Tsev » 2017 » Tej zaum »17

I film in sala da giovedì 18 maggio

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Chav dej tsos hnub plaub 18 tej zaum

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 18 yuav noj hmo xav tias: Yeebyam, Thriller Regia: Oren Moverman Cast: Cai Richard Gere, Laura Linney, Steve Coogan, Chloë Sevigny, Rebecca Hall, Charlie Plummer, Adepero Oduye, Michael Chernus Stan Lohman, Tus thawj pwm tsav khiav rau qhov chaw ua hauj lwm […]

IN ESCLUSIVA il VIDEO del nuovo by pass del Galluzzo-Impruneta

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Kom tshiab yees duab los dhau del Galluzzo Certosa

Kom La Terrazza di Michelangelo qhia tau hais tias koj cov thawj tshiab ncab ntawm kev ntawm kis del Galluzzo/Impruneta, ntawm Gabriela mus txog Gallery Poggio Secco. Tus inauguration thiab qhib rau uantej yog teem rau 10 ntawm 29 tej zaum yuav muaj cov Minister thiab cob moos Delrio Nardella. Nab ntawm asphalt nyob 3,5 chilometri […]

Presentazione fiorentina del film “Tutto quello che vuoi” di Francesco Bruni

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Florentine kev nthuav qhia tus yeeb yam “Txhua yam uas koj xav tau” yog Francesco Bruni

Kev nthuav qhia Florentine, nrog rau kev sib tham nrog tus thawj coj thiab cov kev actor, naam tshiab los Francesco Bruni “Txhua yam uas koj xav tau”, dim de raws li phau ntawv los ntawm Cosimo Calamini, “Tsawg tshaj tsis muaj dab tsi”. Txhais los ntawm Giuliano Montaldo, Andrea Cannon, Arturo Bruni thiab Emanuele Propitious, Donatella Finocchiaro, Antonio Gerardi, Raffaella Lebboroni, Andrea Lehotska, Cai Richard van Rooyen thiab Carolina […]

Francesco Renga al Mandela con ospite Panariello

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Francesco Renga rau Mandela nrog P.v. qhua

"Kuv mamli sau koj lub npe nyob rau hauv palasport" los ntawm Francesco Renga tuaj txog hnub plaub 18 Ntuj yuav Mandela rooj sab laj (teev 21 – daim pib rau lub rooj zaum numbered ntawm 27,82 mus 56,52 Euro – ua ntej muag Circuit Court www.boxofficetoscana.it/punti-vendita tel. 055 210804 thiab nyob hauv internet ntawm www.ticketone.it tel. 892 101 – Tus xov tooj pab ntxiv yog. 055.667566 – www.bitconcerti.it – www.fepgroup.it – #rengafi17) thiab nyob rau lub […]

Caterina Murino, lo chef Rugiati e Tristano in un corto toscano

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Caterina Murino, cov kws ua zaub mov Rugiati thiab Tristan ua ib toscano me ntsis

Actress Caterina Murino, il musicista Francesco Tristano e lo chef Simone Rugiati sono tra i protagonisti di un cortometraggio dedicato alle maestranze del “Made in Italy”, tra artigianato, moda e design, girato da lunedì 15 maggio a Firenze e dintorni. Il corto nasce per la promozione di Cuoio di Toscana, consorzio leader nella produzione di […]

Le Misericordie d’Italia parlano toscano

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Cov Misericordie ltalis txawj hais lus toscano

Lub teb chaws los ua ke ntawm Francis of Assisi twb muaj coob nus/kwv thiab muam/viv ncaus ua hauv lub nruab nrog qhov National Confederation of Tuscany, pib nrog cov thawj coj. Muaj tiag 14 cov nus/kwv thiab muam/viv ncaus uas tsis ua cas cov Tuscany uas yuav yog ib feem ntawm cov tshiab hauv lub nruab nrog qhov National Confederation of Mercies. Qhov no nws yog lub sij hawm ntawm lub teb chaws los ua ke […]

La domenica? Si va in biblioteca, alle Oblate

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Sundays? Koj mus rau lub tsev qiv ntawv, tom Oblate

Rov qab dua no xyoo rau hnub Sunday Oblate: tus 21 thiab cov 28 tej zaum, los ntawm 11 tom 18, lub qhov rooj ntawm lub qub xyoo pua mus. VIII monastery nyob rau ntawm dell'oriuolo yuav qhib rau kev nyeem ntawv, txoj kev tshawv no, Xauj lub rhawv, qev ib phau ntawv, Kiv los ntawm ib cov ntawv xov xwm, Dej das hauv internet thiab tau mus koom rau cov txheej xwm los. Qhov no yog cov kev pab cuam […]

Da Vinci Experience a Santo Stefano al Ponte fino all’8 ottobre

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Da Vinci kev hauv Santo Stefano al Ponte kom txog rau thaum lub kaum hli ntuj 8

Da Vinci kev, tus tshiab multimedia exhibition uas ua los ntawm Crossmedia nyob rau qhov chaw kom txog rau thaum lub kaum hli ntuj 8 2017 zuag qhia tag nrho cov Deconsecrated lub tsev teev ntuj uas Santo Stefano al Ponte nyob Florence, ob peb kauj ruam ntawm Ponte Vecchio. Nplooj siab rau tus ntse heev ntawm Leonardo, kom nws paub thiab eclecticism nyob rau hauv ntau disciplines, zus unprecedented xav mus ua tus continuation ntuj […]

Fiato ai Fiati! Legni e Ottoni si “presentano” alla Scuola di Fiesole

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Ua tsis taus pa los cua! Woodwind thiab kev pab li sawv daws dag koj "tuaj" ntawm tus Scuola di Fiesole

Hnub vas xaum 20 Tej zaum 2017, teev 15, nyob Villa La Torraccia, Koj yuav koom nrog rau ob thiab hnub qhib hnub ntawm Woodwind Department Fiesole kawm txog cov suab paj nruag (Ntawm delle hau xaws 4, San Domenico di Fiesole-nkaus): Ua tsis taus pa los cua! Lub woodwind thiab seev dag kawm qhib rau pej xeem, rau txhua qhov […]

L’Italia delle religioni – Italy and religions all’Istituto Sangalli

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Tus ltalis ntawm kev ntseeg-ltalis thiab religions rau hauv lub koom haum S

Thoj muab rooj sib tham nyob hauv lub koom haum S’ rau ' Religions: hauv zos thiab ntiaj teb no scenarios cov: Paul ntswg thiab Brunetto Salvarani, protagonists socio-kev cai dab qhuas thiab theological full hauv peb lub teb chaws, yuav tham txog, txij lawv daim ntawv qhia tseeb rau cov religions, kev cai dab qhuas pluralism thiab prospects ntawm kev sib tham ntawm religions. Lub rooj sib tham tom ntej yuav tsum nyob rau 25 tej zaum muaj Roberto Di Stefano (Universidad Nacional […]

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