardinal rau lub ntsiab ntawm Easter: “Una sola […]

Papiri e antichi reperti: a Bagno a Ripoli rivive l’Egitto

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Papyrus thiab ancient artefacts: nyob rau hauv Bagno ib Ripoli relives rau tim lyiv teb chaws

May 11 rau lub Oratory Ponte kom ib Ema hu ua tom qab lub martyr, Koj mus yuav cov "Neeg dawb huv Catherine ntawm tim lyiv teb chaws-lub tim lyiv teb chaws ntawm St Catherine" ncaav exhibition cov municipality thiab cov Istituto Papirologico "g.. Vitelli, University of Florence; exhibition qhib kawg 7 Tim. Ib co yuav teev cia 60, lom zem ntau pom thawj zaug txij thaum […]

Nplooj ntawv 3 ntawm 512345